4 research outputs found

    Four-valued expansions of Dunn-Belnap's logic (I): Basic characterizations

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    Basic results of the paper are that any four-valued expansion L4 of Dunn-Belnap's logic DB4 is de_ned by a unique (up to isomorphism) conjunctive matrix ℳ4 with exactly two distinguished values over an expansion 4 of a De Morgan non-Boolean four-valued diamond, but by no matrix with either less than four values or a single [non-]distinguished value, and has no proper extension satisfying Variable Sharing Property (VSP). We then characterize L4's having a theorem / inconsistent formula, satisfying VSP and being [inferentially] maximal / subclassical / maximally paraconsistent, in particular, algebraically through ℳ4|4's (not) having certain submatrices|subalebras.Likewise, [providing 4 is regular / has no three-element subalgebra] L4 has a proper consistent axiomatic extension if[f] ℳ4 has a proper paraconsistent / two-valued submatrix [in which case the logic of this submatrix is the only proper consistent axiomatic extension of L4 and is relatively axiomatized by the Excluded Middle law axiom]. As a generic tool (applicable, in particular, to both classically-negative and implicative expansions of DB4), we also prove that the lattice of axiomatic extensions of the logic of an implicative matrix ℳ with equality determinant is dual to the distributive lattice of lower cones of the set of all submatrices of ℳ with non-distinguished values

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    Tato dizertační práce studuje extenze čtyřhodnotové Belnapovy-Dunnovy logiky, tzv. superbelnapovské logiky, z pohledu abstraktní algebraické logiky. Popisujeme v ní globální strukturu svazu superbelnapovských logik a ukazu- jeme, že tento svaz lze zcela popsat pomocí tříd konečných grafů splňujících jisté uzávěrové podmínky. Také zde zavádíme teorii tzv. explozivních extenzí a používáme ji k důkazu nových vět o úplnosti pro superbelnapovské logiky. Poté rozvíjeme gentzenovskou teorii důkazů pro tyto logiky a použijeme ji k důkazu věty o interpolaci pro mnoho z těchto logik. Nakonec také studujeme rozšíření Belnapovy-Dunnovy logiky o operátor pravdivosti ∆. Klíčová slova: abstraktní algebraická logika, Belnapova-Dunnova logika, parakonzistentní logika, superbelnapovské logikyThis thesis studies the extensions of the four-valued Belnap-Dunn logic, called super-Belnap logics, from the point of view of abstract algebraic logic. We describe the global structure of the lattice of super-Belnap logics and show that this lattice can be fully described in terms of classes of finite graphs satisfying some closure conditions. We also introduce a theory of so- called explosive extensions and use it to prove new completeness theorems for super-Belnap logics. A Gentzen-style proof theory for these logics is then developed and used to establish interpolation for many of them. Finally, we also study the expansion of the Belnap-Dunn logic by the truth operator ∆. Keywords: abstract algebraic logic, Belnap-Dunn logic, paraconsistent logic, super-Belnap logicsKatedra logikyDepartment of LogicFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult