5,702 research outputs found

    A quantitative taxonomy of human hand grasps

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    Background: A proper modeling of human grasping and of hand movements is fundamental for robotics, prosthetics, physiology and rehabilitation. The taxonomies of hand grasps that have been proposed in scientific literature so far are based on qualitative analyses of the movements and thus they are usually not quantitatively justified. Methods: This paper presents to the best of our knowledge the first quantitative taxonomy of hand grasps based on biomedical data measurements. The taxonomy is based on electromyography and kinematic data recorded from 40 healthy subjects performing 20 unique hand grasps. For each subject, a set of hierarchical trees are computed for several signal features. Afterwards, the trees are combined, first into modality-specific (i.e. muscular and kinematic) taxonomies of hand grasps and then into a general quantitative taxonomy of hand movements. The modality-specific taxonomies provide similar results despite describing different parameters of hand movements, one being muscular and the other kinematic. Results: The general taxonomy merges the kinematic and muscular description into a comprehensive hierarchical structure. The obtained results clarify what has been proposed in the literature so far and they partially confirm the qualitative parameters used to create previous taxonomies of hand grasps. According to the results, hand movements can be divided into five movement categories defined based on the overall grasp shape, finger positioning and muscular activation. Part of the results appears qualitatively in accordance with previous results describing kinematic hand grasping synergies. Conclusions: The taxonomy of hand grasps proposed in this paper clarifies with quantitative measurements what has been proposed in the field on a qualitative basis, thus having a potential impact on several scientific fields

    Adaptation to transient postural perturbations

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    This research was first proposed in May, 1986, to focus on some of the problems encountered in the analysis of postural responses gathered from crewmembers. The ultimate driving force behind this line of research was the desire to treat, predict, or explain 'Space Adaptation Syndrome' (SAS) and hence circumvent any adverse effects of space motion sickness on crewmember performance. The aim of this project was to develop an easily implemented analysis of the transient responses to platform translation that can be elicited with a protocol designed to force sensorimotor reorganization, utilizing statistically reliable criterion measures. This report will present: (1) a summary of the activity that took place in each of the three funded years of the project; (2) discussion of experimental results and their implications for future research; and (3) a list of presentations and publications resulting from this project

    Fast human motion prediction for human-robot collaboration with wearable interfaces

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    In this paper, we aim at improving human motion prediction during human-robot collaboration in industrial facilities by exploiting contributions from both physical and physiological signals. Improved human-machine collaboration could prove useful in several areas, while it is crucial for interacting robots to understand human movement as soon as possible to avoid accidents and injuries. In this perspective, we propose a novel human-robot interface capable to anticipate the user intention while performing reaching movements on a working bench in order to plan the action of a collaborative robot. The proposed interface can find many applications in the Industry 4.0 framework, where autonomous and collaborative robots will be an essential part of innovative facilities. A motion intention prediction and a motion direction prediction levels have been developed to improve detection speed and accuracy. A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) has been trained with IMU and EMG data following an evidence accumulation approach to predict reaching direction. Novel dynamic stopping criteria have been proposed to flexibly adjust the trade-off between early anticipation and accuracy according to the application. The output of the two predictors has been used as external inputs to a Finite State Machine (FSM) to control the behaviour of a physical robot according to user's action or inaction. Results show that our system outperforms previous methods, achieving a real-time classification accuracy of 94.3±2.9%94.3\pm2.9\% after 160.0msec±80.0msec160.0msec\pm80.0msec from movement onset

    Estimation of muscular forces from SSA smoothed sEMG signals calibrated by inverse dynamics-based physiological static optimization

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    The estimation of muscular forces is useful in several areas such as biomedical or rehabilitation engineering. As muscular forces cannot be measured in vivo non-invasively they must be estimated by using indirect measurements such as surface electromyography (sEMG) signals or by means of inverse dynamic (ID) analyses. This paper proposes an approach to estimate muscular forces based on both of them. The main idea is to tune a gain matrix so as to compute muscular forces from sEMG signals. To do so, a curve fitting process based on least-squares is carried out. The input is the sEMG signal filtered using singular spectrum analysis technique. The output corresponds to the muscular force estimated by the ID analysis of the recorded task, a dumbbell weightlifting. Once the model parameters are tuned, it is possible to obtain an estimation of muscular forces based on sEMG signal. This procedure might be used to predict muscular forces in vivo outside the space limitations of the gait analysis laboratory.Postprint (published version

    An infrared device to measure the eyeblink for the study of classical conditioning

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    The classically conditioned eyeblink response is studied by various groups to study neurological functions. This is a form of associative leaming that has many features to help diagnose and learn about neurological diseases. Electromyogram traditionally is used to detect eyeblinks for this experimentation in human. However, EMG can be expensive and difficult to use. It involves the utilization of electrodes and produces only an indirect measure of eyelid closure. The goal of the project was to develop an infrared device to detect eyeblinks and replace the EMG. The project involved two major components, a hardware and a software component. The hardware segment included emitters and detectors to collect the signal and electronics for signal conditioning. The software stored, displayed and processed the data. The aim of this study was to have an inexpensive and facile way of detecting eyeblinks To prove the reliability and validity of the signal, a small pilot study was conducted where both EMG and infrared were monitored continuously. The signal from the infrared was compared to the EMG signal in terms of reliability, validity and quality of the signal. The pilot study indicated that the infrared signal quality is better than the EMG. The pilot study also proved the infrared signal to be valid and reliable. The system\u27s main goal was to replace EMG system with instrumentation that was less expensive but still reliable
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