8 research outputs found

    Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Compressive Phase Retrieval

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    In the compressive phase retrieval problem, or phaseless compressed sensing, or compressed sensing from intensity only measurements, the goal is to reconstruct a sparse or approximately kk-sparse vector x∈Rnx \in \mathbb{R}^n given access to y=∣Φx∣y= |\Phi x|, where ∣v∣|v| denotes the vector obtained from taking the absolute value of v∈Rnv\in\mathbb{R}^n coordinate-wise. In this paper we present sublinear-time algorithms for different variants of the compressive phase retrieval problem which are akin to the variants considered for the classical compressive sensing problem in theoretical computer science. Our algorithms use pure combinatorial techniques and near-optimal number of measurements.Comment: The ell_2/ell_2 algorithm was substituted by a modification of the ell_infty/ell_2 algorithm which strictly subsumes i

    Improved Algorithms for Adaptive Compressed Sensing

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    In the problem of adaptive compressed sensing, one wants to estimate an approximately k-sparse vector x in R^n from m linear measurements A_1 x, A_2 x,..., A_m x, where A_i can be chosen based on the outcomes A_1 x,..., A_{i-1} x of previous measurements. The goal is to output a vector x^ for which |x-x^|_p 0 is an approximation factor. Indyk, Price and Woodruff (FOCS\u2711) gave an algorithm for p=q=2 for C = 1+epsilon with O((k/epsilon) loglog (n/k)) measurements and O(log^*(k) loglog (n)) rounds of adaptivity. We first improve their bounds, obtaining a scheme with O(k * loglog (n/k) + (k/epsilon) * loglog(1/epsilon)) measurements and O(log^*(k) loglog (n)) rounds, as well as a scheme with O((k/epsilon) * loglog (n log (n/k))) measurements and an optimal O(loglog (n)) rounds. We then provide novel adaptive compressed sensing schemes with improved bounds for (p,p) for every 0 < p < 2. We show that the improvement from O(k log(n/k)) measurements to O(k log log (n/k)) measurements in the adaptive setting can persist with a better epsilon-dependence for other values of p and q. For example, when (p,q) = (1,1), we obtain O(k/sqrt{epsilon} * log log n log^3 (1/epsilon)) measurements. We obtain nearly matching lower bounds, showing our algorithms are close to optimal. Along the way, we also obtain the first nearly-optimal bounds for (p,p) schemes for every 0 < p < 2 even in the non-adaptive setting

    InstaHide: Instance-hiding Schemes for Private Distributed Learning

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    How can multiple distributed entities collaboratively train a shared deep net on their private data while preserving privacy? This paper introduces InstaHide, a simple encryption of training images, which can be plugged into existing distributed deep learning pipelines. The encryption is efficient and applying it during training has minor effect on test accuracy. InstaHide encrypts each training image with a "one-time secret key" which consists of mixing a number of randomly chosen images and applying a random pixel-wise mask. Other contributions of this paper include: (a) Using a large public dataset (e.g. ImageNet) for mixing during its encryption, which improves security. (b) Experimental results to show effectiveness in preserving privacy against known attacks with only minor effects on accuracy. (c) Theoretical analysis showing that successfully attacking privacy requires attackers to solve a difficult computational problem. (d) Demonstrating that use of the pixel-wise mask is important for security, since Mixup alone is shown to be insecure to some some efficient attacks. (e) Release of a challenge dataset https://github.com/Hazelsuko07/InstaHide_Challenge Our code is available at https://github.com/Hazelsuko07/InstaHideComment: ICML 202

    Sublinear-time algorithms for compressive phase retrieval

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    In the compressive phase retrieval problem, the goal is to reconstruct a sparse or approximately k-sparse vector x ∈ R n given access to y = |Φ x |, where |v| denotes the vector obtained from taking the absolute value of v ∈ R n coordinatewise. In this paper we present sublinear-time algorithms for different variants of the compressive phase retrieval problem which are akin to the variants of the classical compressive sensing problem considered in theoretical computer science. Our algorithms use pure combinatorial techniques and achieve almost optimal number of measurements

    Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Compressive Phase Retrieval

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