2,633 research outputs found

    Automatic emotional state detection using facial expression dynamic in videos

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    In this paper, an automatic emotion detection system is built for a computer or machine to detect the emotional state from facial expressions in human computer communication. Firstly, dynamic motion features are extracted from facial expression videos and then advanced machine learning methods for classification and regression are used to predict the emotional states. The system is evaluated on two publicly available datasets, i.e. GEMEP_FERA and AVEC2013, and satisfied performances are achieved in comparison with the baseline results provided. With this emotional state detection capability, a machine can read the facial expression of its user automatically. This technique can be integrated into applications such as smart robots, interactive games and smart surveillance systems

    Facial Emotional Expressions Of Life-Like Character Based On Text Classifier And Fuzzy Logic

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    A system consists of a text classifier and Fuzzy Inference System FIS to build a life-like virtual character capable of expressing emotion from a text input is proposed. The system classifies emotional content of sentences from text input and expresses corresponding emotion by a facial expression. Text input is classified using the text classifier while facial expression of the life-like character are controlled by FIS utilizing results from the text classifier. A number of text classifier methods are employed and their performances are evaluated using Leave-One-Out Cross Validation. In real world application such as animation movie the lifelike virtual character of proposed system needs to be animated. As a demonstration examples of facial expressions with corresponding text input as results from the implementation of our system are shown. The system is able to show facial expressions with admixture blending emotions. This paper also describes animation characteristics of the system using neutral expression as center of facial expression transition from one emotion to another. Emotion transition can be viewed as gradual decrease or increase of emotion intensity from one emotion toward other emotion. Experimental results show that animation of lifelike character expressing emotion transition can be generated automatically using proposed system

    A dynamic texture based approach to recognition of facial actions and their temporal models

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    In this work, we propose a dynamic texture-based approach to the recognition of facial Action Units (AUs, atomic facial gestures) and their temporal models (i.e., sequences of temporal segments: neutral, onset, apex, and offset) in near-frontal-view face videos. Two approaches to modeling the dynamics and the appearance in the face region of an input video are compared: an extended version of Motion History Images and a novel method based on Nonrigid Registration using Free-Form Deformations (FFDs). The extracted motion representation is used to derive motion orientation histogram descriptors in both the spatial and temporal domain. Per AU, a combination of discriminative, frame-based GentleBoost ensemble learners and dynamic, generative Hidden Markov Models detects the presence of the AU in question and its temporal segments in an input image sequence. When tested for recognition of all 27 lower and upper face AUs, occurring alone or in combination in 264 sequences from the MMI facial expression database, the proposed method achieved an average event recognition accuracy of 89.2 percent for the MHI method and 94.3 percent for the FFD method. The generalization performance of the FFD method has been tested using the Cohn-Kanade database. Finally, we also explored the performance on spontaneous expressions in the Sensitive Artificial Listener data set

    Multi-Network Feature Fusion Facial Emotion Recognition using Nonparametric Method with Augmentation

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    Facial expression emotion identification and prediction is one of the most difficult problems in computer science. Pre-processing and feature extraction are crucial components of the more conventional methods. For the purpose of emotion identification and prediction using 2D facial expressions, this study targets the Face Expression Recognition dataset and shows the real implementation or assessment of learning algorithms such as various CNNs. Due to its vast potential in areas like artificial intelligence, emotion detection from facial expressions has become an essential requirement. Many efforts have been done on the subject since it is both a challenging and fascinating challenge in computer vision. The focus of this study is on using a convolutional neural network supplemented with data to build a facial emotion recognition system. This method may use face images to identify seven fundamental emotions, including anger, contempt, fear, happiness, neutrality, sadness, and surprise. As well as improving upon the validation accuracy of current models, a convolutional neural network that takes use of data augmentation, feature fusion, and the NCA feature selection approach may assist solve some of their drawbacks. Researchers in this area are focused on improving computer predictions by creating methods to read and codify facial expressions. With deep learning's striking success, many architectures within the framework are being used to further the method's efficacy. We highlight the contributions dealt with, the architecture and databases used, and demonstrate the development by contrasting the offered approaches and the outcomes produced. The purpose of this study is to aid and direct future researchers in the subject by reviewing relevant recent studies and offering suggestions on how to further the field. An innovative feature-based transfer learning technique is created using the pre-trained networks MobileNetV2 and DenseNet-201. The suggested system's recognition rate is 75.31%, which is a significant improvement over the results of the prior feature fusion study

    How to predict the global instantaneous feeling induced by a facial picture?

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    International audiencePicture selection is a time-consuming task for humans and a real challenge for machines, which have to retrieve complex and subjective information from image pixels. An automated system that infers human feelings from digital portraits would be of great help for profile picture selection, photo album creation or photo editing. In this work, two models of facial pictures evaluation are defined. The first one predicts the overall aesthetic quality of a facial image, and the second one answers the question " Among a set of facial pictures of a given person, on which picture does the person look like the most friendly? ". Aesthetic quality is evaluated by the computation of 15 features that encode low-level statistics in different image regions (face, eyes, mouth). Relevant features are automatically selected by a feature ranking technique, and the outputs of 4 learning algorithms are fused in order to make a robust and accurate prediction of the image quality. Results are compared with recent works and the proposed algorithm obtains the best performance. The same pipeline is considered to evaluate the likability of a facial picture, with the difference that the estimation is based on high-level attributes such as gender, age, smile. Performance of these attributes is compared with previous techniques that mostly rely on facial keypoints positions, and it is shown that it is possible to obtain likability predictions that are close to human perception. Finally, a combination of both models that selects a likable facial image of good quality for a given person is described

    Machine Analysis of Facial Expressions

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