4 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Sense of Coherence and School Connectedness Among Online Public High School Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sense of coherence and school connectedness among online public high school students. The connection students make with their school can affect their well-being based on the stress they perceive from the school and its environment. The variables of interest were the sense of coherence score and the school connectedness score. A bivariate correlational research study was performed to determine if there was a significant relationship between the two variables. The sample was 83 high school students enrolled in an online public school. Each completed the Sense of Coherence – Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-13) and the School Connectedness Survey. Data was analyzed using the Pearson’s Product Moment r to examine the relationship between the two variables. Results of the study found a negative correlation between the sense of coherence score, sense of coherence comprehensibility score, sense of coherence manageability score and school connectedness score. No correlation was found between the sense of coherence meaningfulness score and school connectedness score. Recommendations for future research include examining different populations and socioeconomics of the participants. A qualitative study is also recommended to examine motivation and academic support. This study will help online public high school administrators and faculty understand students like those enrolled in their schools and develop programs to help promote school connectedness and reduce stres

    Supporting empathy in online learning with artificial expressions

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    A comunicação não verbal no design colaborativo : um estudo de caso sobre a atividade de cocriação no desenvolvimento de produtos de linha branca

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Adriano HeemannDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa: Curitiba, 05/02/2016Inclui referências : f. 192-200Resumo: A crescente complexidade projetual e as pressões para o atendimento demúltiplos requisitos de projeto em um tempo cada vez mais reduzido aumentam arelevância do estudo da colaboração no design. A comunicação, por sua vez, é vistacomo um fator essencial para que a colaboração aconteça, além de estarrelacionada ao sucesso ou fracasso dos projetos. Nos últimos anos, muitos autoresse dedicaram ao estudo do tema, especialmente a compreensão da linguagemverbal e visual na colaboração do design. Porém, existe uma lacuna na literatura, noque concerne a comunicação não verbal que representa, aproximadamente, 65% dosignificado social de uma interação. Esta pesquisa visa, portanto, o preenchimento desta lacuna por meio da investigação do seguinte problema de pesquisa: como acomunicação não verbal pode contribuir para o design colaborativo? Para respondera questão proposta, foram realizadas revisões bibliográficas sistemáticas acerca dosseguintes temas: comunicação não verbal, comunicação no design colaborativo ecomunicação não verbal no design. Outras referências, adicionadas as revisões,abordam o tema da colaboração no design, dinâmica dos grupos e interacionismosimbólico. Essa pesquisa argumenta que o Interacionismo simbólico constitui umabase teórica adequada para a investigação do design colaborativo e sugere que aaproximação entre os estudos de psicologia social ou dinâmica dos grupos e designcolaborativo seja realizada. O referencial teórico embasa um estudo de caso únicorealizado em uma empresa que desenvolve produtos de linha branca. Neste estudoa comunicação não verbal de uma interação entre designers e usuários que temcomo objetivo o desenvolvimento um novo produto é observada. Com isso, concluiseque os gestos, as expressões faciais, a proxêmica e o olhar podem contribuircom o design colaborativo em três dimensões: (i) oferecendo subsídios para avaliaras interações; (ii) melhorando a comunicação entre designers e usuários e; (iii)fornecendo informações não verbalizadas pelos usuários que podem esclarecer ocontexto do problema de design e serem incorporados ao produto emdesenvolvimento propriamente dito.Palavras chave: Design colaborativo, comunicação, comunicação não verbal,dinâmica de grupos, interacionismo simbólico.Abstract: The increasing complexity of design projects and the need to meet multipleproject requirements in reduced time, both rise the importance of the study ofcollaboration in design. Therefore, communication is seen as an essential factor forcollaboration, being related to the success or failure of the projects. In the last years,many studies have been dedicated to this theme, especially in order to understandthe verbal and visual languages on design collaboration. However, despite the factthat there is still a literature gap, nonverbal communication represents approximately65% of the meaning of social interactions. Thus, this research aims to fill this gapinvestigating the following question: how nonverbal communication may improvecollaborative design practices? To answer this question the research proceeded to asystematic literature reviews and approached the following themes: nonverbalcommunication, communication in collaborative design and nonverbalcommunication in design. Other references, added to the reviews, touched thethemes of collaborative design, group dynamics and symbolic interactionism. Theresearch, then, argues that symbolic interactionism is an appropriate theoreticalbasis for investigating collaborative design and suggests the need for a connectionbetween this field and social psychology or group dynamics studies. This theoreticalframework underlies the empirical approach of a single case study carried in acompany of white goods. In this study, the nonverbal communication of a designerand users interaction aiming the development of a new product is observed. Thus,the research concludes that the gestures, facial expressions, proxemics and gazemay improve collaborative design in three dimensions: (i) offering subsidies to betterevaluate the interactions; (ii) enriching communication between designers and users;(iii) providing information, unspoken by users, that clarifies the context of the designproblem and may be incorporated into the product development itself.Key words: Collaborative design, communication, nonverbal communication, groupdynamics, symbolic interactionism