15 research outputs found

    Borel reductions of profinite actions of SL(n,Z)

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    Greg Hjorth and Simon Thomas proved that the classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank \emph{strictly increases} in complexity with the rank. Subsequently, Thomas proved that the complexity of the classification problems for pp-local torsion-free abelian groups of fixed rank nn are \emph{pairwise incomparable} as pp varies. We prove that if 3≤m<n3\leq m<n and p,qp,q are distinct primes, then the complexity of the classification problem for pp-local torsion-free abelian groups of rank mm is again incomparable with that for qq-local torsion-free abelian groups of rank nn

    Martin's conjecture, arithmetic equivalence, and countable Borel equivalence relations

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    There is a fascinating interplay and overlap between recursion theory and descriptive set theory. A particularly beautiful source of such interaction has been Martin's conjecture on Turing invariant functions. This longstanding open problem in recursion theory has connected to many problems in descriptive set theory, particularly in the theory of countable Borel equivalence relations. In this paper, we shall give an overview of some work that has been done on Martin's conjecture, and applications that it has had in descriptive set theory. We will present a long unpublished result of Slaman and Steel that arithmetic equivalence is a universal countable Borel equivalence relation. This theorem has interesting corollaries for the theory of universal countable Borel equivalence relations in general. We end with some open problems, and directions for future research.Comment: Corrected typo

    Ioana's Superrigidity Theorem and Orbit Equivalence Relations

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    Uniformity, Universality, and Computability Theory

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    We prove a number of results motivated by global questions of uniformity in computability theory, and universality of countable Borel equivalence relations. Our main technical tool is a game for constructing functions on free products of countable groups. We begin by investigating the notion of uniform universality, first proposed by Montalb\'an, Reimann and Slaman. This notion is a strengthened form of a countable Borel equivalence relation being universal, which we conjecture is equivalent to the usual notion. With this additional uniformity hypothesis, we can answer many questions concerning how countable groups, probability measures, the subset relation, and increasing unions interact with universality. For many natural classes of countable Borel equivalence relations, we can also classify exactly which are uniformly universal. We also show the existence of refinements of Martin's ultrafilter on Turing invariant Borel sets to the invariant Borel sets of equivalence relations that are much finer than Turing equivalence. For example, we construct such an ultrafilter for the orbit equivalence relation of the shift action of the free group on countably many generators. These ultrafilters imply a number of structural properties for these equivalence relations.Comment: 61 Page