553 research outputs found

    Biomass supply chain event management

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     D. K. Folinas1, D. D. Bochtis2, C. G. Sørensen2, P. Busato3(1. ATEI Thessaloniki, Department of Logistics, Greece; 2. Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University, Blichers Alle´ 20, P.O. box 50;   3. DEIAFA Department,Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin, Via Leonardo da Vinci 44, 10095, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy) Abstract: The biomass supply chain constitutes a system that is highly dynamic and stochastic.  The developed and proposed systems architectures for the management of the supply chains of typical industrial products do not directly apply to the case of the biomass supply chain

    Supply Chain Event Management System

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    The Supply Chain Management (SCM) can be defined as the set of proposals used to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers and warehouses, such that the product is produced and distributed in the right quantity and at the right time, minimizing the total cost and satisfying the required service level (Simchi-Levi et al., 1999). To this aim, enterprises in a Supply Chain (SC) perform collaborative business processes (Soosay et al., 2008). Particularly, collaborative planning processes allow each enterprise to obtain production and/or distribution schedules synchronized with schedules of the other SC members (Derrouiche et al., 2008). In this chapter, a schedule is defined as a set of orders, where each order represents a supply process (production or distribution) that assigns materials to a place, states the required resources, the time period during which each resource is required and its required capacity. The execution of a schedule implies performing the operations defined in the supply process each order represents. As result of the uncertainty inherent in any supply process (Kleindorfer & Saad, 2005) disruptive events arise. The problems they cause during a schedule execution occur on a daily basis, and affect not only the organization where they are produced but also propagate throughout the SC (Lee et al., 1997; Radjou et al., 2002). That is, these disruptive events may affect the schedules and their synchronization. In this chapter a disruptive event is defined as a significant change in the order specifications or planned values of resource availability. These changes could be: rush or delay in the start or end date of the order, changes in the amount specified by the order, change in the expected future availability of a resource, and change into the current level of a resource regards to its planned value. They can be produced by changes that can take place into the enterprise or outside the enterprise. For example, an equipment breakdown, breakage of materials, change of material specification, weather conditions, traffic congestion, etc. The occurrence of disruptive events is a fact well known to the planning task, and therefore planning systems generate schedules including buffers (material, resource capacity and time) to be robust and flexible, thus the schedule can be adapted to conditions occurring during implementation (Van Landeghem & Vanmaele, 2002; Adhitya et al., 2007; Wang

    A strategic approach to supply chain event management

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    Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 35).This thesis project explores the possibility to apply project management techniques, specifically critical path method, and PERT, to supply chain event management. The idea behind the project is to create a framework for putting supply chain events into a broader supply chain context and assessing their criticality. Such a framework can then be utilized as a starting point for supply chain event management software applications. The problem has been approached from a "micro" point of view, with the analysis and PERT modeling of a single order fulfillment process, and from a "macro" point of view, with the analysis and a very simple model of the inventory itself. Finally, there are important factors that can drive the development and adoption of such systems in the future, including a higher level of supply chain informatization, removal of inter-and intra-company communication barriers, and better software integration technologies to effectively link all the element of the supply chain network.by Esmè Fantozzi.M.Eng.in Logistic

    Einflussfaktoren auf die Adoption von Supply Chain Event Management- Software

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    Der Software-Markt bietet eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Lösungen für die Unterstützung von Aufgaben an. Entscheidungsträger in Unternehmen müssen aus diesem Angebot geeignete Lösungen auswählen. Gerade im Bereich des Supply Chain Managements, in dem es viele Schnittstellen zu externen Unternehmen gibt, kann eine solche Entscheidung sehr komplex sein. In dieser Arbeit werden die Einflussfaktoren der Adoption von Supply Chain Event Management-Software (SCEM-SW) analysiert, einer relativ neuen Art von Software in diesem Gebiet. Es wird ein Kausalmodell aufgestellt, das die postulierten Zusammenhänge darstellt. Abschließend wird ein Fragebogen erarbeitet, der als Grundlage für eine empirische Untersuchung dienen kann

    Typification of Incorrect Event Data in Supply Chain Event Management

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    Due to shorter product life cycles and the increasing internationalization of competition, companies are confronted with increasing complexity in supply chain management. Event-based systems are used to reduce this complexity and to support employees' decisions. Such event-based systems include tracking & tracing systems on the one hand and supply chain event management on the other. Tracking & tracing systems only have the functions of monitoring and reporting deviations, whereas supply chain event management systems also function as simulation, control, and measurement. The central element connecting these systems is the event. It forms the information basis for mapping and matching the process sequences in the event-based systems. The events received from the supply chain partner form the basis for all downstream steps and must, therefore, contain the correct data. Since the data quality is insufficient in numerous use cases and incorrect data in supply chain event management is not considered in the literature, this paper deals with the description and typification of incorrect event data. Based on a systematic literature review, typical sources of errors in the acquisition and transmission of event data are discussed. The results are then applied to event data so that a typification of incorrect event types is possible. The results help to significantly improve event-based systems for use in practice by preventing incorrect reactions through the detection of incorrect event data

    A conceptual modeling approach for supply chain event management (SCEM)

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    The management of supply chains is a very comprehensive task. Predictability and response to incidents in process executions are challenging. With Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM), researchers propose an approach for overcoming these problems through proactive monitoring and notification of crucial process activities across the supply chain. The identification and definition of such crucial activities and information needs are necessary to handle possible abnormalities although they are challenging task which have not been solved in SCEM research so far. Hence, we propose a modeling approach which allows the conceptual specification of an adequate information exchange along the supply chain. With our approach we focus on the specification of relevant logistical objects, the definition of possible events, and the design of notifications for decision makers in the supply chain

    Enhancing Supply Chain Reliability through Agent-Based Supply Chain Event Management

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    Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) is an approach to the monitoring of supply chains. It observes specific events and exceptions in real-time and then alerts managers if problems occur. This paper presents an architecture for an SCEM system based on intelligent software agents, Auto-ID technologies and mobile user interfaces. The motivation for this approach is to enhance existing SCEM solutions by exploiting up-to-date technologies. It delegates the task of automated problem solving when disruptions in supply chains occur to software agents

    Mobile Computing and Auto ID Technologies in Supply Chain Event Management - An Agent Based Approach

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    This paper presents the architecture of an agent-based system for Supply Chain Event Management. Auto-ID (= Automatic Identification), mobile and agent technologies are combined within this agentbased system called CoS.MA (Cooperative and Ubiquitous Supply-Network Monitoring Agents) in order to realize permanent tracking & tracing of resources (e.g. products, vehicles) in supply networks and to visualize resource-related key performance measures. Potentials and challenges in realizing supply networks by means of such technologies are discussed. CoS.MA is based on a peer-topeer network architecture. Each member (node) of a supply network will be represented by one CoS.MA agent platform. Mobile agents may migrate between those agent platforms to integrate and to visualize distributed data. An overview of existing agent-based prototypes in Supply Chain Event Management is given to show the state-of-the-art in this emerging research area


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    Corporate performance should be measured. However, performance measures alone are not easy to use as a control mechanism for management. Therefore, we need a way in which management can monitor the performance of the company on an ongoing basis as well as the performance when the information need of attention. For it is necessary to develop a model of the performance of control mechanisms in the shipping department of a specialized company for East Java to facilitate supervision so that the company is able to undertake continuous improvement. Therefore, in this study will be made integration between performance measurement and performance control mechanisms by using the concept of Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM). The method used in this study to implement the method of Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) in analyzing the company's performance indicators. By this method will determine the performance of supply chain. The study was conducted in CV. Prima Mandiri Engineering. The final result of this research is the design of mechanisms to control the performance of the developed one of the SCOR model perspective, the perspective Deliver. From the perspective into 3 Deliver the developed performance indicators, ie indicators On Time - In Full, Quality and Delivery Performance Of Transportation Cost As Percentage Of Sales. Control charts can be quite effective in controlling the performance indicator because it is able to accommodate the control limits are necessary as controlling performance indicators for the company to know the position of their performance more quickly so that they can perform their business processes to better Keywords: Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM)


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    Kinerja perusahaan perlu diukur, namun, ukuran kinerja saja tidak malah untuk dipakai sebagai mekanisme kontrol bagi manajemen. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu cara dimana manajemen dapat memonitor kinerja perusahaan secara berkelanjutan serta memperoleh informasi kapan kinerja tersebut perlu mendapat perhatian.Penelitian ini mencoba mengangkat topik mengenai Analisis Kinerja dengan menggunakan konsep Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM), yakni menentukan batas kontrol metrik kinerja. Penelitian dilakukan di PT. SEMEN GRESIK, Tbk. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi metrik atau indikator kinerja yang akan diteliti, kemudian memposisikan kinerja masa lalu perusahaan, merancang suatu mekanisme kontrol kinerja dengan menggunakan control chart dan menganalisa kapabilitas proses indikator kinerja tersebut. Hasil akhir penelitian didapatkan indicator ontime memiliki nilai Cp 2,07 dan nilai Cpk sebesar 1,66 untuk indicator Quality Performance dengan nilai Cp 1,12 dan nilai Cpk sebesar 1,01, sedangkan untuk indicator transportasi mempunyai nilai Cp 2,478 dan Cpk 2,379. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa diantara ketiga variable bebas yang diteliti pada penelitian ini yaitu tepat waktu dan tepat jumlah (x1), barang tidak rusak (x2) serta biaya transportasi murah (x3), maka variable atau factor yang memiliki pengaruh dominant terhadap kinerja PT.Semen Grasik dalam hal pendistribuian barangnya adalah factor biaya transportasi murah yaitu sebesar 47,19 %, sedangkan factor tepat waktu dan tepat jumlah sebesar 7,7% dan barang tidak rusak sebesar 1,69%. Kata Kunci : Supply Chain Event, PT. SEMEN GRESIK, indicator ontime, Quality Performanc
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