1,292 research outputs found

    SSL-WM: A Black-Box Watermarking Approach for Encoders Pre-trained by Self-supervised Learning

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    Recent years have witnessed significant success in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL), which facilitates various downstream tasks. However, attackers may steal such SSL models and commercialize them for profit, making it crucial to protect their Intellectual Property (IP). Most existing IP protection solutions are designed for supervised learning models and cannot be used directly since they require that the models' downstream tasks and target labels be known and available during watermark embedding, which is not always possible in the domain of SSL. To address such a problem especially when downstream tasks are diverse and unknown during watermark embedding, we propose a novel black-box watermarking solution, named SSL-WM, for protecting the ownership of SSL models. SSL-WM maps watermarked inputs by the watermarked encoders into an invariant representation space, which causes any downstream classifiers to produce expected behavior, thus allowing the detection of embedded watermarks. We evaluate SSL-WM on numerous tasks, such as Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), using different SSL models, including contrastive-based and generative-based. Experimental results demonstrate that SSL-WM can effectively verify the ownership of stolen SSL models in various downstream tasks. Furthermore, SSL-WM is robust against model fine-tuning and pruning attacks. Lastly, SSL-WM can also evade detection from evaluated watermark detection approaches, demonstrating its promising application in protecting the IP of SSL models

    Towards a Robust Defense: A Multifaceted Approach to the Detection and Mitigation of Neural Backdoor Attacks through Feature Space Exploration and Analysis

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    From voice assistants to self-driving vehicles, machine learning(ML), especially deep learning, revolutionizes the way we work and live, through the wide adoption in a broad range of applications. Unfortunately, this widespread use makes deep learning-based systems a desirable target for cyberattacks, such as generating adversarial examples to fool a deep learning system to make wrong decisions. In particular, many recent studies have revealed that attackers can corrupt the training of a deep learning model, e.g., through data poisoning, or distribute a deep learning model they created with “backdoors” planted, e.g., distributed as part of a software library, so that the attacker can easily craft system inputs that grant unauthorized access or lead to catastrophic errors or failures. This dissertation aims to develop a multifaceted approach for detecting and mitigating such neural backdoor attacks by exploiting their unique characteristics in the feature space. First of all, a framework called GangSweep is designed to utilize the capabilities of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to approximate poisoned sample distributions in the feature space, to detect neural backdoor attacks. Unlike conventional methods, GangSweep exposes all attacker-induced artifacts, irrespective of their complexity or obscurity. By leveraging the statistical disparities between these artifacts and natural adversarial perturbations, an efficient detection scheme is devised. Accordingly, the backdoored model can be purified through label correction and fine-tuning Secondly, this dissertation focuses on the sample-targeted backdoor attacks, a variant of neural backdoor that targets specific samples. Given the absence of explicit triggers in such models, traditional detection methods falter. Through extensive analysis, I have identified a unique feature space property of these attacks, where they induce boundary alterations, creating discernible “pockets” around target samples. Based on this critical observation, I introduce a novel defense scheme that encapsulates these malicious pockets within a tight convex hull in the feature space, and then design an algorithm to identify such hulls and remove the backdoor through model fine-tuning. The algorithm demonstrates high efficacy against a spectrum of sample-targeted backdoor attacks. Lastly, I address the emerging challenge of backdoor attacks in multimodal deep neural networks, in particular vision-language model, a growing concern in real-world applications. Discovering that there is a strong association between the image trigger and the target text in the feature space of the backdoored vision-language model, I design an effective algorithm to expose the malicious text and image trigger by jointly searching in the shared feature space of the vision and language modalities

    Learning Feature Matching via Matchable Keypoint-Assisted Graph Neural Network

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    Accurately matching local features between a pair of images is a challenging computer vision task. Previous studies typically use attention based graph neural networks (GNNs) with fully-connected graphs over keypoints within/across images for visual and geometric information reasoning. However, in the context of feature matching, considerable keypoints are non-repeatable due to occlusion and failure of the detector, and thus irrelevant for message passing. The connectivity with non-repeatable keypoints not only introduces redundancy, resulting in limited efficiency, but also interferes with the representation aggregation process, leading to limited accuracy. Targeting towards high accuracy and efficiency, we propose MaKeGNN, a sparse attention-based GNN architecture which bypasses non-repeatable keypoints and leverages matchable ones to guide compact and meaningful message passing. More specifically, our Bilateral Context-Aware Sampling Module first dynamically samples two small sets of well-distributed keypoints with high matchability scores from the image pair. Then, our Matchable Keypoint-Assisted Context Aggregation Module regards sampled informative keypoints as message bottlenecks and thus constrains each keypoint only to retrieve favorable contextual information from intra- and inter- matchable keypoints, evading the interference of irrelevant and redundant connectivity with non-repeatable ones. Furthermore, considering the potential noise in initial keypoints and sampled matchable ones, the MKACA module adopts a matchability-guided attentional aggregation operation for purer data-dependent context propagation. By these means, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance on relative camera estimation, fundamental matrix estimation, and visual localization, while significantly reducing computational and memory complexity compared to typical attentional GNNs

    Generalizing Boolean Satisfiability III: Implementation

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    This is the third of three papers describing ZAP, a satisfiability engine that substantially generalizes existing tools while retaining the performance characteristics of modern high-performance solvers. The fundamental idea underlying ZAP is that many problems passed to such engines contain rich internal structure that is obscured by the Boolean representation used; our goal has been to define a representation in which this structure is apparent and can be exploited to improve computational performance. The first paper surveyed existing work that (knowingly or not) exploited problem structure to improve the performance of satisfiability engines, and the second paper showed that this structure could be understood in terms of groups of permutations acting on individual clauses in any particular Boolean theory. We conclude the series by discussing the techniques needed to implement our ideas, and by reporting on their performance on a variety of problem instances

    Towards Accurate Data-free Quantization for Diffusion Models

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    In this paper, we propose an accurate data-free post-training quantization framework of diffusion models (ADP-DM) for efficient image generation. Conventional data-free quantization methods learn shared quantization functions for tensor discretization regardless of the generation timesteps, while the activation distribution differs significantly across various timesteps. The calibration images are acquired in random timesteps which fail to provide sufficient information for generalizable quantization function learning. Both issues cause sizable quantization errors with obvious image generation performance degradation. On the contrary, we design group-wise quantization functions for activation discretization in different timesteps and sample the optimal timestep for informative calibration image generation, so that our quantized diffusion model can reduce the discretization errors with negligible computational overhead. Specifically, we partition the timesteps according to the importance weights of quantization functions in different groups, which are optimized by differentiable search algorithms. We also select the optimal timestep for calibration image generation by structural risk minimizing principle in order to enhance the generalization ability in the deployment of quantized diffusion model. Extensive experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art post-training quantization of diffusion model by a sizable margin with similar computational cost

    BeyondPixels: A Comprehensive Review of the Evolution of Neural Radiance Fields

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    Neural rendering combines ideas from classical computer graphics and machine learning to synthesize images from real-world observations. NeRF, short for Neural Radiance Fields, is a recent innovation that uses AI algorithms to create 3D objects from 2D images. By leveraging an interpolation approach, NeRF can produce new 3D reconstructed views of complicated scenes. Rather than directly restoring the whole 3D scene geometry, NeRF generates a volumetric representation called a ``radiance field,'' which is capable of creating color and density for every point within the relevant 3D space. The broad appeal and notoriety of NeRF make it imperative to examine the existing research on the topic comprehensively. While previous surveys on 3D rendering have primarily focused on traditional computer vision-based or deep learning-based approaches, only a handful of them discuss the potential of NeRF. However, such surveys have predominantly focused on NeRF's early contributions and have not explored its full potential. NeRF is a relatively new technique continuously being investigated for its capabilities and limitations. This survey reviews recent advances in NeRF and categorizes them according to their architectural designs, especially in the field of novel view synthesis.Comment: 22 page, 1 figure, 5 tabl
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