3,870 research outputs found

    Research on development of Yangshan Bonded Logistics Park

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    Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (3/4)

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    Technical report about sustainable urban freight solutions, part 3 of

    Development of Panama as a logistics hub and the impact on Latin America

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    Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 82-86).The Panamanian government is executing an aggressive economic growth initiative to transform the country into a regional logistics hub, like Singapore or Dubai. Two elements of the initiative are expansion of the Panama Canal and development of the Panama Pacifico Project, a large logistics park. The government initiative is analyzed with respect to the logistics hubs in Singapore and Dubai by 1) identifying a structure of critical factors for developing a logistics cluster, 2) using this structure to analyze the feasibility of Panama becoming a major logistics hub, and 3) exploring the impact of a logistics_hub in Panama on the Latin American network of ports. We make recommendations so that Panama can speedily develop its logistics hub, and so that Latin American ports whose existence is threatened by this development can adapt.by Daniel Muñoz and Myriam Liliana Rivera.M.Eng.in Logistic

    Shipment consolidation and distribution models in the international supply chain

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    With the increasing competition in global trade, buying and transporting items effectively in the international network are critical and challenging problems for many companies. The objective of this study is to design a cost-effective consolidation and distribution method to transport shipments in a global network. In the dissertation, we investigate an integrated consolidation problem in the international supply chain, where a US manufacturing company buys multiple items from China. A proactive order consolidation strategy is proposed. Different from current practices, our approach consolidates items in China considering inland transportation in US. This strategy is modeled to minimize the total costs by effectively loading items into an ocean container considering subsequent inland transportation cost and handling cost given container capacity and packing constraints. Two difficult combinatorial optimization problems, such as a mode selection problem and a three-dimensional bin packing problem, are combined into the model. Due to the problem complexity, approximation algorithms are proposed to solve the model. The basic model is extended to consider the inland multi-stop delivery and multi-period planning horizon. Several solution methodologies are developed and evaluated to solve large-scale problems. Based on the numerical results, it is observed that our proposed methods could achieve up to 30% cost savings compared with the current shipping practices. The algorithms we developed could obtain the good implementable solution in a reasonable time for real-world problems

    Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport Perishable Goods Facility: preliminary feasibility study

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    This report comprises a preliminary feasibility study for the establishment of a perishable freight facility at Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport (BWWA). Scoping research undertaken by the University of Southern Queensland in late 2014 identified the establishment of a perishables facility as part of the BWWA development as a vital ‘missing piece’ if export opportunities were to be realized. A cold storage and distribution facility is essential to ensure the integrity of the fresh produce cool chain

    Simulation and optimization of a multi-agent system on physical internet enabled interconnected urban logistics.

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    An urban logistics system is composed of multiple agents, e.g., shippers, carriers, and distribution centers, etc., and multi-modal networks. The structure of Physical Internet (PI) transportation network is different from current logistics practices, and simulation can effectively model a series of PI-approach scenarios. In addition to the baseline model, three more scenarios are enacted based on different characteristics: shared trucks, shared hubs, and shared flows with other less-than-truckload shipments passing through the urban area. Five performance measures, i.e., truck distance per container, mean truck time per container, lead time, CO2 emissions, and transport mean fill rate, are included in the proposed procedures using real data in an urban logistics case. The results show that PI enables a significant improvement of urban transportation efficiency and sustainability. Specifically, truck time per container reduces 26 percent from that of the Private Direct scenario. A 42 percent reduction of CO2 emissions is made from the current logistics practice. The fill rate of truckload is increased by almost 33 percent, whereas the relevant longer distance per container and the lead time has been increased by an acceptable range. Next, the dissertation applies an auction mechanism in the PI network. Within the auction-based transportation planning approach, a model is developed to match the requests and the transport services in transport marketplaces and maximize the carriers’ revenue. In such transportation planning under the protocol of PI, it is a critical system design problem for decision makers to understand how various parameters through interactions affect this multi-agent system. This study provides a comprehensive three-layer structure model, i.e. agent-based simulation, auction mechanism, and optimization via simulation. In term of simulation, a multi-agent model simulates a complex PI transportation network in the context of sharing economy. Then, an auction mechanism structure is developed to demonstrate a transport selection scheme. With regard of an optimization via simulation approach and sensitivity analysis, it has been provided with insights on effects of combination of decision variables (i.e. truck number and truck capacity) and parameters settings, where results can be drawn by using a case study in an urban freight transportation network. In the end, conclusions and discussions of the studies have been summarized. Additionally, some relevant areas are required for further elaborate research, e.g., operational research on airport gate assignment problems and the simulation modelling of air cargo transportation networks. Due to the complexity of integration with models, I relegate those for future independent research

    The expansion of the port of Genoa: the Rivalta Scrivia dry port

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    There are two main ways for a port to face the long-term increase in freight demand: a better usage of the current available port land or an enlargement to new port areas. Within this second solution is included the movement outside of the port’s borders of some activities currently carried out in the port, but not directly connected with the loading or unloading of goods. This relieves the territory and the port itself of the negative consequences (represented by the occupancy of scarce resources, such as the port areas) resulting from increased time and costs due to the handling of goods taking space and time from more value added activities and from the negative externalities associated with the presence of the port industry highly impacting the city fabric (such as congestion, atmospheric and acoustic pollution and space taken away from the city). This is the situation of the port of Genoa, where the particular orographic configuration of the territory and a large urbanization of the immediate proximity of the port property have forced the Genoa Port Authority to look for more space in the hinterland in order to manage the import/export of goods in the most efficient and effective way possible. This paper examines the case study of the Rivalta Scrivia dry port, located 75 km from Genoa along the railway line that links the Ligurian capital with the reference market. The need for more space at the service of Genoa port is confirmed by the analysis of the port demand, including both current and forecasted container traffic

    Puertos secos. Análisis comparativo entre la TMZ y Duisport

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    El creciente aumento del comercio global y, por consiguiente, marítimo en las últimas décadas ha generado un incremento de necesidades de recogida, almacenamiento y distribución de mercancías que ha desbordado a los puertos marítimos. Ante esta nueva situación, en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se presenta cómo solucionar la congestión e ineficiencia en los mismos. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar a los puertos secos como la opción más viable para solucionar de forma eficiente dicho problema y si la Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza reúne las características necesarias para ser y operar como un puerto seco competitivo a nivel europeo. Para lograrlo, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre la TMZ (Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza) y el puerto seco de Duisport, considerado actualmente el más importante y eficiente de Europa. Los datos indicados parecen indicar que, a pesar de los buenos resultados de la TMZ, la plataforma logística de Duisport es muy superior en cuanto a infraestructura y localización estratégica.<br /

    Reverse logistics as value added service for Jamaica’s transhipment

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    Satisficing Strategy in Development of a Port System: Viet Nam Case Study

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    The role of Viet Nam port system increases in simultaneously with its economic development. Although it has had attention and investment from the government since 1990s, it has been still facing with some problems such as congestion in ports and unbalance among ports, and meeting limitations such as geographic conditions, budgets and technologies. Actually, development of a national economy in generally and that of port system in particularly are influenced by many factors and affected mutually. Obviously, the transportation and port systems significantly affect on economy, so they should be paid much attention. Consequently, an overview of ASEAN, Indochina and particular Viet Nam economies is presented, which shows why Viet Nam should be focused on developing its port system. Recently, Viet Nam as well as ASEAN trade has been grown up so remarkably. As a result, Viet Nam transportation demands have been and will be increased, particularly on the maritime transport. Due to Viet Nam geography, port system has been considered as a vital aspect of national transport infrastructure in generally and most important one of maritime transport in particularly. Consequently, a classification of Viet Nam ports would give a deep look on inside aspect and container ports would be mentioned as one of the key project in the future. Actually, port system is a dynamic subject and government policies for development have been updated continuously. A strategic master plan to develop Viet Nam port system until 2010 and targets to 2040, which was issued in 1999, and then up-to-dated master plan issued in 2009 would be reviewed. It would show changes of Viet Nam port system on many aspects such as demands, capacities, and policies. Correspondingly, the transportation planning process would be introduced, which incorporates analysis of business and input from the business community. Consequently, the satisficing strategy for port development would be defined and the reasons why it should be applied for Viet Nam port development would be presented. Sequent theories of interested strategies would be reviewed, which have been applied in many successful port systems in the world. They promise to bring much contribution when making a plan for development of Viet Nam port system. Obviously, many gravitational forces have impacts on Viet Nam port system, which force Viet Nam ports have to change, evolve or die. Responsively, the master plan has been modified to meet up-to-dated requirements. City ports especially in Ho Chi Minh City should be relocated outside to suitable location(s). In addition, strategies to enhance them should be studied and implemented, in which container ports should be paid much attention. Development of Dry Port system, transshipment ports and/or logistics activity zones such as ZALs, Distriparks and/or FTZz is considered as efficient and effective alternatives. Furthermore, other successful and interested strategies applying in developing port systems in the world should be studied and implemented for Viet Nam port system. And also Viet Nam should cooperate with other partners or countries such as the Republic of Korea, which have developed port systems, to get experience, technology, management system, and budget from them. This research would propose some alternatives in development of Viet Nam ports as a satisficing strategy. Obviously, it could not mention all aspects of Vietnamese ports, but it hopes giving useful ideas or alternatives to enhance and develop an effective, efficient and competitive not only for Viet Nam case but also for other developing countries.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Roles of transportation and particular port systems in economy 1 1.2 An overview of Viet Nam economy and port systems 4 1.3 Review of strategies to develop port systems 11 1.4 Research Aims and Objectives 13 1.5 Scale and scope 14 1.6 Outlines of the dissertation 14 CHAPTER 2. PROSPECT OF VIET NAM PORT SYSTEM 15 2.1 Viet Nam and ASEAN trade 15 2.2 Classification of Viet Nam ports 25 2.3 Container port system 29 2.4 Strategic master plan 33 2.5 Analysis 38 2.6 Conclusion 41 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGIES 42 3.1 Satisficing strategy 43 3.2 Quick evaluation of port systems 50 3.3 Containerization and transshipment ports 60 3.4 Dry port system 65 3.5 ZALs, Distriparks, FTZs and FAZs. 70 3.6 Other strategies 77 3.7 Conclusions 82 CHAPTER 4. SATISFICING STRATEGY IN DEVELOPMENT OF VIET NAM ... 84 4.1 Impacts of economic development on port system and the ... 84 4.2 Enhancement of container ports 99 4.3 Dry port system 109 4.4 ZALs, Distriparks, and FTZs 120 4.5 Consideration of other strategies 129 4.6 Co-operation strategy in maritime industry: Viet Nam &#8211Korea ... 136 4.7 Conclusions 147 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 148 5.1 Conclusions 148 5.2 Suggestions 149 5.3 Future research 150 REFERENCES 15