14,915 research outputs found

    Uzaktan eğitim sürecinde oyun tabanlı bir uygulamanın ilkokul öğrencilerinin kesirleri öğrenmede öz-yeterlik ve başarılarına olan etkisi

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    Fractions have great importance for primary students in mathematics education and are one of the most problematic concepts they encounter in their school life. This research study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a game-based app (Slice Fractions) to help students to develop their academic performance and self-efficacy in fraction skills during distance education. A total of 142 fourth grade students from eight different classes participated to the study. A quasi-experimental method was used to assess the impact of the Slice Fractions game on student learning and self-efficacy of the concept of fractions in the fourth-grade math course. The self-efficacy scale and the diagnose test for fractions were applied to the fourth-grade students. The results showed that the students in the game group had significantly better learning performance in fractions than students in the non-game group. Similarly, the students in the game group had significantly better self-efficacy in fractions than students in the non-game group.Matematik eğitiminde büyük önem taşıyan kesirler konusu ilköğretim öğrencilerinin okul hayatlarında karşılaştıkları en problemli kavramlardan birisidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, uzaktan eğitim sırasında oyun tabanlı bir uygulamanın (Slice Fractions) öğrencilerin kesirler konusundaki akademik performanslarını ve öz yeterliklerini ne denli geliştirmelerine olanak sağladığını incelemektir. Araştırmaya sekiz farklı sınıftan toplam 142 dördüncü sınıf öğrencisi katılmıştır. Çalışmada yarı deneysel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak Slice Fractions oyununun öğrencilerin kesirler kavramını öğrenmesinde ve öz-yeterlik konusunda etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilere kesirler öz-yeterlik ölçeği ve kesirler başarı testi uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, oyun grubundaki öğrencilerin, oyun oynamayan gruptaki öğrencilere göre kesirlerde önemli ölçüde daha iyi öğrenme performansına ve daha iyi öz-yeterliğe sahip oldukları sonucuna varılmıştır


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    ABACUS active learn is an inclusive online site for teachers and students to illustrate and learn Mathematics in the primary level. ABACUS is considered as an online innovation that enables the students to have the ownership of their learning through interactive activities that can be done independently in the classroom or spend their rewards in online learning games. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of using ABACUS on students’ performance of 5th grade while studying Fractions. This study designed to be tested in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. A quasi-experimental design was used to collect data using a pre-test and post-test tool to evaluate the effectiveness of the ABACUS active learn intervention. Eighty (n=80) participants were randomly divided into two groups of control and experimental. The results of the post- test indicated a statistically significant point of preference of using ABACUS digital based gamed learning for the experimental group over the control group. Specifically, results revealed that students who were exposed to ABACUS actively achieved a higher average score (M= 11.93, SD= 1.738) on the overall score compared to the score (M= 9.90, SD= 1.875) of students of the control group. The research finding will facilitate further researches on the use of the Active learning on teaching Mathematics. Additionally, it gives some recommendations for professional development for the implementation of ABACUS active learn in online learning for the primary Mathematics teachers

    Game-Based Learning in Elementary Mathematics

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    This paper analyzed 15 primary, peer-reviewed research articles about how to integrate game-based learning in elementary mathematics to increase conceptual understanding. The purpose of this paper was to inform teachers about how to integrate digital and traditional games, including factors to enhance effective implementation, in a way that increased conceptual understanding. Key factors were gleaned from the articles that had a significant impact on the effectiveness of game-based learning. In Chapter Two, traditional and digital games were divided into two sections to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each method. These benefits and drawbacks were compared in the Appendices to create universal factors of both traditional and digital game-based learning. These factors included educational context, key characteristics, and the teacher’s role. Research had multiple gaps within the literature that could be filled to enhance the credibility and further validate game-based learning as a viable supplemental tool to instruction in elementary mathematics

    How Preservice Teachers Develop Awareness and Beliefs About Design Features and Academic Language Features When Choosing and Evaluating Digital Math Games for English Language Learners

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    This mixed methods study examined how preservice teachers developed awareness and beliefs about design features and academic language features when choosing and evaluating digital math games for English language learners. The overarching research question for this study was, “How do preservice teachers develop awareness and beliefs about design features and academic language features when choosing and evaluating digital math games for English language learners (ELLs)?” During the study, 21 elementary preservice teachers participated in online learning modules about design features and academic language features in digital math games. During the modules, preservice teachers chose and evaluated three digital math games for ELLs based on their awareness of the design features and academic language features in the games. Preservice teachers completed a pre- and post-belief survey, a pre- and post-evaluation rubric, two module reflections, and participated in semistructured interviews. I analyzed qualitative and quantitative data by identifying common themes among open-ended responses on the surveys and evaluation rubrics, module reflections, and responses to the semi-structured interviews. I then used frequency tables to count the themes that emerged and visualized the frequency counts using bar graphs. I then examined the changes in beliefs from pre- to post-surveys and scores from pre- to post- evaluation rubrics. Finally, I compared the results from these analyses to examine how the qualitative and quantitative results agreed or disagreed. Results showed a positive change in preservice teachers’ beliefs about using digital math games to enhance mathematics instruction for ELLs after they participated in the learning modules. Results also showed an increase in preservice teachers’ awareness of design features and academic language features. This indicates that using the learning modules, and the opportunity to choose and evaluate the digital math games, supported a positive impact on preservice teachers’ beliefs and awareness of design features and academic language features

    We Don’t Want to Talk About It: Communication Strategies for Teaching Less Popular Subjects

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    Some subjects are the unloved: the required course in academic writing, the required course in public speaking, the course in communication theory, the course in basic mathematics. This paper brings together perspectives from professors in Communication Studies, Mathematics, and Writing to consider the critical connection between communicative practice and learning, applying a networked perspective of interconnections

    Using Gamification to Teach Foundational Fractions in the Third Grade: Year One

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    Schools face an instructional dilemma with how to create a motivational environment where fractions are fun, interactive, and induce problem-solving skills through real-time application. The concept of gamification has been utilized in business for marketing, employee training, customer retention, health, and fitness with much success. How can primary educational institutions harness the potential of gamification to close academic gaps or prevent stopgaps? This situation is particularly challenging at this level because there has to be a balance between interaction, gamification, and content delivery; while also providing effective instructional learning objectives for knowledge mastery without overloading students with information and digital “noise” that can easily distract a third grader from the instructional goal. This research studied the impact of Fractionville; a gamified math program developed for third-grade students learning foundational fractions in an urban school. The study utilized a quasi-experimental approach to analyze the effects of gamification on motivation, teachers’ perceptions, and differences in achievement levels between students receiving traditional education on fractions and students receiving the gamification treatment. The study found that the Low-RTI and High classes benefited from the gamified math program (Fractionville). Also, the teachers’ overall perception of gamification in practice was positive. If gamification can be an instructional strategy to engage disenfranchised students, provide flexibility and individualized learning then similar districts could potentially examine their curriculum and data relative to instructional challenges and insert a gamification model to meet students where they are academically, as well as, provide instructional levels and goals through a gamified instructional experience

    Dimensions of learning mathematics via technology

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    Mathematics is a comprehensive, even esthetical experience, affecting a person intellectually, emotionally and physically. The purpose of this study is to determine and examine the dimensions of technology-enhanced mathematics learning. The three learning domains cognitive, psychomotor and affective, ranging from uncomplicated to more complex learning outcomes, as defined by Bloom, have been used a great deal in mathematics pedagogy (Krathwohl, Bloom, & Masia, 1964). This study goes deeper and also examines motivation theory and learning theories when applying technology to the teaching of mathematics. To get a broad picture of the impact of these dimensions on mathematics learning via technology, research was conducted in an array of contexts, including South Af-rica, Mozambique, Germany and Finland. The cross-cultural and cross-countries ap-proach was chosen to ensure wider generalizability of the research. The study invol-ved an action design research (ADR) approach of creating and evaluating artifacts; (i) a novel pedagogical INBECOM model for mathematics learning advocating both behavioristic and constructivist perspectives, and (ii) a newly designed and created story-based UFractions mobile game for learning of fractions incorporating tangible manipulatives. In particular, the affective domain of participants in the study was being studied throughout a ten-year research process from 2009 to 2019. The INBECOM pedagogical model was tested by organizing a fraction course for 21 grade 10 students. The development and evaluation of the pedagogical INBECOM model gives a concrete example of how two learning approaches, constructivism and behaviourism, can be combined in teaching fractions. Furthermore, the results of the qualitative evaluation confirm the view that successful instructional practices have features that are supported by both constructivism and behaviorism. The UFractions mobile game was evaluated with 305 grade 8 students and 12 teachers. Empirical tests indicate that combining concrete manipulatives and mobile phones is a meaningful way to learn the abstract concept of fractions, increasing active student participation. On the basis of the collected data, I initiated a taxonomy for the variety of play motivations in the UFractions game. The dynamics between game motivations and disturbance factors (DF) was analysed. Each motivation relates to a set of DFs typically affecting the player motivation negatively. By becoming aware of these relations, we are able to design more motivating educational games and give guidelines for game developers, users and educators. To explore the affective learning experiences of the three groups of research participants, the qualitative data was derived from the interviews with researchers, teachers and students, as well as from learning diaries, feelings blogs, observations (311 documents) and quantitized (Saldaña, 2009). All the data was explored from the affective perspective, by labelling the feelings the participants experienced according to the affective levels of the Krathwohl et al. (1964) framework. I concluded that affective learning at all five levels was recognized among the three groups of participants. However, the results show that affective learning mostly took place at the receiving level, indicating that the participants received more than they responded, valued, organized or internalized. There was also a significant effect of research participants pertaining to receive; students’ affective learning occurred more at the receiving level than that of the teachers; and teachers’ affective learning emerged more at the value level. Moreover, I define a dimension taxonomy of learning to be used as a framework in the design and implementation of technology-enhanced mathematics teaching and learning including the following three dimensions: (i) Domains of learning, (ii) Orientation of learning, and (iii) Motivation of learning. More precisely, the five domains of learning are cognitive, psychomotor, affective, interpersonal, and intra-personal. Considering orientation of learning, combining behaviorism and constructivism, would lead to more motivating and meaningful teaching and learning strategies. Furthermore, the level of technology integration, the level of students’ cognitive process, and the level of teachers’ knowledge, are intertwined. Motivational fac-tors are an essential part of learning, and it is important to acknowledge connections between motivations and disturbances, when using technology.--- Matematiikka on moniulotteinen kokemus vaikuttaen henkilöön älyllisesti ja tunnetasolla samalla kytkeytyen myös fyysiseen ulottuvuuteen. Tämä tutkimus määrittää ja tarkastelee teknologia-avusteisen matematiikan oppimisen dimensioita. Bloomin määrittämät kolme oppimisen osa-aluetta, kognitiivinen, psykomotorinen ja affektiivinen, jotka etenevät yksinkertaisista monimutkaisempiin oppimisen tasoihin, ovat olleet laajasti käytössä matematiikan pedagogiikassa (Krathwohl, Bloom & Masia, 1964). Tämä tutkimus laajentaa käsitystä oppimisesta tutkimalla motivaatio ja oppimisteorioita sekä niiden käytännön soveltamista matematiikan opetuksessa teknologian avulla. Laajan ymmärryksen saavuttamiseksi siitä, miten nämä tekijät vaikuttavat matematiikan oppimiseen teknologian avulla, tutkimusta toteutettiin monissa eri ympäristöissä, mukaan lukien EteläAfrikka, Mosambik, Saksa ja Suomi. Tutkimuksessa huomioitiin kulttuuriset ja kansainväliset näkökulmat tulosten laajemman yleistettävyyden varmistamiseksi. Tutkimus hyödynsi suunnittelutoimintatutkimuksen (Action Design Research, ADR) menetelmää artefaktien luomiseksi ja evaluoimiseksi: (i) uudenlaista behavioristisia ja konstruktivistisia näkökulmia yhdistävää pedagogista INBECOM-mallia matematiikan oppimiseen, ja (ii) käsinkosketeltavia matematiikan apuvälineitä hyödyntävää UFractions-mobiilipeliä murtolukujen oppimiseen. Erityisesti osallistujien affektiivista oppimista tutkittiin kymmenen vuoden tutkimusprosessin aikana vuosina 2009–2019. INBECOM-pedagogista mallia testattiin järjestämällä murtolukukurssi kansanopiston 10luokalle, jolla oli 21 oppilasta. Pedagogisen INBECOMmallin kehitys ja arviointi antavat konkreettisen esimerkin siitä, miten kahden oppimisteorian, konstruktivismin ja behaviorismin, voi yhdistää murtolukujen opetuksessa. Lisäksi laadullisen arvioinnin tulokset vahvistavat käsitystä siitä, että menestyksellisillä opetusmenetelmillä on piirteitä, jotka hyödyntävät sekä konstruktivistisia että behavioristisia periaatteita. UFractions-mobiilipeli arvioitiin 305 8-luokan opiskelijan ja 12 opettajan avulla. Empiiriset testit osoittavat, että konkreettisten apuvälineiden ja matkapuhelimien yhdistäminen on mielekäs tapa oppia abstrakti murtoluvun käsite ja edistää opiskelijoiden aktiivista osallistumista. Kerätyn datan perusteella kehitettiin taksonomia UFractions-pelin pelimotivaatioista. Pelimotivaatioiden ja häiriötekijöiden (Disturbance Factors, DF) välistä dynamiikkaa analysoitiin. Jokainen motivaatio liittyy tiettyihin häiriötekijöihin, jotka yleensä vaikuttavat pelaajan motivaatioon negatiivisesti. Näiden suhteiden tiedostaminen auttaa suunnittelemaan motivoivampia opetuspelejä ja antaa suuntaviivoja pelikehittäjille, käyttäjille ja opettajille. Affektiivisen oppimisen kokemusten tutkimiseksi tutkimukseen osallistuneiden kolmen ryhmän dataa tarkasteltiin laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin; tutkijoiden, opettajien ja opiskelijoiden haastattelut, oppimispäiväkirjat, tunneblogi sekä havainnot (311 asiakirjaa) kvantifioitiin (Saldaña, 2009). Kaikki data analysoitiin affektiivisesta näkökulmasta merkitsemällä osallistujien kokemat tunteet Krathwohlin ym. (1964) viitekehyksen affektiivisten tasojen mukaisesti. Tutkimus osoitti, että affektiivista oppimista tunnistettiin kolmen osallistujaryhmän keskuudessa kaikilla viidellä tasolla. Tulokset osoittavat kuitenkin, että affektiivinen oppiminen tapahtui pääasiassa vastaanottotasolla, mikä viittaa siihen, että osallistujat vastaanottivat enemmän kuin he vastasivat, arvostivat, järjestivät tai sisäistivät. Myös osallistujaryhmien affektiivista oppimista koskevat tulokset vaihtelivat merkittävästi: opiskelijoiden affektiivinen oppiminen tapahtui enemmän matalammalla vastaanottotasolla kuin opettajien, ja opettajien affektiivinen oppiminen ilmeni enemmän korkeamman, arvotason oppimisena. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa määritellään oppimisen ulottuvuuksien taksonomia, jota käytetään teknologia-avusteisen matematiikan opetuksen ja oppimisen suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tähän kuuluu seuraavat kolme ulottuvuutta: (i) Oppimisen osa-alueet, (ii) Oppimisen orientaatio ja (iii) Oppimisen motivaatio. Tarkemmin sanottuna viisi oppimisen osa-aluetta ovat kognitiivinen, psykomotorinen, affektiivinen, interpersonaalinen ja intrapersonaalinen. Yhdistämällä behavioristisia ja konstruktivistisia elementtejä saadaan innostavia ja merkityksellisiä opetus ja oppimisstrategioita. Motivaatiotekijät ovat olennainen osa oppimista, ja teknologiaa käytettäessä on tärkeää tunnistaa yhteydet motivaation ja erilaisten häiriötekijöiden välillä. Lisäksi teknologian integraation taso, opiskelijoiden kognitiivinen prosessi ja opettajien tietotaso ovat kietoutuneet toisiinsa