4,880 research outputs found

    MedTruth: A Semi-supervised Approach to Discovering Knowledge Condition Information from Multi-Source Medical Data

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    Knowledge Graph (KG) contains entities and the relations between entities. Due to its representation ability, KG has been successfully applied to support many medical/healthcare tasks. However, in the medical domain, knowledge holds under certain conditions. For example, symptom \emph{runny nose} highly indicates the existence of disease \emph{whooping cough} when the patient is a baby rather than the people at other ages. Such conditions for medical knowledge are crucial for decision-making in various medical applications, which is missing in existing medical KGs. In this paper, we aim to discovery medical knowledge conditions from texts to enrich KGs. Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are systematized collection of clinical data and contain detailed information about patients, thus EMRs can be a good resource to discover medical knowledge conditions. Unfortunately, the amount of available EMRs is limited due to reasons such as regularization. Meanwhile, a large amount of medical question answering (QA) data is available, which can greatly help the studied task. However, the quality of medical QA data is quite diverse, which may degrade the quality of the discovered medical knowledge conditions. In the light of these challenges, we propose a new truth discovery method, MedTruth, for medical knowledge condition discovery, which incorporates prior source quality information into the source reliability estimation procedure, and also utilizes the knowledge triple information for trustworthy information computation. We conduct series of experiments on real-world medical datasets to demonstrate that the proposed method can discover meaningful and accurate conditions for medical knowledge by leveraging both EMR and QA data. Further, the proposed method is tested on synthetic datasets to validate its effectiveness under various scenarios.Comment: Accepted as CIKM2019 long pape

    Knowledge Graph based Question and Answer System for Cosmetic Domain

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    With the development of E-commerce, the requirements of customers for products become more detailed, and the workload of customer service consultants will increase massively. However, the manufacturer is not obliged to provide specific product ingredients on the website. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a KBQA system to relieve the pressure of online customer service and effectively help customers to find suitable skincare production. For the cosmetic filed, the different basic cosmetics may have varied effects depending on its ingredients. In this paper, we utilize CosDNA website and online cosmetic websites to construct a cosmetic product knowledge graph to broaden the relationship between cosmetics, ingredients, skin type, and effects. Besides, we build the question answering system based on the cosmetic knowledge graph to allow users to understand product details directly and make the decision quickly

    Model Dan Metoda Arsitektur Pada Sistem Tanya Jawab Medis

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    Pada makalah ini, akan dilakukan survey beberapa penelitian yang membahas mengenai sistem tanya jawab dengan domain pada bidang medis (medical question answering = MedQuAn). Sistem MedQuAn mengolah pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam bentuk teks bahasa alami dan kemudian sistem akan memberikan jawaban yang relevan. Makalah ini mencoba menelaah modul konseptual MedQuAn, bahwa sistem tanya jawab terdiri dari tiga komponen inti yang berbeda beserta metoda/ pendekatan yang digunakan. Ketiga komponen inti tersebut adalah klasifikasi pertanyaan, pencarian dokumen, dan ekstraksi jawaban. Hasil akhir dari survey ini adalah sebuah kontribusi untuk pengembangan penelitian di masa mendatang di domain MedQuAn khususnya untuk sistem tanya jawab medis dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia

    Model dan Metoda Arsitektur pada Sistem Tanya Jawab Medis

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    Pada makalah ini, akan dilakukan survey beberapa penelitian yang membahas mengenai sistem tanya jawab dengan domain pada bidang medis (medical question answering = MedQuAn). Sistem MedQuAn mengolah pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam bentuk teks bahasa alami dan kemudian sistem akan memberikan jawaban yang relevan. Makalah ini mencoba menelaah modul konseptual MedQuAn, bahwa sistem tanya jawab terdiri dari tiga komponen inti yang berbeda beserta metoda/ pendekatan yang digunakan. Ketiga komponen inti tersebut adalah klasifikasi pertanyaan, pencarian dokumen, dan ekstraksi jawaban. Hasil akhir dari survey ini adalah sebuah kontribusi untuk pengembangan penelitian di masa mendatang di domain MedQuAn khususnya untuk sistem tanya jawab medis dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
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