4 research outputs found

    FQMaP: Towards a Framework Quantitative Management of Processes in Small Software Development Organizations

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    Software development organizations need to control and improve their practices, seeking to reduce variability when executing the necessary processes to elaborate software; therefore, these organizations implement improvement plans to identify factors that affect the processes. Quantitative Management deals with identification, tracing, and control of those incident factors, using data proactively to predict performance and the effect of possible changes in a process. Reference models in software processes development such as CMMI V2.0 and ISO/IEC 33061:2021 address Quantitative Management, but are aimed at big enterprises. Other models such as MoProSoft, COMPETISOFT, and MPS.BR are aimed at small enterprises, but do not include enough elements on Quantitative Management. Execution of a systematic literature review permitted searching for works on Quantitative Management intended for small software development enterprises, indicating necessary practices and how to perform them. This search showed that a proposal is not available that incorporates Quantitative Management practices for software processes aimed small software development enterprises. The referred aspects make it difficult to adopt a Quantitative Management culture within these organizations, it which has become a problem, consisting in that small software development enterprises that do not execute quantitative management practices will have difficulty identifying and focusing on the factors that impact the process performance and, therefore, on the results of their projects. This work sought to tackle this problem by proposing the “framework for quantitative management of processes in small software development organizations” (FQMaP), which allows incorporating practices and techniques that support Quantitative Management of software development processes in these kinds of enterprises. From the evaluation of FQMaP, carried out by following Focus Group technique guidelines, it can be demonstrated that it is a simple proposal and with elements that can serve a company to quantitatively manage software development processes. Also, it has clearly specified its components, showing that its structure is familiar with other process patterns, that would facilitate their interpretation

    Use of Quality Management Methods and Tools - a Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Bakalářská práce se skládá ze dvou částí: teoretické a praktické. V teoretické části práce popisujeme a charakterizujeme metody a nástroje managementu kvality. V praktické části jsme se zaměřili na shromáždění a analýzu publikací zabývajících se možnostmi využívání metod a nástrojů managementu kvality v různých ekonomických a sociálních oblastech. Pro rychlejší vyhledávání sledovaných publikací jsme využili dvě databáze: (www.webofscience.com) a IEE Xplore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org).The Bachelor thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part of the work, we describe and characterize the methods and tools of quality management. In the practical part, we focused on gathering and analysing publications dealing with the possibilities of using quality management methods and tools in various economic and social areas. We used two databases for faster searches of monitored publications: (www.webofscience.com) and IEE Xplore(https://ieeexplore.ieee.org).639 - Katedra managementu kvalitydobř

    Methods, Techniques and Tools to Support Software Project Management in High Maturity

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    High maturity in software development is associated to statistical control of critical subprocesses performance and the use of gained predictability to manage projects with better planning precision and monitoring control. Although maturity models such as CMMI mention some statistical and other quantitative approaches, methods and techniques that can support project management in high maturity, they do not provide details about them neither present their available types. Therefore, there is a lack of knowledge on how to support software process improvement initiatives to choose and use statistical and other quantitative approaches, methods and techniques on such context. The objective of this study is to identify different approaches, methods and techniques that can assist on managing projects in high maturity. By conducting a systematic literature mapping on major data sources, we identified 75 papers describing 101 contributions. We briefly describe identified approaches, methods and techniques grouped by similar types and provide some analysis regarding technological maturity stage and evaluation method, and supported development methods and characteristics and process/indicator area in which they were applied. We hope this information can fill some of the statistical and quantitative knowledge gap about the actual types of approaches, methods and techniques being proposed, evaluated, experimented and adopted by organizations to assist on quantitative project management in high maturity

    Support for Statistic Process Control of software process

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