47 research outputs found

    Subquadratic Space Complexity Binary Field Multiplier Using Double Polynomial Representation

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    Multiplication in Finite Fields and Elliptic Curves

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    La cryptographie à clef publique permet de s'échanger des clefs de façon distante, d'effectuer des signatures électroniques, de s'authentifier à distance, etc. Dans cette thèse d'HDR nous allons présenter quelques contributions concernant l'implantation sûre et efficace de protocoles cryptographiques basés sur les courbes elliptiques. L'opération de base effectuée dans ces protocoles est la multiplication scalaire d'un point de la courbe. Chaque multiplication scalaire nécessite plusieurs milliers d'opérations dans un corps fini.Dans la première partie du manuscrit nous nous intéressons à la multiplication dans les corps finis car c'est l'opération la plus coûteuse et la plus utilisée. Nous présentons d'abord des contributions sur les multiplieurs parallèles dans les corps binaires. Un premier résultat concerne l'approche sous-quadratique dans une base normale optimale de type 2. Plus précisément, nous améliorons un multiplieur basé sur un produit de matrice de Toeplitz avec un vecteur en utilisant une recombinaison des blocs qui supprime certains calculs redondants. Nous présentons aussi un multiplieur pous les corps binaires basé sur une extension d'une optimisation de la multiplication polynomiale de Karatsuba.Ensuite nous présentons des résultats concernant la multiplication dans un corps premier. Nous présentons en particulier une approche de type Montgomery pour la multiplication dans une base adaptée à l'arithmétique modulaire. Cette approche cible la multiplication modulo un premier aléatoire. Nous présentons alors une méthode pour la multiplication dans des corps utilisés dans la cryptographie sur les couplages : les extensions de petits degrés d'un corps premier aléatoire. Cette méthode utilise une base adaptée engendrée par une racine de l'unité facilitant la multiplication polynomiale basée sur la FFT. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse d'HDR nous nous intéressons à des résultats qui concernent la multiplication scalaire sur les courbes elliptiques. Nous présentons une parallélisation de l'échelle binaire de Montgomery dans le cas de E(GF(2^n)). Nous survolons aussi quelques contributions sur des formules de division par 3 dans E(GF(3^n)) et une parallélisation de type (third,triple)-and-add. Dans le dernier chapitre nous développons quelques directions de recherches futures. Nous discutons d'abord de possibles extensions des travaux faits sur les corps binaires. Nous présentons aussi des axes de recherche liés à la randomisation de l'arithmétique qui permet une protection contre les attaques matérielles

    Parallel Multiplier Designs for the Galois/Counter Mode of Operation

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    The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation (GCM), recently standardized by NIST, simultaneously authenticates and encrypts data at speeds not previously possible for both software and hardware implementations. In GCM, data integrity is achieved by chaining Galois field multiplication operations while a symmetric key block cipher such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), is used to meet goals of confidentiality. Area optimization in a number of proposed high throughput GCM designs have been approached through implementing efficient composite Sboxes for AES. Not as much work has been done in reducing area requirements of the Galois multiplication operation in the GCM which consists of up to 30% of the overall area using a bruteforce approach. Current pipelined implementations of GCM also have large key change latencies which potentially reduce the average throughput expected under traditional internet traffic conditions. This thesis aims to address these issues by presenting area efficient parallel multiplier designs for the GCM and provide an approach for achieving low latency key changes. The widely known Karatsuba parallel multiplier (KA) and the recently proposed Fan-Hasan multiplier (FH) were designed for the GCM and implemented on ASIC and FPGA architectures. This is the first time these multipliers have been compared with a practical implementation, and the FH multiplier showed note worthy improvements over the KA multiplier in terms of delay with similar area requirements. Using the composite Sbox, ASIC designs of GCM implemented with subquadratic multipliers are shown to have an area savings of up to 18%, without affecting the throughput, against designs using the brute force Mastrovito multiplier. For low delay LUT Sbox designs in GCM, although the subquadratic multipliers are a part of the critical path, implementations with the FH multiplier showed the highest efficiency in terms of area resources and throughput over all other designs. FPGA results similarly showed a significant reduction in the number of slices using subquadratic multipliers, and the highest throughput to date for FPGA implementations of GCM was also achieved. The proposed reduced latency key change design, which supports all key types of AES, showed a 20% improvement in average throughput over other GCM designs that do not use the same techniques. The GCM implementations provided in this thesis provide some of the most area efficient, yet high throughput designs to date

    Toeplitz matrix-vector product based GF(2^n) shifted polynomial basis multipliers for all irreducible pentanomials

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    Besides Karatsuba algorithm, optimal Toeplitz matrix-vector product (TMVP) formulae is another approach to design GF(2^n) subquadratic multipliers. However, when GF(2^n) elements are represented using a shifted polynomial basis, this approach is currently appliable only to GF(2^n)s generated by all irreducible trinomials and a special type of irreducible pentanomials, not all general irreducible pentanomials. The reason is that no transformation matrix, which transforms the Mastrovito matrix into a Toeplitz matrix, has been found. In this article, we propose such a transformation matrix and its inverse matrix for an arbitrary irreducible pentanomial. Because there is no known value of n for which either an irreducible trinomial or an irreducible pentanomial does not exist, this transformation matrix makes the TMVP approach a universal tool, i.e., it is applicable to all practical GF(2^n)s

    Modern Computer Arithmetic (version 0.5.1)

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    This is a draft of a book about algorithms for performing arithmetic, and their implementation on modern computers. We are concerned with software more than hardware - we do not cover computer architecture or the design of computer hardware. Instead we focus on algorithms for efficiently performing arithmetic operations such as addition, multiplication and division, and their connections to topics such as modular arithmetic, greatest common divisors, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and the computation of elementary and special functions. The algorithms that we present are mainly intended for arbitrary-precision arithmetic. They are not limited by the computer word size, only by the memory and time available for the computation. We consider both integer and real (floating-point) computations. The book is divided into four main chapters, plus an appendix. Our aim is to present the latest developments in a concise manner. At the same time, we provide a self-contained introduction for the reader who is not an expert in the field, and exercises at the end of each chapter. Chapter titles are: 1, Integer Arithmetic; 2, Modular Arithmetic and the FFT; 3, Floating-Point Arithmetic; 4, Elementary and Special Function Evaluation; 5 (Appendix), Implementations and Pointers. The book also contains a bibliography of 236 entries, index, summary of notation, and summary of complexities.Comment: Preliminary version of a book to be published by Cambridge University Press. xvi+247 pages. Cite as "Modern Computer Arithmetic, Version 0.5.1, 5 March 2010". For further details, updates and errata see http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~brent/pub/pub226.html or http://www.loria.fr/~zimmerma/mca/pub226.htm

    Efficient and Low-complexity Hardware Architecture of Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplication over GF(2m) for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

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    In this paper an efficient high-speed architecture of Gaussian normal basis multiplier over binary finite field GF(2m) is presented. The structure is constructed by using regular modules for computation of exponentiation by powers of 2 and low-cost blocks for multiplication by normal elements of the binary field. Since the exponents are powers of 2, the modules are implemented by some simple cyclic shifts in the normal basis representation. As a result, the multiplier has a simple structure with a low critical path delay. The efficiency of the proposed structure is studied in terms of area and time complexity by using its implementation on Vertix-4 FPGA family and also its ASIC design in 180nm CMOS technology. Comparison results with other structures of the Gaussian normal basis multiplier verify that the proposed architecture has better performance in terms of speed and hardware utilization

    Fast hybrid Karatsuba multiplier for Type II pentanomials

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    We continue the study of Mastrovito form of Karatsuba multipliers under the shifted polynomial basis (SPB), recently introduced by Li et al. (IEEE TC (2017)). A Mastrovito-Karatsuba (MK) multiplier utilizes the Karatsuba algorithm (KA) to optimize polynomial multiplication and the Mastrovito approach to combine it with the modular reduction. The authors developed a MK multiplier for all trinomials, which obtain a better space and time trade-off compared with previous non-recursive Karatsuba counterparts. Based on this work, we make two types of contributions in our paper. FORMULATION. We derive a new modular reduction formulation for constructing Mastrovito matrix associated with Type II pentanomial. This formula can also be applied to other special type of pentanomials, e.g. Type I pentanomial and Type C.1 pentanomial. Through related formulations, we demonstrate that Type I pentanomial is less efficient than Type II one because of a more complicated modular reduction under the same SPB; conversely, Type C.1 pentanomial is as good as Type II pentanomial under an alternative generalized polynomial basis (GPB). EXTENSION. We introduce a new MK multiplier for Type II pentanomial. It is shown that our proposal is only one TXT_X slower than the fastest bit-parallel multipliers for Type II pentanomial, but its space complexity is roughly 3/4 of those schemes, where TXT_X is the delay of one 2-input XOR gate. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time for hybrid multiplier to achieve such a time delay bound