519 research outputs found

    Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Compressive Phase Retrieval

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    In the compressive phase retrieval problem, or phaseless compressed sensing, or compressed sensing from intensity only measurements, the goal is to reconstruct a sparse or approximately kk-sparse vector xRnx \in \mathbb{R}^n given access to y=Φxy= |\Phi x|, where v|v| denotes the vector obtained from taking the absolute value of vRnv\in\mathbb{R}^n coordinate-wise. In this paper we present sublinear-time algorithms for different variants of the compressive phase retrieval problem which are akin to the variants considered for the classical compressive sensing problem in theoretical computer science. Our algorithms use pure combinatorial techniques and near-optimal number of measurements.Comment: The ell_2/ell_2 algorithm was substituted by a modification of the ell_infty/ell_2 algorithm which strictly subsumes i

    Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Monomer-Dimer Systems on Bounded Degree Graphs

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    For a graph GG, let Z(G,λ)Z(G,\lambda) be the partition function of the monomer-dimer system defined by kmk(G)λk\sum_k m_k(G)\lambda^k, where mk(G)m_k(G) is the number of matchings of size kk in GG. We consider graphs of bounded degree and develop a sublinear-time algorithm for estimating logZ(G,λ)\log Z(G,\lambda) at an arbitrary value λ>0\lambda>0 within additive error ϵn\epsilon n with high probability. The query complexity of our algorithm does not depend on the size of GG and is polynomial in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon, and we also provide a lower bound quadratic in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon for this problem. This is the first analysis of a sublinear-time approximation algorithm for a # P-complete problem. Our approach is based on the correlation decay of the Gibbs distribution associated with Z(G,λ)Z(G,\lambda). We show that our algorithm approximates the probability for a vertex to be covered by a matching, sampled according to this Gibbs distribution, in a near-optimal sublinear time. We extend our results to approximate the average size and the entropy of such a matching within an additive error with high probability, where again the query complexity is polynomial in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon and the lower bound is quadratic in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon. Our algorithms are simple to implement and of practical use when dealing with massive datasets. Our results extend to other systems where the correlation decay is known to hold as for the independent set problem up to the critical activity

    Sublinear time algorithms for earth mover's distance

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    We study the problem of estimating the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) between probability distributions when given access only to samples of the distributions. We give closeness testers and additive-error estimators over domains in [0, 1][superscript d], with sample complexities independent of domain size – permitting the testability even of continuous distributions over infinite domains. Instead, our algorithms depend on other parameters, such as the diameter of the domain space, which may be significantly smaller. We also prove lower bounds showing the dependencies on these parameters to be essentially optimal. Additionally, we consider whether natural classes of distributions exist for which there are algorithms with better dependence on the dimension, and show that for highly clusterable data, this is indeed the case. Lastly, we consider a variant of the EMD, defined over tree metrics instead of the usual l 1 metric, and give tight upper and lower bounds

    Linear and sublinear time algorithms for the basis of abelian groups

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    AbstractIt is well known that every finite abelian group G can be represented as a direct product of cyclic groups: G≅G1×G2×⋯×Gt, where each Gi is a cyclic group of order pj for some prime p and integer j≥1. If ai generates the cyclic group of Gi, i=1,2,…,t, then the elements a1,a2,…,at are called a basis of G. We show a randomized algorithm such that given a set of generators M={x1,…,xk} for an abelian group G and the prime factorization of order ord(xi)(i=1,…,k), it computes a basis of G in O(|M|(logn)2+∑i=1tnipini/2) time, where n=|G| has prime factorization p1n1p2n2⋯ptnt (which is not a part of input). This generalizes Buchmann and Schmidt’s algorithm that takes O(|M||G|) time. In another model, all elements in an abelian group are put into a list as a part of input. We obtain an O(n) time deterministic algorithm and a sublinear time randomized algorithm for computing a basis of an abelian group

    Massively Parallel Computation and Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Embedded Planar Graphs

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    While algorithms for planar graphs have received a lot of attention, few papers have focused on the additional power that one gets from assuming an embedding of the graph is available. While in the classic sequential setting, this assumption gives no additional power (as a planar graph can be embedded in linear time), we show that this is far from being the case in other settings. We assume that the embedding is straight-line, but our methods also generalize to non-straight-line embeddings. Specifically, we focus on sublinear-time computation and massively parallel computation (MPC). Our main technical contribution is a sublinear-time algorithm for computing a relaxed version of an rr-division. We then show how this can be used to estimate Lipschitz additive graph parameters. This includes, for example, the maximum matching, maximum independent set, or the minimum dominating set. We also show how this can be used to solve some property testing problems with respect to the vertex edit distance. In the second part of our paper, we show an MPC algorithm that computes an rr-division of the input graph. We show how this can be used to solve various classical graph problems with space per machine of O(n2/3+ϵ)O(n^{2/3+\epsilon}) for some ϵ>0\epsilon>0, and while performing O(1)O(1) rounds. This includes for example approximate shortest paths or the minimum spanning tree. Our results also imply an improved MPC algorithm for Euclidean minimum spanning tree

    Stability Yields Sublinear Time Algorithms for Geometric Optimization in Machine Learning

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    In this paper, we study several important geometric optimization problems arising in machine learning. First, we revisit the Minimum Enclosing Ball (MEB) problem in Euclidean space ?^d. The problem has been extensively studied before, but real-world machine learning tasks often need to handle large-scale datasets so that we cannot even afford linear time algorithms. Motivated by the recent developments on beyond worst-case analysis, we introduce the notion of stability for MEB, which is natural and easy to understand. Roughly speaking, an instance of MEB is stable, if the radius of the resulting ball cannot be significantly reduced by removing a small fraction of the input points. Under the stability assumption, we present two sampling algorithms for computing radius-approximate MEB with sample complexities independent of the number of input points n. In particular, the second algorithm has the sample complexity even independent of the dimensionality d. We also consider the general case without the stability assumption. We present a hybrid algorithm that can output either a radius-approximate MEB or a covering-approximate MEB, which improves the running time and the number of passes for the previous sublinear MEB algorithms. Further, we extend our proposed notion of stability and design sublinear time algorithms for other geometric optimization problems including MEB with outliers, polytope distance, one-class and two-class linear SVMs (without or with outliers). Our proposed algorithms also work fine for kernels