32,425 research outputs found

    Machine learning for internet of things classification using network traffic parameters

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    With the growth of the internet of things (IoT) smart objects, managing these objects becomes a very important challenge, to know the total number of interconnected objects on a heterogeneous network, and if they are functioning correctly; the use of IoT objects can have advantages in terms of comfort, efficiency, and cost. In this context, the identification of IoT objects is the first step to help owners manage them and ensure the security of their IoT environments such as smart homes, smart buildings, or smart cities. In this paper, to meet the need for IoT object identification, we have deployed an intelligent environment to collect all network traffic traces based on a diverse list of IoT in real-time conditions. In the exploratory phase of this traffic, we have developed learning models capable of identifying and classifying connected IoT objects in our environment. We have applied the six supervised machine learning algorithms: support vector machine, decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), k-nearest neighbors, naive Bayes, and stochastic gradient descent classifier. Finally, the experimental results indicate that the DT and RF models proved to be the most effective and demonstrate an accuracy of 97.72% on the analysis of network traffic data and more particularly information contained in network protocols. Most IoT objects are identified and classified with an accuracy of 99.21%

    A traffic classification method using machine learning algorithm

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    Applying concepts of attack investigation in IT industry, this idea has been developed to design a Traffic Classification Method using Data Mining techniques at the intersection of Machine Learning Algorithm, Which will classify the normal and malicious traffic. This classification will help to learn about the unknown attacks faced by IT industry. The notion of traffic classification is not a new concept; plenty of work has been done to classify the network traffic for heterogeneous application nowadays. Existing techniques such as (payload based, port based and statistical based) have their own pros and cons which will be discussed in this literature later, but classification using Machine Learning techniques is still an open field to explore and has provided very promising results up till now

    IoT Sentinel: Automated Device-Type Identification for Security Enforcement in IoT

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    With the rapid growth of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), concerns about the security of IoT devices have become prominent. Several vendors are producing IP-connected devices for home and small office networks that often suffer from flawed security designs and implementations. They also tend to lack mechanisms for firmware updates or patches that can help eliminate security vulnerabilities. Securing networks where the presence of such vulnerable devices is given, requires a brownfield approach: applying necessary protection measures within the network so that potentially vulnerable devices can coexist without endangering the security of other devices in the same network. In this paper, we present IOT SENTINEL, a system capable of automatically identifying the types of devices being connected to an IoT network and enabling enforcement of rules for constraining the communications of vulnerable devices so as to minimize damage resulting from their compromise. We show that IOT SENTINEL is effective in identifying device types and has minimal performance overhead

    Machine Learning DDoS Detection for Consumer Internet of Things Devices

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    An increasing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices are connecting to the Internet, yet many of these devices are fundamentally insecure, exposing the Internet to a variety of attacks. Botnets such as Mirai have used insecure consumer IoT devices to conduct distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on critical Internet infrastructure. This motivates the development of new techniques to automatically detect consumer IoT attack traffic. In this paper, we demonstrate that using IoT-specific network behaviors (e.g. limited number of endpoints and regular time intervals between packets) to inform feature selection can result in high accuracy DDoS detection in IoT network traffic with a variety of machine learning algorithms, including neural networks. These results indicate that home gateway routers or other network middleboxes could automatically detect local IoT device sources of DDoS attacks using low-cost machine learning algorithms and traffic data that is flow-based and protocol-agnostic.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, appears in the 2018 Workshop on Deep Learning and Security (DLS '18

    KISS: Stochastic Packet Inspection Classifier for UDP Traffic

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    This paper proposes KISS, a novel Internet classifica- tion engine. Motivated by the expected raise of UDP traffic, which stems from the momentum of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) streaming appli- cations, we propose a novel classification framework that leverages on statistical characterization of payload. Statistical signatures are derived by the means of a Chi-Square-like test, which extracts the protocol "format," but ignores the protocol "semantic" and "synchronization" rules. The signatures feed a decision process based either on the geometric distance among samples, or on Sup- port Vector Machines. KISS is very accurate, and its signatures are intrinsically robust to packet sampling, reordering, and flow asym- metry, so that it can be used on almost any network. KISS is tested in different scenarios, considering traditional client-server proto- cols, VoIP, and both traditional and new P2P Internet applications. Results are astonishing. The average True Positive percentage is 99.6%, with the worst case equal to 98.1,% while results are al- most perfect when dealing with new P2P streaming applications

    No NAT'd User left Behind: Fingerprinting Users behind NAT from NetFlow Records alone

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    It is generally recognized that the traffic generated by an individual connected to a network acts as his biometric signature. Several tools exploit this fact to fingerprint and monitor users. Often, though, these tools assume to access the entire traffic, including IP addresses and payloads. This is not feasible on the grounds that both performance and privacy would be negatively affected. In reality, most ISPs convert user traffic into NetFlow records for a concise representation that does not include, for instance, any payloads. More importantly, large and distributed networks are usually NAT'd, thus a few IP addresses may be associated to thousands of users. We devised a new fingerprinting framework that overcomes these hurdles. Our system is able to analyze a huge amount of network traffic represented as NetFlows, with the intent to track people. It does so by accurately inferring when users are connected to the network and which IP addresses they are using, even though thousands of users are hidden behind NAT. Our prototype implementation was deployed and tested within an existing large metropolitan WiFi network serving about 200,000 users, with an average load of more than 1,000 users simultaneously connected behind 2 NAT'd IP addresses only. Our solution turned out to be very effective, with an accuracy greater than 90%. We also devised new tools and refined existing ones that may be applied to other contexts related to NetFlow analysis

    Comparing P2PTV Traffic Classifiers

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    Peer-to-Peer IP Television (P2PTV) applications represent one of the fastest growing application classes on the Internet, both in terms of their popularity and in terms of the amount of traffic they generate. While network operators require monitoring tools that can effectively analyze the traffic produced by these systems, few techniques have been tested on these mostly closed-source, proprietary applications. In this paper we examine the properties of three traffic classifiers applied to the problem of identifying P2PTV traffic. We report on extensive experiments conducted on traffic traces with reliable ground truth information, highlighting the benefits and shortcomings of each approach. The results show that not only their performance in terms of accuracy can vary significantly, but also that their usability features suggest different effective aspects that can be integrate