712 research outputs found

    Subsequence Automata with Default Transitions

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    Let SS be a string of length nn with characters from an alphabet of size σ\sigma. The \emph{subsequence automaton} of SS (often called the \emph{directed acyclic subsequence graph}) is the minimal deterministic finite automaton accepting all subsequences of SS. A straightforward construction shows that the size (number of states and transitions) of the subsequence automaton is O(nσ)O(n\sigma) and that this bound is asymptotically optimal. In this paper, we consider subsequence automata with \emph{default transitions}, that is, special transitions to be taken only if none of the regular transitions match the current character, and which do not consume the current character. We show that with default transitions, much smaller subsequence automata are possible, and provide a full trade-off between the size of the automaton and the \emph{delay}, i.e., the maximum number of consecutive default transitions followed before consuming a character. Specifically, given any integer parameter kk, 1<kσ1 < k \leq \sigma, we present a subsequence automaton with default transitions of size O(nklogkσ)O(nk\log_{k}\sigma) and delay O(logkσ)O(\log_k \sigma). Hence, with k=2k = 2 we obtain an automaton of size O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) and delay O(logσ)O(\log \sigma). On the other extreme, with k=σk = \sigma, we obtain an automaton of size O(nσ)O(n \sigma) and delay O(1)O(1), thus matching the bound for the standard subsequence automaton construction. Finally, we generalize the result to multiple strings. The key component of our result is a novel hierarchical automata construction of independent interest.Comment: Corrected typo

    Reachability for dynamic parametric processes

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    In a dynamic parametric process every subprocess may spawn arbitrarily many, identical child processes, that may communicate either over global variables, or over local variables that are shared with their parent. We show that reachability for dynamic parametric processes is decidable under mild assumptions. These assumptions are e.g. met if individual processes are realized by pushdown systems, or even higher-order pushdown systems. We also provide algorithms for subclasses of pushdown dynamic parametric processes, with complexity ranging between NP and DEXPTIME.Comment: 31 page

    Learning Concise Models from Long Execution Traces

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    Abstract models of system-level behaviour have applications in design exploration, analysis, testing and verification. We describe a new algorithm for automatically extracting useful models, as automata, from execution traces of a HW/SW system driven by software exercising a use-case of interest. Our algorithm leverages modern program synthesis techniques to generate predicates on automaton edges, succinctly describing system behaviour. It employs trace segmentation to tackle complexity for long traces. We learn concise models capturing transaction-level, system-wide behaviour--experimentally demonstrating the approach using traces from a variety of sources, including the x86 QEMU virtual platform and the Real-Time Linux kernel

    Simplifying Contract-Violating Traces

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    Contract conformance is hard to determine statically, prior to the deployment of large pieces of software. A scalable alternative is to monitor for contract violations post-deployment: once a violation is detected, the trace characterising the offending execution is analysed to pinpoint the source of the offence. A major drawback with this technique is that, often, contract violations take time to surface, resulting in long traces that are hard to analyse. This paper proposes a methodology together with an accompanying tool for simplifying traces and assisting contract-violation debugging.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2012, arXiv:1209.169

    Model Checking Paxos in Spin

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    We present a formal model of a distributed consensus algorithm in the executable specification language Promela extended with a new type of guards, called counting guards, needed to implement transitions that depend on majority voting. Our formalization exploits abstractions that follow from reduction theorems applied to the specific case-study. We apply the model checker Spin to automatically validate finite instances of the model and to extract preconditions on the size of quorums used in the election phases of the protocol.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556