1,126 research outputs found

    Mining Pure, Strict Epistatic Interactions from High-Dimensional Datasets: Ameliorating the Curse of Dimensionality

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    Background: The interaction between loci to affect phenotype is called epistasis. It is strict epistasis if no proper subset of the interacting loci exhibits a marginal effect. For many diseases, it is likely that unknown epistatic interactions affect disease susceptibility. A difficulty when mining epistatic interactions from high-dimensional datasets concerns the curse of dimensionality. There are too many combinations of SNPs to perform an exhaustive search. A method that could locate strict epistasis without an exhaustive search can be considered the brass ring of methods for analyzing high-dimensional datasets. Methodology/Findings: A SNP pattern is a Bayesian network representing SNP-disease relationships. The Bayesian score for a SNP pattern is the probability of the data given the pattern, and has been used to learn SNP patterns. We identified a bound for the score of a SNP pattern. The bound provides an upper limit on the Bayesian score of any pattern that could be obtained by expanding a given pattern. We felt that the bound might enable the data to say something about the promise of expanding a 1-SNP pattern even when there are no marginal effects. We tested the bound using simulated datasets and semi-synthetic high-dimensional datasets obtained from GWAS datasets. We found that the bound was able to dramatically reduce the search time for strict epistasis. Using an Alzheimer's dataset, we showed that it is possible to discover an interaction involving the APOE gene based on its score because of its large marginal effect, but that the bound is most effective at discovering interactions without marginal effects. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that the bound appears to ameliorate the curse of dimensionality in high-dimensional datasets. This is a very consequential result and could be pivotal in our efforts to reveal the dark matter of genetic disease risk from high-dimensional datasets. Š 2012 Jiang, Neapolitan

    Big data analytics in computational biology and bioinformatics

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    Big data analytics in computational biology and bioinformatics refers to an array of operations including biological pattern discovery, classification, prediction, inference, clustering as well as data mining in the cloud, among others. This dissertation addresses big data analytics by investigating two important operations, namely pattern discovery and network inference. The dissertation starts by focusing on biological pattern discovery at a genomic scale. Research reveals that the secondary structure in non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is more conserved during evolution than its primary nucleotide sequence. Using a covariance model approach, the stems and loops of an ncRNA secondary structure are represented as a statistical image against which an entire genome can be efficiently scanned for matching patterns. The covariance model approach is then further extended, in combination with a structural clustering algorithm and a random forests classifier, to perform genome-wide search for similarities in ncRNA tertiary structures. The dissertation then presents methods for gene network inference. Vast bodies of genomic data containing gene and protein expression patterns are now available for analysis. One challenge is to apply efficient methodologies to uncover more knowledge about the cellular functions. Very little is known concerning how genes regulate cellular activities. A gene regulatory network (GRN) can be represented by a directed graph in which each node is a gene and each edge or link is a regulatory effect that one gene has on another gene. By evaluating gene expression patterns, researchers perform in silico data analyses in systems biology, in particular GRN inference, where the “reverse engineering” is involved in predicting how a system works by looking at the system output alone. Many algorithmic and statistical approaches have been developed to computationally reverse engineer biological systems. However, there are no known bioin-formatics tools capable of performing perfect GRN inference. Here, extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate and compare recent bioinformatics tools for inferring GRNs from time-series gene expression data. Standard performance metrics for these tools based on both simulated and real data sets are generally low, suggesting that further efforts are needed to develop more reliable GRN inference tools. It is also observed that using multiple tools together can help identify true regulatory interactions between genes, a finding consistent with those reported in the literature. Finally, the dissertation discusses and presents a framework for parallelizing GRN inference methods using Apache Hadoop in a cloud environment

    Statistical Methods in Integrative Genomics

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    Statistical methods in integrative genomics aim to answer important biology questions by jointly analyzing multiple types of genomic data (vertical integration) or aggregating the same type of data across multiple studies (horizontal integration). In this article, we introduce different types of genomic data and data resources, and then review statistical methods of integrative genomics, with emphasis on the motivation and rationale of these methods. We conclude with some summary points and future research directions

    Apples and oranges: avoiding different priors in Bayesian DNA sequence analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the challenges of bioinformatics remains the recognition of short signal sequences in genomic DNA such as donor or acceptor splice sites, splicing enhancers or silencers, translation initiation sites, transcription start sites, transcription factor binding sites, nucleosome binding sites, miRNA binding sites, or insulator binding sites. During the last decade, a wealth of algorithms for the recognition of such DNA sequences has been developed and compared with the goal of improving their performance and to deepen our understanding of the underlying cellular processes. Most of these algorithms are based on statistical models belonging to the family of Markov random fields such as position weight matrix models, weight array matrix models, Markov models of higher order, or moral Bayesian networks. While in many comparative studies different learning principles or different statistical models have been compared, the influence of choosing different prior distributions for the model parameters when using different learning principles has been overlooked, and possibly lead to questionable conclusions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>With the goal of allowing direct comparisons of different learning principles for models from the family of Markov random fields based on the <it>same a-priori information</it>, we derive a generalization of the commonly-used product-Dirichlet prior. We find that the derived prior behaves like a Gaussian prior close to the maximum and like a Laplace prior in the far tails. In two case studies, we illustrate the utility of the derived prior for a direct comparison of different learning principles with different models for the recognition of binding sites of the transcription factor Sp1 and human donor splice sites.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We find that comparisons of different learning principles using the same a-priori information can lead to conclusions different from those of previous studies in which the effect resulting from different priors has been neglected. We implement the derived prior is implemented in the open-source library Jstacs to enable an easy application to comparative studies of different learning principles in the field of sequence analysis.</p

    Innovative Algorithms and Evaluation Methods for Biological Motif Finding

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    Biological motifs are defined as overly recurring sub-patterns in biological systems. Sequence motifs and network motifs are the examples of biological motifs. Due to the wide range of applications, many algorithms and computational tools have been developed for efficient search for biological motifs. Therefore, there are more computationally derived motifs than experimentally validated motifs, and how to validate the biological significance of the ‘candidate motifs’ becomes an important question. Some of sequence motifs are verified by their structural similarities or their functional roles in DNA or protein sequences, and stored in databases. However, biological role of network motifs is still invalidated and currently no databases exist for this purpose. In this thesis, we focus not only on the computational efficiency but also on the biological meanings of the motifs. We provide an efficient way to incorporate biological information with clustering analysis methods: For example, a sparse nonnegative matrix factorization (SNMF) method is used with Chou-Fasman parameters for the protein motif finding. Biological network motifs are searched by various clustering algorithms with Gene ontology (GO) information. Experimental results show that the algorithms perform better than existing algorithms by producing a larger number of high-quality of biological motifs. In addition, we apply biological network motifs for the discovery of essential proteins. Essential proteins are defined as a minimum set of proteins which are vital for development to a fertile adult and in a cellular life in an organism. We design a new centrality algorithm with biological network motifs, named MCGO, and score proteins in a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network to find essential proteins. MCGO is also combined with other centrality measures to predict essential proteins using machine learning techniques. We have three contributions to the study of biological motifs through this thesis; 1) Clustering analysis is efficiently used in this work and biological information is easily integrated with the analysis; 2) We focus more on the biological meanings of motifs by adding biological knowledge in the algorithms and by suggesting biologically related evaluation methods. 3) Biological network motifs are successfully applied to a practical application of prediction of essential proteins

    Predictive Modelling of Retail Banking Transactions for Credit Scoring, Cross-Selling and Payment Pattern Discovery

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    Evaluating transactional payment behaviour offers a competitive advantage in the modern payment ecosystem, not only for confirming the presence of good credit applicants or unlocking the cross-selling potential between the respective product and service portfolios of financial institutions, but also to rule out bad credit applicants precisely in transactional payments streams. In a diagnostic test for analysing the payment behaviour, I have used a hybrid approach comprising a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms to discover behavioural patterns. Supervised learning algorithms can compute a range of credit scores and cross-sell candidates, although the applied methods only discover limited behavioural patterns across the payment streams. Moreover, the performance of the applied supervised learning algorithms varies across the different data models and their optimisation is inversely related to the pre-processed dataset. Subsequently, the research experiments conducted suggest that the Two-Class Decision Forest is an effective algorithm to determine both the cross-sell candidates and creditworthiness of their customers. In addition, a deep-learning model using neural network has been considered with a meaningful interpretation of future payment behaviour through categorised payment transactions, in particular by providing additional deep insights through graph-based visualisations. However, the research shows that unsupervised learning algorithms play a central role in evaluating the transactional payment behaviour of customers to discover associations using market basket analysis based on previous payment transactions, finding the frequent transactions categories, and developing interesting rules when each transaction category is performed on the same payment stream. Current research also reveals that the transactional payment behaviour analysis is multifaceted in the financial industry for assessing the diagnostic ability of promotion candidates and classifying bad credit applicants from among the entire customer base. The developed predictive models can also be commonly used to estimate the credit risk of any credit applicant based on his/her transactional payment behaviour profile, combined with deep insights from the categorised payment transactions analysis. The research study provides a full review of the performance characteristic results from different developed data models. Thus, the demonstrated data science approach is a possible proof of how machine learning models can be turned into cost-sensitive data models

    Integrate qualitative biological knowledge for gene regulatory network reconstruction with dynamic Bayesian networks

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    Reconstructing gene regulatory networks, especially the dynamic gene networks that reveal the temporal program of gene expression from microarray expression data, is essential in systems biology. To overcome the challenges posed by the noisy and under-sampled microarray data, developing data fusion methods to integrate legacy biological knowledge for gene network reconstruction is a promising direction. However, large amount of qualitative biological knowledge accumulated by previous research, albeit very valuable, has received less attention for reconstructing dynamic gene networks due to its incompatibility with the quantitative computational models.;In this dissertation, I introduce a novel method to fuse qualitative gene interaction information with quantitative microarray data under the Dynamic Bayesian Networks framework. This method extends the previous data integration methods by its capabilities of both utilizing qualitative biological knowledge by using Bayesian Networks without the involvement of human experts, and taking time-series data to produce dynamic gene networks. The experimental study shows that when compared with standard Dynamic Bayesian Networks method which only uses microarray data, our method excels by both accuracy and consistency

    Data Mining Using the Crossing Minimization Paradigm

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    Our ability and capacity to generate, record and store multi-dimensional, apparently unstructured data is increasing rapidly, while the cost of data storage is going down. The data recorded is not perfect, as noise gets introduced in it from different sources. Some of the basic forms of noise are incorrect recording of values and missing values. The formal study of discovering useful hidden information in the data is called Data Mining. Because of the size, and complexity of the problem, practical data mining problems are best attempted using automatic means. Data Mining can be categorized into two types i.e. supervised learning or classification and unsupervised learning or clustering. Clustering only the records in a database (or data matrix) gives a global view of the data and is called one-way clustering. For a detailed analysis or a local view, biclustering or co-clustering or two-way clustering is required involving the simultaneous clustering of the records and the attributes. In this dissertation, a novel fast and white noise tolerant data mining solution is proposed based on the Crossing Minimization (CM) paradigm; the solution works for one-way as well as two-way clustering for discovering overlapping biclusters. For decades the CM paradigm has traditionally been used for graph drawing and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuit design for reducing wire length and congestion. The utility of the proposed technique is demonstrated by comparing it with other biclustering techniques using simulated noisy, as well as real data from Agriculture, Biology and other domains. Two other interesting and hard problems also addressed in this dissertation are (i) the Minimum Attribute Subset Selection (MASS) problem and (ii) Bandwidth Minimization (BWM) problem of sparse matrices. The proposed CM technique is demonstrated to provide very convincing results while attempting to solve the said problems using real public domain data. Pakistan is the fourth largest supplier of cotton in the world. An apparent anomaly has been observed during 1989-97 between cotton yield and pesticide consumption in Pakistan showing unexpected periods of negative correlation. By applying the indigenous CM technique for one-way clustering to real Agro-Met data (2001-2002), a possible explanation of the anomaly has been presented in this thesis
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