4 research outputs found

    Agribusiness supply chain risk management: A review of quantitative decision models

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    Supply chain risk management is a large and growing field of research. However, within this field, mathematical models for agricultural products have received relatively little attention. This is somewhat surprising as risk management is even more important for agricultural supply chains due to challenges associated with seasonality, supply spikes, long supply lead-times, and perishability. This paper carries out a thorough review of the relatively limited literature on quantitative risk management models for agricultural supply chains. Specifically, we identify robustness and resilience as two key techniques for managing risk. Since these terms are not used consistently in the literature, we propose clear definitions and metrics for these terms; we then use these definitions to classify the agricultural supply chain risk management literature. Implications are given for both practice and future research on agricultural supply chain risk management

    Resilience-enhancing solution to mitigate risk for sustainable supply chain-an empirical study of elevator manufacturing

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    As the complexity of supply chains increases, the enhancement of resilience for mitigating sustainable disruption risks in supply chains is an important issue. Quality function deployment (QFD) has been successfully applied in many domains to solve multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. However, research on developing two houses of quality to connect sustainable supply chain disruption risks, resilience capacities, and resilience-enhancing features in elevator manufacturing supply chains by using the MCDM approach is lacking. This study aims to develop a framework for exploring useful decision-making by integrating the MCDM approach and QFD. By applying the framework, supply chain resilience can be improved by identifying the major sustainable risks and the key resilience to mitigate these risks. Important managerial insights and practical implications are obtained from the framework implementation in a case study of the elevator manufacturing industry. To strengthen resilience and thus mitigate key risks, the most urgent tasks are to connect the working site and the backstage to enhance product development and design and to share real-time job information. When these features are strengthened, agility, capacity, and visibility can be improved. Finally, unexpected events lead to changes in supplier delivery dates, and factors such as typhoon and lack of critical capacities/skilled employees with the greatest impact can be alleviated. This framework will provide an effective and pragmatic approach for constructing sustainable supply chain risk resilience in the elevator manufacturing industry.</p

    Metodologia de definição de rede de suprimentos para armazenagem de commodities agrícolas

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2020.A agricultura brasileira está entre as mais importantes do planeta, ocupando posição de destaque na exportação das commodities agrícolas de grãos como soja e milho. O fato das áreas de produção serem distantes dos portos e a sua velocidade de expansão territorial ser maior que a velocidade de instalação de novas estruturas de movimentação e armazenagem, emergem impactos negativos no sistema logístico. A ausência de um sistema logístico eficiente e com capacidade de armazenagem suficiente para todo o volume de colheita força os agricultores a venderem suas colheitas imediatamente, provocando uma redução de preços das commodities por excesso de oferta e a venda em um momento de preços em queda. Diante deste cenário, o presente estudo tem por objetivo principal desenvolver uma metodologia para definição de rede de suprimentos para armazenagem e escoamento de commodities agrícolas. Para alcançar tais objetivos foi desenvolvida uma metodologia composta de sete passos metodológicos que abrangem as etapas de execução da metodologia segundo um conjunto de restrições de definições teóricas para a aplicação do mesmo. De modo a validar a metodologia foi realizado um estudo de caso em que foram utilizados os mapas de estimativas das safras de soja e de milho do município de Nova Ubiratã no Estado do Mato Grosso – MT para determinar a configuração da rede suprimentos para o município que supra o déficit de capacidade estática por armazenagem para a safra 2017/2018 e que minimize o custo total da rede de suprimento. Para esse estudo de caso foram usados mapas da infraestrutura logística envolvida (rodovias e de armazenagem) para o escoamento destas safras, rede de suprimento e de localização p-mediana, linguagens de programação R e Python, e Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG). Os resultados mostraram que a rede de suprimento com menor custo de transporte e armazenagem fora aquela que utilizou unidades de armazenamento de 162 mil toneladas de capacidade e com cobertura da produção de 120%. A metodologia possibilitou analisar a rede de suprimento atual sob a ótica de oferta-demanda e calcular as localizações e o número de instalações de facilidades logísticas necessárias para suprir o déficit da região do estudo de caso. Ademais, a metodologia demonstrou capacidade de tratar problemas de localização e otimização da rede de suprimentos em escala regional com agilidade e a eficiência preconizada.The Brazilian agriculture is one of the most important on the planet, with a prominent position in the agricultural commodities export of soybeans and corn. As the crop production areas are far from the ports and the speed of territorial expansion is greater than the speed of installation of new storage structures, important negative impacts on the logistics system emerge. The absence of an efficient logistical system with enough storage capacity for the entire harvest season forces farmers to sell their crops immediately after the harvest, causing a reduction in commodity prices due to oversupply and with sales at a time of falling prices. In this scenario, the main objective of this thesis was to develop a methodology for defining the supply network for the storage and flow of agricultural commodities. To achieve those objectives, the methodology developed consist of seven methodological steps that encompass the stages of the modeling execution according to a set of restrictions and definitions for its application. In order to validate the methodology, a study case was carried out using crop estimatives maps for soybean and corn in the municipality of Nova Ubiratã in the State of Mato Grosso – MT, Brazil. This maps to determine the configuration of the supply network for the municipality that overcomes the shortage of static storage capacity for the harvest of 2017/2018 and minimizes the total cost of the supply chain. For this case study, maps of the logistics infrastructure involved (highways and storage) were used for the flow of these crops, network model and p-median location, programming languages R and Python, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The results showed that the supply network with the lowest transport and storage cost was that one with storage units of 162 thousand tons of capacity and with production coverage of 120%. The model made it possible to analyze the current supply network from the perspective of supply-demand and calculate the locations and the number of logistical facilities necessary to supply the deficit of the region of the study case. In addition, the methodology demonstrated the ability to address problems of localization and optimization of the supply network on a regional scale with agility and the expected efficiency