15 research outputs found

    Using Simon's Algorithm to Attack Symmetric-Key Cryptographic Primitives

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    We present new connections between quantum information and the field of classical cryptography. In particular, we provide examples where Simon's algorithm can be used to show insecurity of commonly used cryptographic symmetric-key primitives. Specifically, these examples consist of a quantum distinguisher for the 3-round Feistel network and a forgery attack on CBC-MAC which forges a tag for a chosen-prefix message querying only other messages (of the same length). We assume that an adversary has quantum-oracle access to the respective classical primitives. Similar results have been achieved recently in independent work by Kaplan et al. Our findings shed new light on the post-quantum security of cryptographic schemes and underline that classical security proofs of cryptographic constructions need to be revisited in light of quantum attackers.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. v3: final polished version, more formal definitions adde

    Learning with Errors is easy with quantum samples

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    Learning with Errors is one of the fundamental problems in computational learning theory and has in the last years become the cornerstone of post-quantum cryptography. In this work, we study the quantum sample complexity of Learning with Errors and show that there exists an efficient quantum learning algorithm (with polynomial sample and time complexity) for the Learning with Errors problem where the error distribution is the one used in cryptography. While our quantum learning algorithm does not break the LWE-based encryption schemes proposed in the cryptography literature, it does have some interesting implications for cryptography: first, when building an LWE-based scheme, one needs to be careful about the access to the public-key generation algorithm that is given to the adversary; second, our algorithm shows a possible way for attacking LWE-based encryption by using classical samples to approximate the quantum sample state, since then using our quantum learning algorithm would solve LWE

    Semantic Security and Indistinguishability in the Quantum World

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    At CRYPTO 2013, Boneh and Zhandry initiated the study of quantum-secure encryption. They proposed first indistinguishability definitions for the quantum world where the actual indistinguishability only holds for classical messages, and they provide arguments why it might be hard to achieve a stronger notion. In this work, we show that stronger notions are achievable, where the indistinguishability holds for quantum superpositions of messages. We investigate exhaustively the possibilities and subtle differences in defining such a quantum indistinguishability notion for symmetric-key encryption schemes. We justify our stronger definition by showing its equivalence to novel quantum semantic-security notions that we introduce. Furthermore, we show that our new security definitions cannot be achieved by a large class of ciphers -- those which are quasi-preserving the message length. On the other hand, we provide a secure construction based on quantum-resistant pseudorandom permutations; this construction can be used as a generic transformation for turning a large class of encryption schemes into quantum indistinguishable and hence quantum semantically secure ones. Moreover, our construction is the first completely classical encryption scheme shown to be secure against an even stronger notion of indistinguishability, which was previously known to be achievable only by using quantum messages and arbitrary quantum encryption circuits.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    New security notions and feasibility results for authentication of quantum data

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    We give a new class of security definitions for authentication in the quantum setting. These definitions capture and strengthen existing definitions of security against quantum adversaries for both classical message authentication codes (MACs) and well as full quantum state authentication schemes. The main feature of our definitions is that they precisely characterize the effective behavior of any adversary when the authentication protocol accepts, including correlations with the key. Our definitions readily yield a host of desirable properties and interesting consequences; for example, our security definition for full quantum state authentication implies that the entire secret key can be re-used if the authentication protocol succeeds. Next, we present several protocols satisfying our security definitions. We show that the classical Wegman-Carter authentication scheme with 3-universal hashing is secure against superposition attacks, as well as adversaries with quantum side information. We then present conceptually simple constructions of full quantum state authentication. Finally, we prove a lifting theorem which shows that, as long as a protocol can securely authenticate the maximally entangled state, it can securely authenticate any state, even those that are entangled with the adversary. Thus, this shows that protocols satisfying a fairly weak form of authentication security automatically satisfy a stronger notion of security (in particular, the definition of Dupuis, et al (2012)).Comment: 50 pages, QCrypt 2016 - 6th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, added a new lifting theorem that shows equivalence between a weak form of authentication security and a stronger notion that considers side informatio

    Quantum Lightning Never Strikes the Same State Twice

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    Public key quantum money can be seen as a version of the quantum no-cloning theorem that holds even when the quantum states can be verified by the adversary. In this work, investigate quantum lightning, a formalization of "collision-free quantum money" defined by Lutomirski et al. [ICS'10], where no-cloning holds even when the adversary herself generates the quantum state to be cloned. We then study quantum money and quantum lightning, showing the following results: - We demonstrate the usefulness of quantum lightning by showing several potential applications, such as generating random strings with a proof of entropy, to completely decentralized cryptocurrency without a block-chain, where transactions is instant and local. - We give win-win results for quantum money/lightning, showing that either signatures/hash functions/commitment schemes meet very strong recently proposed notions of security, or they yield quantum money or lightning. - We construct quantum lightning under the assumed multi-collision resistance of random degree-2 systems of polynomials. - We show that instantiating the quantum money scheme of Aaronson and Christiano [STOC'12] with indistinguishability obfuscation that is secure against quantum computers yields a secure quantum money schem

    Superposition Attack on OT Protocols

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    In this note, we study the security of oblivious transfer protocols in the presence of adversarial superposition queries. We define a security notion for the sender against a corrupted receiver that makes a superposition query. We present an oblivious transfer protocol that is secure against a quantum receiver restricted to a classical query but it is insecure when the receiver makes a quantum query