141,468 research outputs found

    Risk preference discrepancy : a prospect relativity account of the discrepancy between risk preferences in laboratory gambles and real world investments

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    In this article, we presented evidence that people are more risk averse when investing in financial products in the real world than when they make risky choices between gambles in laboratory experiments. In order to provide an account for this discrepancy, we conducted experiments, which showed that the range of offered investment funds that vary in their riskreward characteristics had a significant effect on the distribution of hypothetical funds to those products. We also showed that people are able to use the context provided by the choice set in order the make relative riskiness judgments for investment products. This context dependent relativistic nature of risk preferences is proposed as a plausible explanation of the risk preference discrepancy between laboratory experiments and real-world investments. We also discuss other possible theoretical interpretations of the discrepancy

    Relativistic financial decisions : context effects on retirement saving and investment risk preferences

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    We report a study of the effects the choice set on financial decision making related to retirement savings and risky investment. The participants were presented with either a full range of choice options or a limited subset of the feasible options. The choices of saving and risk are affected by the position of each option in the range of presented options. This result demonstrated that the range of the options offered as possible saving rates and levels of investment risk influences decisions about saving and risk. The study was conducted on a sample of working people, and we controlled whether the participants can financially afford in their real life the decisions taken in the test. In addition, various measures of risk aversion did not account for the risk taken in each condition. Surprisingly, only the simplest and most direct risk preference measure was a significant predictor of the responses within a particular choice set context, although the actual choices were still very much influenced by the range. Thus, the results reported here suggest that financial judgments and choices are relative, which corroborates, in an important practical domain, previous related work with abstract gambles and hypothetical risky investments

    Organic farming and multicriteria decisions: An economic survey

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    Organic food production is a sphere where decision making is multi-facetted and complex. This applies to producers, political decision makers and consumers alike. This paper provides an overview of the economic methods that can aid such multi criteria decision making. We first provide an outline of the many different Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) techniques available and their relative advantages and disadvantages. In addition, theoretical and practical problems related to the use of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and MCA respectively are briefly discussed. We then review the MCA literature on case studies on organic farming. Based on this review we provide directional markers for future research where MCA may possibly be applied and adapted in order to provide useful knowledge and support for decision makers in the context of organic farming

    Investment-Linked Takaful Plan Patronage: Evidence From Malaysia

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    Investment-linked Takaful is a recent innovation introduced in Malaysia. This study focuses on Investment-linked takaful plan selection in Malaysia. We have used a self-administered questionnaire to collect data from 143 respondents from the Klang Valley area. Data collected through the survey was analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. Results indicate that fee payment and benefits play a significant role in Takaful operator selection while coverage and benefits affect the investment-linked product selection in Malaysia. This study is unique as it provides empirical evidence on the investment-linked takaful investment which is limited in supply. Results provided by this study can be useful for takaful operators in designing the most appropriate investment-linked product for attracting customers

    Social priorities of internal banking assortment (products) policy

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    Motivations of social responsibility, social orientation and social priorities are described in the context of special quasi social bank status and other credit organizations, Russian historic traditions, and specific peculiarities of bank management. Subjects and objects of social priorities, their concurring and alternative interests, goals and tasks are defined and explained on the basis of the analysis of theoretical and methodological insights, research and ranking of statistic data. Subjective, objective (institutional) and process concentrations of social priorities in bank management are framed. Benchmarks of social priorities, their levels and nominations are marked out. This work emphasizes and describes with relevant explanations such areas of socially oriented activity of banks as provision of banking services to enterprises and organizations of social areas and those that are entirely or partially socially oriented, financial and/or organizational participation in proper socially motivated events, financial and/or organizational participation in social projects of third parties including specialized ones, creation and selling of banking socially oriented products. Certain weak points and inaccuracy in implementing social projects by Russian banks are revealed. The subject matter and structure of internal banking policy, factors and terms and conditions that have an impact on its parameters concretized to the peculiarities of the assortment (products) policy are regarded. The formulated areas of social priorities are regarded as an optimized complex. On its basis, social components of preferences, limitations and prohibitions of the internal banking assortment (products) banking policy are developed and recommended.peer-reviewe

    Measuring efficiency when market prices are subject to adverse selection

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    In perfectly competitive markets, prices aggregate inputs and outputs into a money metric that allows production plans to be ranked by their profitability. When informational asymmetries in competitive markets lead to adverse selection, prices in these markets assume an additional role that conveys information about product quality. In the case of banking production, quality is linked to risk because prices are linked to credit quality. ; The problem of efficiency measurement is complicated by the additional role because quality varies with price and price is a decision variable of firms operating in these markets. The effect of these endogenous components of prices on financial performance is illustrated with a production-based model and a market-value model that generate "best- practice" frontiers. Unlike the standard profit function's frontier, these frontiers are not conditioned on prices so that they compare the financial performance of firms with different quality-linked prices. Hence, they identify the most efficient pricing strategies as well as the most efficient production plans. ; These two alternative models for measuring efficiency are employed to study the efficiency of highest level bank holding companies in the United States in 1994. The contractural interest rates these banks obtain on their loans and other assets are shown to influence their expected profit, profit risk, market value, and efficiency.Banks and banking - Costs
