4 research outputs found

    Chromatic polynomials of some sunflower mixed hypergraphs

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    The theory of mixed hypergraphs coloring has been first introduced by Voloshin in 1993 and it has been growing ever since. The proper coloring of a mixed hypergraph H = (X; C;D) is the coloring of the vertex set X so that no D-hyperedge is monochromatic and no C-hyperedge is polychromatic. A mixed hypergraph with hyperedges of type D, C or B is commonly known as a D-, C-, or B-hypergraph respectively, where B = C = D. D-hypergraph colorings are the classic hypergraph colorings which have been widely studied. The chromatic polynomial P(H;λ) of a mixed hypergraph H is the function that counts the number of proper λ-colorings, which are mappings. Recently, Walter published [15] some results concerning the chromatic polynomial of some non-uniform D-sunflower. In this paper, we present an alternative proof of his result and extend his formula to those of non-uniform C-sunflowers and B-sunflowers. Some results of a new but related member of sunflowers are also presented

    On extremal spectral radius of blow-up uniform hypergraphs

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    Let GG be an rr-uniform hypergraph of order tt and ρ(G)\rho(G) is the spectral radius of A(G)\mathcal{A}(G), where A(G)\mathcal{A}(G) is the adjacency tensor of GG. A blow-up of GG respected to a positive integer vector (n1,n2,,nt)(n_{1}, n_{2},\ldots,n_{t}), denoted by G(n1,n2,,nt)G \circ (n_{1}, n_{2},\ldots,n_{t}), is an rr-uniform hypergraph obtained from GG by replacing each vertex jj of GG with a class of vertices VjV_{j} of size nj1n_{j}\ge 1 and if {j1,j2,,jr}E(G)\{j_{1},j_{2},\ldots,j_{r}\}\in E(G), then {vi1,vi2,,vir}E(H)\{v_{i_1},v_{i_2},\ldots,v_{i_r}\}\in E(H) for every vi1Vj1,vi2Vj2,,virVjrv_{i_{1}}\in V_{j_{1}}, v_{i_{2}}\in V_{j_{2}},\ldots, v_{i_{r}}\in V_{j_{r}}. Let Bn(G)\mathcal{B}_{n}(G) be the set of all the blow-ups of GG such that each ni1n_i\ge 1 and i=1nni=n\sum_{i=1}^n n_i=n. Let KtrK_{t}^{r} be the complete rr-uniform hypergraph of order tt, and let SH(m,q,r)SH(m,q,r) be the rr-uniform sunflower hypergraph with mm petals and a kernel of size rqr-q on tt vertices. For any HBn(Ktr)H\in \mathcal{B}_{n}(K_{t}^{r}), we prove that ρ(Ktr(nt+1,1,1,,1))ρ(H)ρ(Ttr(n)),\rho(K_{t}^{r}\circ(n-t+1,1,1,\ldots,1))\leq\rho(H)\leq \rho (T_{t}^{r}(n)), with the left equality holds if and only if HKtr(nt+1,1,1,,1)H\cong K_{t}^{r}\circ(n-t+1,1,1,\ldots,1), and the right equality holds if and only if HTtr(n)H\cong T_{t}^{r}(n), where Ttr(n)T_{t}^{r}(n) is the complete tt-partite rr-uniform hypergraph of order nn, with parts of size n/k\lfloor n / k\rfloor or n/k\lceil n / k \rceil. For any HBn(H(m,q,r))H\in \mathcal{B}_{n}(H(m,q,r)), we determine the exact value of the spectral radius of HH and characterize the hypergraphs with maximum spectral radius and minimum spectral radius in Bn(H(m,q,r))\mathcal{B}_{n}(H(m,q,r)), respectively.Comment: 16 page

    Chromatic polynomials of some sunflower mixed hypergraphs

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    The theory of mixed hypergraphs coloring has been first introduced by Voloshin in 1993 and it has been growing ever since. The proper coloring of a mixed hypergraph H = (X; C;D) is the coloring ofthe vertex set X so that no D??hyperedge is monochromatic and no C-hyperedge is polychromatic. A mixed hypergraph with hyperedges of type D, C or B is commonly known as a D-, C-, or B-hypergraphrespectively where B = C = D. D-hypergraph colorings are the classichypergraph colorings which have been widely studied. The chro-matic polynomial P(H;) of a mixed hypergraph H is the function thatcounts the number of proper ??colorings, which are mappings f : X !f1; 2; : : : ; g. A sunfower (hypergraph) with l petals and a core S is a collection of sets e1; : : : ; el such that ei \ ej = S for all i 6= j. Recently, Walter published [14] some results concerning the chromatic polynomial of some non-uniform D-sunfower. In this paper, we present an alternative proof of his result and extend his formula to those of non-uniform C-sunowers and B-sunowers. Some results of a new but related member of sunfowers are also presented