19 research outputs found

    Support vector machine versus logistic regression modeling for prediction of hospital mortality in critically ill patients with haematological malignancies

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    Background: Several models for mortality prediction have been constructed for critically ill patients with haematological malignancies in recent years. These models have proven to be equally or more accurate in predicting hospital mortality in patients with haematological malignancies than ICU severity of illness scores such as the APACHE II or SAPS II [1]. The objective of this study is to compare the accuracy of predicting hospital mortality in patients with haematological malignancies admitted to the ICU between models based on multiple logistic regression (MLR) and support vector machine (SVM) based models. Methods: 352 patients with haematological malignancies admitted to the ICU between 1997 and 2006 for a life-threatening complication were included. 252 patient records were used for training of the models and 100 were used for validation. In a first model 12 input variables were included for comparison between MLR and SVM. In a second more complex model 17 input variables were used. MLR and SVM analysis were performed independently from each other. Discrimination was evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (+/- SE). Results: The area under ROC curve for the MLR and SVM in the validation data set were 0.768 (+/- 0.04) vs. 0.802 (+/- 0.04) in the first model (p = 0.19) and 0.781 (+/- 0.05) vs. 0.808 (+/- 0.04) in the second more complex model (p = 0.44). SVM needed only 4 variables to make its prediction in both models, whereas MLR needed 7 and 8 variables in the first and second model respectively. Conclusion: The discriminative power of both the MLR and SVM models was good. No statistically significant differences were found in discriminative power between MLR and SVM for prediction of hospital mortality in critically ill patients with haematological malignancies

    AAGLMES: an intelligent expert system realization of adaptive autonomy using generalized linear models

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    Abstract—We earlier introduced a novel framework for realization of Adaptive Autonomy (AA) in human-automation interaction (HAI). This study presents an expert system for realization of AA, using Support Vector Machine (SVM), referred to as Adaptive Autonomy Support Vector Machine Expert System (AASVMES). The proposed system prescribes proper Levels of Automation (LOAs) for various environmental conditions, here modeled as Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs), based on the extracted rules from the experts’ judgments. SVM is used as an expert system inference engine. The practical list of PSFs and the judgments of GTEDC’s (the Greater Tehran Electric Distribution Company) experts are used as expert system database. The results of implemented AASVMES in response to GTEDC’s network are evaluated against the GTEDC experts’ judgment. Evaluations show that AASVMES has the ability to predict the proper LOA for GTEDC’s Utility Management Automation (UMA) system, which changes in relevance to the changes in PSFs; thus providing an adaptive LOA scheme for UMA. Keywords-Support Vector Machine (SVM); Adaptive Autonomy (AA); Expert System; Human Automation Interaction (HAI); Experts’ Judgment; Power System; Distribution Automation; Smart Grid


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    Many techniques have been proposed for analysis of costumer intention, from surveys to statistical models. During the last few years, different machine learning approaches have successfully been applied to costumer-centric decision-making problems. In this study, we conduct a comparative assessment of the performance of ten widely used machine learning methods, (i.e., logistic regression, multilayer perceptron, support vector machines,  IBk linear NN search, KStar, locally weighted learning, decisionstump, C4.5., randomtree and  reduced error pruning tree) for the aim of suggesting appropriate machine learning techniques in the context of patient revisit intention prediction problem. Experimental results reveal that the C4.5 decision tree demonstrates to be the best predictive model since it has the highest overall average accuracy and a very low percentage error on both Type I and Type II errors, closely followed by the locally weighted learning and decisionstump, whereas the logistic regression and the IBk linear NN search algorithms appear to be the worst in terms of average accuracy and type II error. Besides the randomtree and the IBk linear NN search algorithms appear to be the worst in terms of type I error

    Detecting Suicide Risk From Wristworn Activity Tracker Data Using Machine Learning Approaches

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    Suicide is a prevalent cause of death worldwide and depression is a primary concern of many suicidal acts. It is possible that an individual during depression never has any suicidal thoughts at all. On the other hand, some individuals in stable condition with no apparent symptoms of depression feel urges to commit suicide (suicidal ideation). Many such individuals never let anyone know what they are feeling or planning. Suicidal ideation considered an important precursor to suicidal acts. Detecting the suicide risk in individuals with mood disorders is a major challenge. The current clinical practice to assess suicide risk in these vulnerable individuals based on structured or semi-structured psychiatric interviews is inadequate as many of the suicidal behaviors often occur unpredictably especially during apparent clinical remission. Furthermore, some of these individuals are unable or unwilling to share their experiences with clinicians. An objective feature that can continuously monitor risk of suicidal thoughts would be advantageous in such situations. Our research focused on finding objective features in activity data for detecting suicidal ideation in a sample of individuals diagnosed with Bipolar I, Bipolar II, or Unipolar who were currently in a euthymic state. Euthymic state is considered a non-depressed and reasonably positive mood state, but individuals in this state may still have suicidal ideation. Hence, our work explores detecting risk of suicidal thoughts in euthymic individuals in a group of mood disorder subjects using machine-learning approaches. Statistically significant differences were observed between activity features of euthymic and depressed individuals. A strong negative correlation was observed between activity feature vulnerability index with self-rated suicidal ideation. This study demonstrates that we can use machine learning techniques to detect risk of suicide in euthymic individuals from activity data. The main advantage of using activity data is that it would be cost effective, since many people commonly use activity trackers

    A CNN-LSTM for predicting mortality in the ICU

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    An accurate predicted mortality is crucial to healthcare as it provides an empirical risk estimate for prognostic decision making, patient stratification and hospital benchmarking. Current prediction methods in practice are severity of disease scoring systems that usually involve a fixed set of admission attributes and summarized physiological data. These systems are prone to bias and require substantial manual effort which necessitates an updated approach which can account for most shortcomings. Clinical observation notes allow for recording highly subjective data on the patient that can possibly facilitate higher discrimination. Moreover, deep learning models can automatically extract and select features without human input.This thesis investigates the potential of a combination of a deep learning model and notes for predicting mortality with a higher accuracy. A custom architecture, called CNN-LSTM, is conceptualized for mapping multiple notes compiled in a hospital stay to a mortality outcome. It employs both convolutional and recurrent layers with the former capturing semantic relationships in individual notes independently and the latter capturing temporal relationships between concurrent notes in a hospital stay. This approach is compared to three severity of disease scoring systems with a case study on the MIMIC-III dataset. Experiments are set up to assess the CNN-LSTM for predicting mortality using only the notes from the first 24, 12 and 48 hours of a patient stay. The model is trained using K-fold cross-validation with k=5 and the mortality probability calculated by the three severity scores on the held-out set is used as the baseline. It is found that the CNN-LSTM outperforms the baseline on all experiments which serves as a proof-of-concept of how notes and deep learning can better outcome prediction

    Utilizing Data Mining Techniques and Ensemble Learning to Predict Development of Surgical Site Infections in Gynecologic Cancer Patients

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    Surgical site infections are costly to both patients and hospitals, increase patient mortality, and are the most common form of a hospital acquired infection. Gynecological cancer surgery patients are already at higher risk of developing an infection due to the suppression of their immune system. This research leverages popular data mining techniques to create a prediction model to identify high risk patients. Implemented techniques include logistic regression, naive Bayes, recursive partitioning and regression trees, random forest, feed forward neural network, k-nearest neighbor, and support vector machines with linear kernel. Weighted stacked generalization was implemented to improve upon the individual base level model’s performance. The chosen meta level classifiers were support vector machines with linear kernel, logistic regression, and k-nearest neighbor. The result is a model that identifies high-risk patients immediately following a surgical procedure with an AUC of 0.6864, accuracy of 0.6744, sensitivity of 0.7, and specificity of 0.6728