160 research outputs found

    First Application of Lattice QCD to Pezy-SC Processor

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    AbstractPezy-SC processor is a novel new architecture developed by Pezy Computing K. K. that has achieved large computational power with low electric power consumption. It works as an accelerator device similarly to GPGPUs. A programming environment that resembles OpenCL is provided. Using a hybrid parallel system “Suiren” installed at KEK, we port and tune a simulation code of lattice QCD, which is computational elementary particle physics based on Monte Carlo method. We offload an iterative solver of a linear equation for a fermion matrix, which is in general the most time consuming part of the lattice QCD simulations. On single and multiple Pezy-SC devices, the sustained performance is measured for the matrix multiplications and a BiCGStab solver. We examine how the data layout affects the performance. The results demonstrate that the Pezy-SC processors provide a feasible environment to perform numerical lattice QCD simulations

    From a condition to a choice: gender and motherhood in adaptations of Torikaebaya

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    In this paper, I explore multiple versions of the Heian Period prose known as Torikaebaya with a principal focus on the two most recent manga adaptations, The Change published in 1987 and Torikae Baya published in 2013. I examine social and cultural changes in regard to gender and motherhood from the 1980s to the 2010’s by studying the different choices authors made when creating the adaptation and contextualizing those choices within their contemporary time periods. I further argue that even though it is often stated that Japan lags behind the European and North American societies regarding gender rights due to its rigid gender roles and expectations, Japan in some ways, in its popular culture and especially literature, may be equal or even more progressive than those societies. Torikea Baya as well as other manga and literature are subversive and critical of contemporary Japanese society and law in connection with gender and offer not only critiques of current societal norms but an exploration of gender and sexuality outside social norms

    Suiren Fortress as Described by A. S. Uvarov

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    Introduction. The article introduces into scientific parlance description of Suiren fortress prepared by A. S. Uvarov within the 4th chapter From Dnieper to Taurida mountains of the 3rd unpublished issue of Studies on antiquities of Southern Russia and Black Sea Coasts, that now is preserved in the State Historical Museum at the department of manuscripts and early printed books. Methods. Suiren fortress is one of the most mysterious and unexplored cave towns. The time of the construction of fortification dates back between the 6th and the 12th centuries. By the time of Uvarov visit (1848), the hillfort had been unknown both among researchers and general public. Analysis. The Suiren Story by Uvarov consists of two unequal parts: brief survey of architectural lasts of the defense constructions and detailed description of the church, located on the second floor of defense tower. The author pays special attention to fresco murals, which had remained by that time. It was de-facto the first detailed overview of the object in historiography (apart from brief survey of P.I. Keppen). Uvarov was accompanied by painter M. Vebel who made sketches of fortress defense lines and identifiable in 1848 fragments of fresco paintings. The description of Uvarov had remained unknown by researchers of the fortress in mid 19th – beginning of the 21st century. On the contrary, paintings of M. Vebel included in so-called ‘unpublished album of A. S. Uvarov’ became a primary source for future generation of researchers because a part of defense wall ruined in the second half of the 19th century and murals had become mostly indistinguishable by mid 20th century. Results. The publication of the Uvarov description will enhance our understanding about the nature of fresco paintings of Suiren fortress

    Animating the Unforeseen : Yoko Tawada’s Post-Disaster Poetics

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    Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Num. 10 (22/01/1902)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011-201

    Reconstruction Algorithm for Sound Speed Distribution in the Female Breast

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    In the last few years, Ultrasound Computed Tomography (USCT) techniques has become an attractive and hot research area. Herein, we present a robust iterative USCT reconstruction algorithm, which based on bent ray theory. The object to be imaged is encircled by uniformly distributed transduc-ers, whereas one transducer acts as a transmitter and the remains work as receivers. The travel-time meas-urements can be used to estimate the sound speed distribution by solving a nonlinear system of equations. Our proposed scheme is based on the straight ray approximation, which is valid for breast ultrasound tomographic imaging. On this basis, we have formulated a cost function that defines the difference be-tween the measured first arrivals and those calculated for a given velocity model in the least squares sense. Then, the sound speed image can be obtained by finding the best solution which minimize this dif-ference. Our method is able to resolve very fine details even in very complex structured objects. The pre-sented results approve the accuracy and robustness of our approach for breast screening application

    O Universo num botão

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    A representação artística da Flor de Lótus é um dos maiores temas da Escultura Budista. Sua mitologia, uma das mais antigas do mundo, prenunciou a entrada do budismo no Japão e culminou na gravura nas pétalas de lótus do pedestal do Grande Buda Rushana do Templo Tõdaiji.lotus flower, Buddhism, Japan, mythology, sculptureThe representation artistic of flower of lotus is one of the biggest subjects of the Buddhist Sculpture. Its mythology, one of oldest of the world, preannounced the entrance of the Buddhism in Japan and culminated in the engraving on the petals of lotus of the pedestal of the Great Buddha Rushana of the Todaiji Temple