110 research outputs found

    Turbo Packet Combining for Broadband Space-Time BICM Hybrid-ARQ Systems with Co-Channel Interference

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    In this paper, efficient turbo packet combining for single carrier (SC) broadband multiple-input--multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid--automatic repeat request (ARQ) transmission with unknown co-channel interference (CCI) is studied. We propose a new frequency domain soft minimum mean square error (MMSE)-based signal level combining technique where received signals and channel frequency responses (CFR)s corresponding to all retransmissions are used to decode the data packet. We provide a recursive implementation algorithm for the introduced scheme, and show that both its computational complexity and memory requirements are quite insensitive to the ARQ delay, i.e., maximum number of ARQ rounds. Furthermore, we analyze the asymptotic performance, and show that under a sum-rank condition on the CCI MIMO ARQ channel, the proposed packet combining scheme is not interference-limited. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the gains offered by the proposed technique.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, and 2 table

    Turbo Packet Combining Strategies for the MIMO-ISI ARQ Channel

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    This paper addresses the issue of efficient turbo packet combining techniques for coded transmission with a Chase-type automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol operating over a multiple-input--multiple-output (MIMO) channel with intersymbol interference (ISI). First of all, we investigate the outage probability and the outage-based power loss of the MIMO-ISI ARQ channel when optimal maximum a posteriori (MAP) turbo packet combining is used at the receiver. We show that the ARQ delay (i.e., the maximum number of ARQ rounds) does not completely translate into a diversity gain. We then introduce two efficient turbo packet combining algorithms that are inspired by minimum mean square error (MMSE)-based turbo equalization techniques. Both schemes can be viewed as low-complexity versions of the optimal MAP turbo combiner. The first scheme is called signal-level turbo combining and performs packet combining and multiple transmission ISI cancellation jointly at the signal-level. The second scheme, called symbol-level turbo combining, allows ARQ rounds to be separately turbo equalized, while combining is performed at the filter output. We conduct a complexity analysis where we demonstrate that both algorithms have almost the same computational cost as the conventional log-likelihood ratio (LLR)-level combiner. Simulation results show that both proposed techniques outperform LLR-level combining, while for some representative MIMO configurations, signal-level combining has better ISI cancellation capability and achievable diversity order than that of symbol-level combining.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, and 2 table

    Frequency-Domain Turbo Equalisation in Coded SC-FDMA Systems: EXIT Chart Analysis and Performance

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    In this paper, we investigate the achievable performance of channel coded single-carrier frequency division multiple-access (SC-FDMA) systems employing various detection schemes, when communicating over frequency-selective fading channels. Specifically, three types of minimum mean-square error (MMSE) based frequency-domain (FD) turbo equalisers are considered. The first one is the turbo FD linear equaliser (LE). The second one is a parallel interference cancellation (PIC)-assisted turbo FD decision-feedback equaliser (DFE). The final one is the proposed hybrid interference cancellation (HIC)-aided turboFD-DFE, which combines successive interference cancellation (SIC) with iterative PIC and decoding. The benefit of interference cancellation (IC) is analysed with the EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The performance of the coded SC-FDMA systems employing the above-mentioned detection schemes is investigated with the aid of simulations. Our studies show that the IC techniques achieve an attractive performance at a moderate complexity

    Channel Estimation in Coded Modulation Systems

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    With the outstanding performance of coded modulation techniques in fading channels, much research efforts have been carried out on the design of communication systems able to operate at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). From this perspective, the so-called iterative decoding principle has been applied to many signal processing tasks at the receiver: demodulation, detection, decoding, synchronization and channel estimation. Nevertheless, at low SNRs, conventional channel estimators do not perform satisfactorily. This thesis is mainly concerned with channel estimation issues in coded modulation systems where different diversity techniques are exploited to combat fading in single or multiple antenna systems. First, for single antenna systems in fast time-varying fading channels, the thesis focuses on designing a training sequence by exploiting signal space diversity (SSD). Motivated by the power/bandwidth efficiency of the SSD technique, the proposed training sequence inserts pilot bits into the coded bits prior to constellation mapping and signal rotation. This scheme spreads the training sequence during a transmitted codeword and helps the estimator to track fast variation of the channel gains. A comprehensive comparison between the proposed training scheme and the conventional training scheme is then carried out, which reveals several interesting conclusions with respect to both error performance of the system and mean square error of the channel estimator. For multiple antenna systems, different schemes are examined in this thesis for the estimation of block-fading channels. For typical coded modulation systems with multiple antennas, the first scheme makes a distinction between the iteration in the channel estimation and the iteration in the decoding. Then, the estimator begins iteration when the soft output of the decoder at the decoding iteration meets some specified reliability conditions. This scheme guarantees the convergence of the iterative receiver with iterative channel estimator. To accelerate the convergence process and decrease the complexity of successive iterations, in the second scheme, the channel estimator estimates channel state information (CSI) at each iteration with a combination of the training sequence and soft information. For coded modulation systems with precoding technique, in which a precoder is used after the modulator, the training sequence and data symbols are combined using a linear precoder to decrease the required training overhead. The power allocation and the placement of the training sequence to be precoded are obtained based on a lower bound on the mean square error of the channel estimation. It is demonstrated that considerable performance improvement is possible when the training symbols are embedded within data symbols with an equi-spaced pattern. In the last scheme, a joint precoder and training sequence is developed to maximize the achievable coding gain and diversity order under imperfect CSI. In particular, both the asymptotic performance behavior of the system with the precoded training scheme under imperfect CSI and the mean square error of the channel estimation are derived to obtain achievable diversity order and coding gain. Simulation results demonstrate that the joint optimized scheme outperforms the existing training schemes for systems with given precoders in terms of error rate and the amount of training overhead

    Soft-Decision-Driven Channel Estimation for Pipelined Turbo Receivers

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    We consider channel estimation specific to turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication. We develop a soft-decision-driven sequential algorithm geared to the pipelined turbo equalizer architecture operating on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols. One interesting feature of the pipelined turbo equalizer is that multiple soft-decisions become available at various processing stages. A tricky issue is that these multiple decisions from different pipeline stages have varying levels of reliability. This paper establishes an effective strategy for the channel estimator to track the target channel, while dealing with observation sets with different qualities. The resulting algorithm is basically a linear sequential estimation algorithm and, as such, is Kalman-based in nature. The main difference here, however, is that the proposed algorithm employs puncturing on observation samples to effectively deal with the inherent correlation among the multiple demapper/decoder module outputs that cannot easily be removed by the traditional innovations approach. The proposed algorithm continuously monitors the quality of the feedback decisions and incorporates it in the channel estimation process. The proposed channel estimation scheme shows clear performance advantages relative to existing channel estimation techniques.Comment: 11 pages; IEEE Transactions on Communications 201

    Turbo codes and turbo algorithms

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    In the first part of this paper, several basic ideas that prompted the coming of turbo codes are commented on. We then present some personal points of view on the main advances obtained in past years on turbo coding and decoding such as the circular trellis termination of recursive systematic convolutional codes and double-binary turbo codes associated with Max-Log-MAP decoding. A novel evaluation method, called genieinitialised iterative processing (GIIP), is introduced to assess the error performance of iterative processing. We show that using GIIP produces a result that can be viewed as a lower bound of the maximum likelihood iterative decoding and detection performance. Finally, two wireless communication systems are presented to illustrate recent applications of the turbo principle, the first one being multiple-input/multiple-output channel iterative detection and the second one multi-carrier modulation with linear precoding
