3 research outputs found

    TVET in The 21st Century: Exploring Multimedia Elements in Digital Teaching and Learning Based On Art Content

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    Research in digital teaching and learning (T&L) focusing on multimedia elements based on art content is essential in enhancing the quality of the curriculum delivery. In addition, research on art content in digital T&L for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is limited. Thus, this paper explores the elements of multimedia components in T&L for TVET based on art content. Art content refers to the subject matter or the message conveyed by the presentation. The research utilizes the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) as methodology. In the first phase, five experts specializing in multimedia and art were interviewed. After finalizing the interview results, a matrix analysis that combines the literatures finding was developed in order to determine the multimedia elements based on the art content. In the second phase, nine experts, including five from the first phase, validated the elements using the instrument. By using the Fuzzy Delphi Method, average values of m1, m2, and m3, 'd' or Threshold value, expert’s consensus and Fuzzy Evaluation were derived from the data. Findings indicates that forty items out of four components which are emotional, subjective, execution, and psychological have been validated by the experts and reach 75 per cent of consensus. In conclusion, multimedia components based on art content in digital T&L for TVET should be utilized as a reference in developing digital content to provide future T&L standards for educators

    Multisensorialità, Religione, Diritto. Nuove frontiere di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale ravennate

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    Prendendo le mosse da una disamina dei significati politico-teologici dei mosaici ravennati, alla luce di quella feconda liaison tra fede e arte che impreziosisce la trama di alcune significative pronunce magisteriali, il presente contributo esaminerà innanzitutto l’art. 6 del Codice Urbani, evidenziando come l’impiego dei moderni strumenti digitali abbia contribuito a enfatizzare le intersezioni tra fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. Successivamente, muovendo dall’importanza della vista nel godimento delle opere d’arte in generale, e di quelle musive in particolare, si tenteranno di dischiudere inediti percorsi che, lungi dal privilegiare la dimensione visiva come unico codice interpretativo, possano gettare le basi per un nuovo approccio sinestetico per il bene artistico. In questo senso, si presenterà un’esperienza di visita multisensoriale al mausoleo di Galla Placidia, provando a dimostrare come l’utilizzo di un dispositivo aptico, unito a una suggestiva stimolazione acustica, possa realizzare un intenerarium stuporis tanto per le persone con disabilità visiva quanto per i ‘normodotati’. L’ampia illustrazione del progetto sarà preceduta da un breve studio sul funzionamento delle interfacce aptiche e sulle loro caratteristiche

    Subjective Evaluation of Haptic Feedback Technologies for Interactive Multimedia

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    Current trends in the development of remote control devices for user interaction with multimedia equipment and applications are increasingly advancing the traditional keypad-based technologies, in order to improve the functionality of remote control devices and also to enhance the user experience. Haptic feedback allows the user to have a similar sensation to that provided by conventional buttons, with the advantage of a much greater flexibility, including dynamic choice of mechanical effects capable of discriminating between different functions. However, selection of haptic feedback effects that are capable of enhancing the user experience remains a great challenge for engineers and product designers. This work is a contribution towards this goal by presenting a usability study of two technologies (eccentric rotating mass and linear resonant actuator) capable of providing different haptic feedback effects in remote control devices. A subjective evaluation study was carried out to obtain subjective scores for a significant number of haptic feedback effects. The number of preferred actuators of each type and whether haptic feedback is suitable in remote control devices for interactive multimedia, were also evaluated. The results of this study show that most users prefer an interface with haptic feedback and different scores were obtained for different haptic feedback effects, according to the characteristics and number of the actuators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio