518,381 research outputs found

    Business Process Analysis of Cloud Incident Management Service with Activity Assignment: A Case of PT. XYZ

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    PT. XYZ is one of the cloud computing service providers in Indonesia. XYZ company started banking and data center software business in 1987, in 2011, the company launched enterprise cloud computing services. This service provides virtual server infrastructure and combines it with network access. The increasing interest of customers who require cloud services allow disruptions to the resources which have been provided. As an experienced company, it has prepared for the disruptions with cloud service management which includes operational aspects of the services. To support the affected services, the company has a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which conforms with incident management. However, there are still problems that could potentially interfere with the incident handling process. This can be seen from the observations on the event log where there are indications that activities are not working properly. So, it is necessary to conduct business process analysis to optimize activities of incident management and end-to-end solutions to the customers. The research began with a literature review and data collection. Using the extraction of the event log data and the analysis process, it 806 cases and 5466 activities were found. Then the researchers conducted business process modeling from the event log to run process mining. From the results of process mining and the comparison with the SOP of PT. XYZ, it was found that the business process of incident handling was not implemented. And the average duration of incident handling was 3 to 4 days. This has an impact on the fees charged by PT. XYZ. The result of this research, by processing the data and analyzing the business processes, is knowing the implications for PT. XYZ. Based on the analysis, the researchers provide recommendations that the incident management must increase responsiveness between the service desk and each support team. The optimal incident management development needs to be formed by a functional team for incident monitoring and auto-closed system within a particular time

    Peran Proses Pengadaan dan Kontrak dalam Rancang Bangun Operasional Teknologi Informasi Bank Sentral Melalui Sistem Outsourcing SDM

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    The role of outsourcing is very strategic, therefore we needs to have an outsourcing system to optimally support the Information Technology (IT) services that are drived from and integrated with information system  and business strategy. The objective of this research is to formulate a model of development of IT services through outsourcing system. This model expected to assist the management in making strategic Human Resources (HR) Policies in line with the institutional strategy and business. The specific objectives of research: analyzing the dominant factors affecting the development of IT services through outsourcing system; analyzing the relations between such factors with the outsourcing success to achieve prime services; analyzing the model forms of development; and producing the model of development. This Case study was conducted in BI, by applying the approach of integrated explorative, descriptive and explanatory researches, analysis for endogen and exogen variables by applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Policy model was formulated based upon the SEM analysis’s result, then some verification and validation were done through Individual Depth Interview  (IDI) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This study indicated that the key success factors of outsourcing system in supporting IT services are: (1). capability with indicators quality technical personnel, product efficiency, technical process, process management, quality control, service quality and project management; (2). procurement process with indicators: service quality, competition, cost, cooperation, and froud act; (3). contract with indicators: incentive, penalty, trust, preventing froud act, and cooperation; (4). outsourcing implementation with indicators: cooperation, sustainable expectation, partnership, investment intention, commitment and power client. But In this case, how ever focus analysis on: (1). procurement process with indicators: service quality, competition, cost, cooperation, and froud act; (2). contract with indicators: incentive, penalty, trust, preventing froud act, and cooperation

    Remote Sensing Applications to Support Sustainable Natural Resource Management

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    The original design of this dissertation project was relatively simple and straightforward. It was intended to produce one single, dynamic, classification and mapping system for existing vegetation that could rely on commonly available inventory and remote sensing data. This classification and mapping system was intended to provide the analytical basis for resource planning and management. The problems encountered during the first phase of the original design transformed this project into an extensive analysis of the nature of these problems and a decade-long remote sensing applications development endeavor. What evolved from this applications development process is a portion of what has become a system of systems to inform and support natural resource management. This dissertation presents the progression of work that sequentially developed a suite of remote sensing applications designed to address different aspects of the problems encountered with the original project. These remote sensing applications feature different resource issues, and resource components and are presented in separate chapters. Chapter one provides an introduction and description of the project evolution and chapter six provides a summary of the work and concluding discussion. Chapters two through five describe remote sensing applications that represent related, yet independent studies that are presented essentially as previously published. Chapter two evaluates different approaches to classifying and mapping fire severity using multi-temporal Landsat TM data. The recommended method currently represents the analytical basis for fire severity data produced by the USDA Forest Service and the US Geological Survey. Chapter three also uses multi-temporal Landsat data and compares quantitative, remote-sensing-based change detection methods for forest management related canopy change. The recommended method has been widely applied for a variety of forest health and disaster response applications. Chapter four presents a method for multi-source and multi-classifier regional land cover mapping that is currently incorporated in the USDA Forest Service Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide. Chapter five presents a study using nearest neighbor imputation methods to generate geospatial data surfaces for simulation modeling of vegetation through time and space. While these results have not yet been successful enough to support widespread adoption and implementation, it is possible that these general methods can be adapted to perform adequately for simulation modeling data needs

    On-Line Estimation of Nitrification Dynamics

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    Results from a small collaborative project on modeling and control of the activated sludge process are presented. The identification of a dynamic model for nitrification is discussed using time-series field data from the Norwich Sewage Works in eastern England. This analysis of the field data is also used for examination of the feasibility and benefits of on-line (or real-time) state estimation in the context of activated sludge process control. A recursive estimation algorithm -- the extended Kalman filter -- is applied both for system identification and state estimation. The results illustrate an unstable nitrification condition associated with a period in which new plant was being commissioned. It is found that both oxygen limitation of nitrification and the compaction of solids in the clarifier are important factors affecting process dynamics. For real-time operation of the process it is argued that models and forecasting algorithms may be best utilized as a support service for the plant management in their day-to-day decision-making role

    Improving life cycle management through simulation and efficient design

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    Life Cycle Management (LCM) is defined as a decision-making process that takes into consideration the benefits, costs, and risks associated with each action over the full life cycle of a system. Effective LCM requires good forecasting to help determine future requirements for design and development, acquisition, in-service support and sustainment, modernization, and final disposal of a fleet of systems. It is in forecasting that simulation tools play a key role in LCM by helping program managers to gain insights into their supported systems. The Total Life Cycle Management Assessment Tool (TLCM-AT) is a probabilistic modeling and simulation analysis tool developed to support and improve the USMC's LCM. This powerful tool is capable of performing "what-if" scenario analysis to compare the merits of multiple courses of action (COAs) or policies. Unfortunately, such analytical results are predicated on a set of conditions developed in the model that have little chance of occurring in real life. This thesis introduces a Java-based application that combines the capabilities of TLCM-AT with the benefits of a sophisticated design of experiments (DOE) to perform in-depth sensitivity analysis of alternatives. A well-developed DOE can simulate real life by modeling a wide range of conditions under which the performance of each COA is measured. Data from this kind of experiment can be used to help in the development and selection of robust COAs and policies.http://archive.org/details/improvinglifecyc109453906Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
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