585 research outputs found

    Robust Automated Tumour Segmentation on Histological and Immunohistochemical Tissue Images

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    Tissue microarray (TMA) is a high throughput analysis tool to identify new diagnostic and prognostic markers in human cancers. However, standard automated method in tumour detection on both routine histochemical and immunohistochemistry (IHC) images is under developed. This paper presents a robust automated tumour cell segmentation model which can be applied to both routine histochemical tissue slides and IHC slides and deal with finer pixel-based segmentation in comparison with blob or area based segmentation by existing approaches. The presented technique greatly improves the process of TMA construction and plays an important role in automated IHC quantification in biomarker analysis where excluding stroma areas is critical. With the finest pixel-based evaluation (instead of area-based or object-based), the experimental results show that the proposed method is able to achieve 80% accuracy and 78% accuracy in two different types of pathological virtual slides, i.e., routine histochemical H&E and IHC images, respectively. The presented technique greatly reduces labor-intensive workloads for pathologists and highly speeds up the process of TMA construction and provides a possibility for fully automated IHC quantification

    Statistical methods for tissue array images - algorithmic scoring and co-training

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    Recent advances in tissue microarray technology have allowed immunohistochemistry to become a powerful medium-to-high throughput analysis tool, particularly for the validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. However, as study size grows, the manual evaluation of these assays becomes a prohibitive limitation; it vastly reduces throughput and greatly increases variability and expense. We propose an algorithm - Tissue Array Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis (TACOMA) - for quantifying cellular phenotypes based on textural regularity summarized by local inter-pixel relationships. The algorithm can be easily trained for any staining pattern, is absent of sensitive tuning parameters and has the ability to report salient pixels in an image that contribute to its score. Pathologists' input via informative training patches is an important aspect of the algorithm that allows the training for any specific marker or cell type. With co-training, the error rate of TACOMA can be reduced substantially for a very small training sample (e.g., with size 30). We give theoretical insights into the success of co-training via thinning of the feature set in a high-dimensional setting when there is "sufficient" redundancy among the features. TACOMA is flexible, transparent and provides a scoring process that can be evaluated with clarity and confidence. In a study based on an estrogen receptor (ER) marker, we show that TACOMA is comparable to, or outperforms, pathologists' performance in terms of accuracy and repeatability.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOAS543 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Automatic Tumor-Stroma Separation in Fluorescence TMAs Enables the Quantitative High-Throughput Analysis of Multiple Cancer Biomarkers

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    The upcoming quantification and automation in biomarker based histological tumor evaluation will require computational methods capable of automatically identifying tumor areas and differentiating them from the stroma. As no single generally applicable tumor biomarker is available, pathology routinely uses morphological criteria as a spatial reference system. We here present and evaluate a method capable of performing the classification in immunofluorescence histological slides solely using a DAPI background stain. Due to the restriction to a single color channel this is inherently challenging. We formed cell graphs based on the topological distribution of the tissue cell nuclei and extracted the corresponding graph features. By using topological, morphological and intensity based features we could systematically quantify and compare the discrimination capability individual features contribute to the overall algorithm. We here show that when classifying fluorescence tissue slides in the DAPI channel, morphological and intensity based features clearly outpace topological ones which have been used exclusively in related previous approaches. We assembled the 15 best features to train a support vector machine based on Keratin stained tumor areas. On a test set of TMAs with 210 cores of triple negative breast cancers our classifier was able to distinguish between tumor and stroma tissue with a total overall accuracy of 88%. Our method yields first results on the discrimination capability of features groups which is essential for an automated tumor diagnostics. Also, it provides an objective spatial reference system for the multiplex analysis of biomarkers in fluorescence immunohistochemistry

    Semi-automatic identification of punching areas for tissue microarray building: the tubular breast cancer pilot study

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    Background: Tissue MicroArray technology aims to perform immunohistochemical staining on hundreds of different tissue samples simultaneously. It allows faster analysis, considerably reducing costs incurred in staining. A time consuming phase of the methodology is the selection of tissue areas within paraffin blocks: no utilities have been developed for the identification of areas to be punched from the donor block and assembled in the recipient block.Results: The presented work supports, in the specific case of a primary subtype of breast cancer (tubular breast cancer), the semi-automatic discrimination and localization between normal and pathological regions within the tissues. The diagnosis is performed by analysing specific morphological features of the sample such as the absence of a double layer of cells around the lumen and the decay of a regular glands-and-lobules structure. These features are analysed using an algorithm which performs the extraction of morphological parameters from images and compares them to experimentally validated threshold values. Results are satisfactory since in most of the cases the automatic diagnosis matches the response of the pathologists. In particular, on a total of 1296 sub-images showing normal and pathological areas of breast specimens, algorithm accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are respectively 89%, 84% and 94%.Conclusions: The proposed work is a first attempt to demonstrate that automation in the Tissue MicroArray field is feasible and it can represent an important tool for scientists to cope with this high-throughput technique

    Developing quantitative image analysis pipelines for scoring histological panoramic images : Testing Rab24 as a possible biomarker for cancer

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    Biomarkers are highly essential to improve diagnosis, confirm the diseases' development, and monitor the treatment. Biomarker discovery requires analysis of a large quantity of data which is aided by computational tools. One of the methods widely used in the search of new biomarkers is immunohistochemistry of tissue samples. Numerous tools are available to detect different cell types in tissues in histological sections; still, the need for more advanced and quantitative analysis is growing. The most successful paradigms to meet these novel needs are using deep learning-based networks. Rab24, an atypical member of the Rab protein family, plays a role in the late steps of endosomal degradation, in mitochondrial plasticity, and in the clearance of autolysosomes in basal autophagy. Rab24 has been connected to neurodegeneration and cancer. It has been shown to be overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and to enhance HCC's malignant phenotype. These findings together indicate that Rab24 might be a potential biomarker for cancer, and its modulation might be used as a strategy for cancer therapy. This project was undertaken to investigate the expression of Rab24 in different types of human cancers. Rab24 was detected by immunohistochemical staining in cancer tissue samples embedded in paraffin. For the evaluation of expression levels, detailed image analysis pipelines were developed to combine an open-source software called QuPath with a deep learning network, StarDist, in order to setup a robust quantitative cell detection compatible with histological panoramic images. Based on our current analysis, 5 cancer types, including angiosarcoma, stomach gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), rectal neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC), liposarcoma and fibrosarcoma were selected as potential candidates for further investigation

    QuantISH : RNA in situ hybridization image analysis framework for quantifying cell type-specific target RNA expression and variability

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    RNA in situ hybridization (RNA-ISH) is a powerful spatial transcriptomics technology to characterize target RNA abundance and localization in individual cells. This allows analysis of tumor heterogeneity and expression localization, which are not readily obtainable through transcriptomic data analysis. RNA-ISH experiments produce large amounts of data and there is a need for automated analysis methods. Here we present QuantISH, a comprehensive open-source RNA-ISH image analysis pipeline that quantifies marker expressions in individual carcinoma, immune, and stromal cells on chromogenic or fluorescent in situ hybridization images. QuantISH is designed to be modular and can be adapted to various image and sample types and staining protocols. We show that in chromogenic RNA in situ hybridization images of high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) QuantISH cancer cell classification has high precision, and signal expression quantification is in line with visual assessment. We further demonstrate the power of QuantISH by showing that CCNE1 average expression and DDIT3 expression variability, as captured by the variability factor developed herein, act as candidate biomarkers in HGSC. Altogether, our results demonstrate that QuantISH can quantify RNA expression levels and their variability in carcinoma cells, and thus paves the way to utilize RNA-ISH technology.Peer reviewe