2 research outputs found

    The Effect of Code Obfuscation on Authorship Attribution of Binary Computer Files

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    In many forensic investigations, questions linger regarding the identity of the authors of the software specimen. Research has identified methods for the attribution of binary files that have not been obfuscated, but a significant percentage of malicious software has been obfuscated in an effort to hide both the details of its origin and its true intent. Little research has been done around analyzing obfuscated code for attribution. In part, the reason for this gap in the research is that deobfuscation of an unknown program is a challenging task. Further, the additional transformation of the executable file introduced by the obfuscator modifies or removes features from the original executable that would have been used in the author attribution process. Existing research has demonstrated good success in attributing the authorship of an executable file of unknown provenance using methods based on static analysis of the specimen file. With the addition of file obfuscation, static analysis of files becomes difficult, time consuming, and in some cases, may lead to inaccurate findings. This paper presents a novel process for authorship attribution using dynamic analysis methods. A software emulated system was fully instrumented to become a test harness for a specimen of unknown provenance, allowing for supervised control, monitoring, and trace data collection during execution. This trace data was used as input into a supervised machine learning algorithm trained to identify stylometric differences in the specimen under test and provide predictions on who wrote the specimen. The specimen files were also analyzed for authorship using static analysis methods to compare prediction accuracies with prediction accuracies gathered from this new, dynamic analysis based method. Experiments indicate that this new method can provide better accuracy of author attribution for files of unknown provenance, especially in the case where the specimen file has been obfuscated

    Source Code Similarity and Clone Search

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    Historically, clone detection as a research discipline has focused on devising source code similarity measurement and search solutions to cancel out effects of code reuse in software maintenance. However, it has also been observed that identifying duplications and similar programming patterns can be exploited for pragmatic reuse. Identifying such patterns requires a source code similarity model for detection of Type-1, 2, and 3 clones. Due to the lack of such a model, ad-hoc pattern detection models have been devised as part of state of the art solutions that support pragmatic reuse via code search. In this dissertation, we propose a clone search model which is based on the clone detection principles and satisfies the fundamental requirements for supporting pragmatic reuse. Our research presents a clone search model that not only supports scalability, short response times, and Type-1, 2 and 3 detection, but also emphasizes the need for supporting ranking as a key functionality. Our model takes advantage of a multi-level (non-positional) indexing approach to achieve a scalable and fast retrieval with high recall. Result sets are ranked using two ranking approaches: Jaccard similarity coefficient and the cosine similarity (vector space model) which exploits the code patterns’ local and global frequencies. We also extend the model by adapting a form of semantic search to cover bytecode code. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed clone search model can be applied for spotting working code examples in the context of pragmatic reuse. Further evidence of the applicability of the clone search model is provided through performance evaluation