7,906 research outputs found

    Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems

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    In order to cope with situations in which a plant's dynamics are not precisely known, we consider the problem of supervisory control for a class of discrete event systems modelled by fuzzy automata. The behavior of such discrete event systems is described by fuzzy languages; the supervisors are event feedback and can disable only controllable events with any degree. The concept of discrete event system controllability is thus extended by incorporating fuzziness. In this new sense, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for a fuzzy language to be controllable. We also study the supremal controllable fuzzy sublanguage and the infimal controllable fuzzy superlanguage when a given pre-specified desired fuzzy language is uncontrollable. Our framework generalizes that of Ramadge-Wonham and reduces to Ramadge-Wonham framework when membership grades in all fuzzy languages must be either 0 or 1. The theoretical development is accompanied by illustrative numerical examples.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    State-Based Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems

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    To effectively represent possibility arising from states and dynamics of a system, fuzzy discrete event systems as a generalization of conventional discrete event systems have been introduced recently. Supervisory control theory based on event feedback has been well established for such systems. Noting that the system state description, from the viewpoint of specification, seems more convenient, we investigate the state-based control of fuzzy discrete event systems in this paper. We first present an approach to finding all fuzzy states that are reachable by controlling the system. After introducing the notion of controllability for fuzzy states, we then provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a set of fuzzy states to be controllable. We also find that event-based control and state-based control are not equivalent and further discuss the relationship between them. Finally, we examine the possibility of driving a fuzzy discrete event system under control from a given initial state to a prescribed set of fuzzy states and then keeping it there indefinitely.Comment: 14 double column pages; 4 figures; to be published in the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part B: Cybernetic

    Observability and Decentralized Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems

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    Fuzzy discrete event systems as a generalization of (crisp) discrete event systems have been introduced in order that it is possible to effectively represent uncertainty, imprecision, and vagueness arising from the dynamic of systems. A fuzzy discrete event system has been modelled by a fuzzy automaton; its behavior is described in terms of the fuzzy language generated by the automaton. In this paper, we are concerned with the supervisory control problem for fuzzy discrete event systems with partial observation. Observability, normality, and co-observability of crisp languages are extended to fuzzy languages. It is shown that the observability, together with controllability, of the desired fuzzy language is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a partially observable fuzzy supervisor. When a decentralized solution is desired, it is proved that there exist local fuzzy supervisors if and only if the fuzzy language to be synthesized is controllable and co-observable. Moreover, the infimal controllable and observable fuzzy superlanguage, and the supremal controllable and normal fuzzy sublanguage are also discussed. Simple examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical development.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. to be published in the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems: A Formal Approach

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    Fuzzy {\it discrete event systems} (DESs) were proposed recently by Lin and Ying [19], which may better cope with the real-world problems with fuzziness, impreciseness, and subjectivity such as those in biomedicine. As a continuation of [19], in this paper we further develop fuzzy DESs by dealing with supervisory control of fuzzy DESs. More specifically, (i) we reformulate the parallel composition of crisp DESs, and then define the parallel composition of fuzzy DESs that is equivalent to that in [19]; {\it max-product} and {\it max-min} automata for modeling fuzzy DESs are considered; (ii) we deal with a number of fundamental problems regarding supervisory control of fuzzy DESs, particularly demonstrate controllability theorem and nonblocking controllability theorem of fuzzy DESs, and thus present the conditions for the existence of supervisors in fuzzy DESs; (iii) we analyze the complexity for presenting a uniform criterion to test the fuzzy controllability condition of fuzzy DESs modeled by max-product automata; in particular, we present in detail a general computing method for checking whether or not the fuzzy controllability condition holds, if max-min automata are used to model fuzzy DESs, and by means of this method we can search for all possible fuzzy states reachable from initial fuzzy state in max-min automata; also, we introduce the fuzzy nn-controllability condition for some practical problems; (iv) a number of examples serving to illustrate the applications of the derived results and methods are described; some basic properties related to supervisory control of fuzzy DESs are investigated. To conclude, some related issues are raised for further consideration

    Diagnosability of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems

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    In order to more effectively cope with the real-world problems of vagueness, {\it fuzzy discrete event systems} (FDESs) were proposed recently, and the supervisory control theory of FDESs was developed. In view of the importance of failure diagnosis, in this paper, we present an approach of the failure diagnosis in the framework of FDESs. More specifically: (1) We formalize the definition of diagnosability for FDESs, in which the observable set and failure set of events are {\it fuzzy}, that is, each event has certain degree to be observable and unobservable, and, also, each event may possess different possibility of failure occurring. (2) Through the construction of observability-based diagnosers of FDESs, we investigate its some basic properties. In particular, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for diagnosability of FDESs. (3) Some examples serving to illuminate the applications of the diagnosability of FDESs are described. To conclude, some related issues are raised for further consideration.Comment: 14 pages; revisions have been mad

    Supervisory control of fuzzy discrete event systems with applications to mobile robotics

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    Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems (FDES) were proposed in the literature for modeling and control of a class of event driven and asynchronous dynamical systems that are affected by deterministic uncertainties and vagueness on their representations. In contrast to classical crisp Discrete Event Systems (DES), which have been explored to a sufficient extent in the past, an in-depth study of FDES is yet to be performed, and their feasible real-time application areas need to be further identified. This research work intends to address the supervisory control problem of FDES broadly, while formulating new knowledge in the area. Moreover, it examines the possible applications of these developments in the behavior-based mobile robotics domain. An FDES-based supervisory control framework to facilitate the behavior-based control of a mobile robot is developed at first. The proposed approach is modular in nature and supports behavior integration without making state explosion. Then, this architecture is implemented in simulation as well as in real-time on a mobile robot moving in unstructured environments, and the feasibility of the approach is validated. A general decentralized supervisory control theory of FDES is then established for better information association and ambiguity management in large-scale and distributed systems, while providing less complexity of control computation. Furthermore, using the proposed architecture, simulation and real-time experiments of a tightly-coupled multi-robot object manipulation task are performed. The results are compared with centralized FDES-based and decentralized DES-based approaches. -- A decentralized modular supervisory control theory of FDES is then established for complex systems having a number of modules that are concurrently operating and also containing multiple interactions. -- Finally, a hierarchical supervisory control theory of FDES is established to resolve the control complexity of a large-scale compound system by modularizing the system vertically and assigning multi-level supervisor hierarchies. As a proof-of-concept example to the established theory, a mobile robot navigation problem is discussed. This research work will contribute to the literature by developing novel knowledge and related theories in the areas of decentralized, modular and hierarchical supervisory control of FDES. It also investigates the applicability of these contributions in the mobile robotics arena

    A Hierarchical Hybrid Architecture for Mission-Oriented Robot Control

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03413-3_26In this work is presented a general architecture for a multi physical agent network system based on the coordination and the behaviour management. The system is organised in a hierarchical structure where are distinguished the individual agent actions and the collective ones linked to the whole agent network. Individual actions are also organised in a hybrid layered system that take advantages from reactive and deliberative control. Sensing system is involved as well in the behaviour architecture improving the information acquisition performance.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CICYT project Mission Based Control (COBAMI): DPI2011-28507-C02-02, under coordinated project High Integrity Partitioned Embedded Systems (Hi-PartES): TIN2011-28567-C03-03, and under the collaborative research project supported by the European Union MultiPARTES Project: FP7-ICT 287702. 2011-14.Muñoz Alcobendas, M.; Munera Sánchez, E.; Blanes Noguera, F.; Simó Ten, JE. (2013). A Hierarchical Hybrid Architecture for Mission-Oriented Robot Control. En ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1. Springer. 363-380. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03413-3_26S363380Aragues, R.: Consistent data association in multi-robot systems with limited communications. 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    An improved artificial dendrite cell algorithm for abnormal signal detection

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    In dendrite cell algorithm (DCA), the abnormality of a data point is determined by comparing the multi-context antigen value (MCAV) with anomaly threshold. The limitation of the existing threshold is that the value needs to be determined before mining based on previous information and the existing MCAV is inefficient when exposed to extreme values. This causes the DCA fails to detect new data points if the pattern has distinct behavior from previous information and affects detection accuracy. This paper proposed an improved anomaly threshold solution for DCA using the statistical cumulative sum (CUSUM) with the aim to improve its detection capability. In the proposed approach, the MCAV were normalized with upper CUSUM and the new anomaly threshold was calculated during run time by considering the acceptance value and min MCAV. From the experiments towards 12 benchmark and two outbreak datasets, the improved DCA is proven to have a better detection result than its previous version in terms of sensitivity, specificity, false detection rate and accuracy

    Retraction and Generalized Extension of Computing with Words

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    Fuzzy automata, whose input alphabet is a set of numbers or symbols, are a formal model of computing with values. Motivated by Zadeh's paradigm of computing with words rather than numbers, Ying proposed a kind of fuzzy automata, whose input alphabet consists of all fuzzy subsets of a set of symbols, as a formal model of computing with all words. In this paper, we introduce a somewhat general formal model of computing with (some special) words. The new features of the model are that the input alphabet only comprises some (not necessarily all) fuzzy subsets of a set of symbols and the fuzzy transition function can be specified arbitrarily. By employing the methodology of fuzzy control, we establish a retraction principle from computing with words to computing with values for handling crisp inputs and a generalized extension principle from computing with words to computing with all words for handling fuzzy inputs. These principles show that computing with values and computing with all words can be respectively implemented by computing with words. Some algebraic properties of retractions and generalized extensions are addressed as well.Comment: 13 double column pages; 3 figures; to be published in the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System
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