5 research outputs found

    Cognição distribuída e curso de ação

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    O programa de pesquisa "cognição distribuída", iniciado por Edwin Hutchins, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento do programa de pesquisa "curso de ação" de 1987 até aos dias atuais. Edwin Hutchins reconheceu recentemente a proximidade das suas últimas investigações, realizadas em termos de cognição corporificada e distribuída, com aquela regida pelo paradigma da enação, cuja investigação é desenvolvida no âmbito deste programa de investigação " curso de ação”. Coloca-se agora a questão da definição de um “programa de pesquisa de “curso de ação” ampliado”, que, em relação a este paradigma de atuação, por um lado, aprofunda e sistematiza as contribuições anteriores deste programa de pesquisa de “cognição distribuída” para o programa de pesquisa de “curso de ação”, e, por outro lado, integra novas contribuições deste último. Tal sistematização, superação e renovação das contribuições para o programa de pesquisa do "curso de ação" podem basear-se na mutualização e acumulação de vários avanços teóricos e metodológicos obtidos pelos dois programas de pesquisa. Veremos aqui que resposta podemos fornecer pessoalmente a esta pergunta.El programa de investigación ‘cognición distribuida’, iniciado por Edwin Hutchins, ha contribuido al desarrollo del programa de investigación ‘curso de acción’ desde 1987 hasta nuestros días. Edwin Hutchins reconoció recientemente la proximidad de sus últimas investigaciones realizadas en términos de cognición encarnada y distribuida, con las dirigidas por el paradigma de la enacción, del que forman parte las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el marco de este programa de investigación ‘curso de acción ‘. Esto hace que la cuestión que se plantea hoy, sea la de definir un “programa de investigación ‘curso de acción’ aumentado”, que, en relación con el mencionado paradigma de la enacción, por una parte, profundice y sistematice los aportes anteriores de dicho programa de ‘cognición distribuida’ con el programa de investigación ‘curso de acción’, y por otra parte, integre nuevos aportes de este último. En tal sentido, la sistematización, superación y renovación de los aportes al programa de investigación ‘curso de acción’ pueden apoyarse en la organización y en el cúmulo de diversos avances teóricos y metodológicos obtenidos por ambos programas de investigación. Vamos a ver aquí qué respuesta podemos aportar personalmente a esta cuestión.Le programme de recherche « cognition distribuée », initié par Edwin Hutchins, a contribué au développement du programme de recherche « cours d’action » de 1987 à nos jours. Edwin Hutchins ayant reconnu récemment la proximité de ses dernières recherches, menées en termes de cognition incarnée et distribuée, avec celles qui sont commandées par le paradigme de l’énaction, dont font partie les recherches menées dans le cadre de ce programme de recherche « cours d’action », la question se pose aujourd’hui de la définition d’un « programme de recherche “cours d’action” augmenté », qui, en relation avec ce paradigme de l’énaction, d’une part, approfondisse et systématise les apports antérieurs de ce programme de recherche « cognition distribuée » au programme de recherche « cours d’action », d’autre part, intègre de nouveaux apports de celui-ci. Une telle systématisation, un tel dépassement et un tel renouvellement des apports au programme de recherche « cours d’action » peuvent s’appuyer sur la mutualisation et le cumul de divers progrès théoriques et méthodologiques obtenus par les deux programmes de recherche. Nous allons voir ici quelle réponse nous pouvons apporter personnellement à cette question.The ‘distributed cognition’ research program, initiated by Edwin Hutchins, has contributed to the development of the ‘course of action’ research program from 1987 until now. Edwin Hutchins has recently recognized the proximity between his last researches, developed in terms of embodied and distributed cognition, and the enaction paradigm, followed by this ‘course of action’ research program. The question of the definition of an "augmented ‘course of action’ research program" is now raised. Such "program" should, in relation with this enaction paradigm, deepen and synthetize the past contributions of the ‘distributed cognition’ research program to the ‘course of action’ research program and add new contributions from it. Such deepening, synthesis, and renewal of the contributions to the ‘course of action’ research program are made easy by the mutual contribution and addition of different theoretical and methodological results obtained by the two research programs. We will present here our personal answer to this question

    Cognition distribuée et Cours d’action

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    Le programme de recherche « cognition distribuée », initié par Edwin Hutchins, a contribué au développement du programme de recherche « cours d’action » de 1987 à nos jours. Edwin Hutchins ayant reconnu récemment la proximité de ses dernières recherches, menées en termes de cognition incarnée et distribuée, avec celles qui sont commandées par le paradigme de l’énaction, dont font partie les recherches menées dans le cadre de ce programme de recherche « cours d’action », la question se pose aujourd’hui de la définition d’un « programme de recherche “cours d’action” augmenté », qui, en relation avec ce paradigme de l’énaction, d’une part, approfondisse et systématise les apports antérieurs de ce programme de recherche « cognition distribuée » au programme de recherche « cours d’action », d’autre part, intègre de nouveaux apports de celui-ci. Une telle systématisation, un tel dépassement et un tel renouvellement des apports au programme de recherche « cours d’action » peuvent s’appuyer sur la mutualisation et le cumul de divers progrès théoriques et méthodologiques obtenus par les deux programmes de recherche. Nous allons voir ici quelle réponse nous pouvons apporter personnellement à cette question.The ‘distributed cognition’ research program, initiated by Edwin Hutchins, has contributed to the development of the ‘course of action’ research program from 1987 to the present day. Edwin Hutchins having recently recognized the close relationship between his latest research, developed in terms of embodied and distributed cognition, and his research on the enaction paradigm, of which this ‘course of action’ research program is a part, the question now arises of the definition of an “augmented ‘course of action’ research program”. In relation to this enaction paradigm, such a program should go into greater depth and provide a new synthesis of the ‘distributed cognition’ research program’s past contributions to the ‘course of action’ research program and integrate its new contributions. This in-depth analysis, synthesis and renewal of the contributions to the ‘course of action’ research program are facilitated by the mutual contribution and addition of different theoretical and methodological results obtained by the two research programs over recent decades. In this paper we will present our personal view of the answer to this question

    Accounting for taste:conversation, categorisation and certification in the sensory assessment of craft brewing

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    The recent rapid growth of “craft beer” has led to a search for definitions and categorisation of that sector with “beer style” used as one criterion. This thesis explores the origins of these style definitions and how they act as a technology of classification which affects how sensory judgments are formed and expressed in practice, and how judges are examined and certified. The investigation draws on actor-network theory and ethnomethodology to trace how taste descriptions are assembled and translated into test items in an online exam. The material orderings and classification practices which assemble competition judging are then explored ethnographically by following the trajectory of a beer through these situated actions. The magnification is increased through developing original methods utilising digital pens, and draws on principles from conversation analysis to explore the sequential and categorial aspects of judging talk and its co-ordination with writing and form-filling. Finally, auto-ethnographic and material-semiotic explorations are used to explore how a blind beer tasting exam is assembled, and the models of learning and assessment it enacts. The historical construction of the contemporary language of sensory assessment supports the construction of the style guides. Once assembled into an information infrastructure the style guide is extended to act in multiple different ways: its propositions are translated into testable facts with multiple choices, it functions as a technology of material ordering and coordination, as a regulatory technology placing limits on how taste judgements can and cannot be expressed or recorded, and as a re-enactment and materialisation of individual cognitivist models of assessment. Through exploring the ways a classification system is assembled, translated and made authoritative this thesis extends the conceptualisation of what is considered a technology in technology enhanced learning, and extends the dialogue between that disciplinary field and scholarship in science and technology studies

    Mobile Pen and Paper Interaction

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    Although smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices become increasingly popular, pen and paper continue to play an important role in mobile settings, such as note taking or creative discussions. However, information on paper documents remains static and usage practices involving sharing, researching, linking or in any other way digitally processing information on paper are hindered by the gap between the digital and physical worlds. A considerable body of research has leveraged digital pen technology in order to overcome this problem with respect to static settings, however, systematically neglecting the mobile domain. Only recently, several approaches began exploring the mobile domain and developing initial insights into mobile pen-and-paper interaction (mPPI), e.g., to publish digital sketches, [Cowan et al., 2011], link paper and digital artifacts, [Pietrzak et al., 2012] or compose music, [Tsandilas, 2012]. However, applications designed to integrate the most common mobile tools pen, paper and mobile devices, thereby combining the benefits of both worlds in a hybrid mPPI ensemble, are hindered by the lack of supporting infrastructures and limited theoretical understanding of interaction design in the domain. This thesis advances the field by contributing a novel infrastructural approach toward supporting mPPI. It allows applications employing digital pen technology in controlling interactive functionality while preserving mobile characteristics of pen and paper. In addition, it contributes a conceptual framework of user interaction in the domain suiting to serve as basis for novel mPPI toolkits. Such toolkits ease development of mPPI solutions by focusing on expressing interaction rather than designing user interfaces by means of rigid widget sets. As such, they provide the link between infrastructure and interaction in the domain. Lastly, this thesis presents a novel, empirically substantiated theory of interaction in hybrid mPPI ensembles. This theory informs interaction design of mPPI, ultimately allowing to develop compelling and engaging interactive systems employing this modality