11 research outputs found

    Subgroup Detection in Ideological Discussions

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    The rapid and continuous growth of social networking sites has led to the emergence of many communities of communicating groups. Many of these groups discuss ideological and political topics. It is not uncommon that the participants in such discussions split into two or more subgroups. The members of each subgroup share the same opinion toward the discussion topic and are more likely to agree with members of the same subgroup and disagree with members from opposing subgroups. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach for automatically detecting discussant subgroups in online communities. We analyze the text exchanged between the participants of a discussion to identify the attitude they carry toward each other and towards the various aspects of the discussion topic. We use attitude predictions to construct an attitude vector for each discussant. We use clustering techniques to cluster these vectors and, hence, determine the subgroup membership of each participant. We compare our methods to text clustering and other baselines, and show that our method achieves promising results

    Topic Independent Identification of Agreement and Disagreement in Social Media Dialogue

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    Research on the structure of dialogue has been hampered for years because large dialogue corpora have not been available. This has impacted the dialogue research community's ability to develop better theories, as well as good off the shelf tools for dialogue processing. Happily, an increasing amount of information and opinion exchange occur in natural dialogue in online forums, where people share their opinions about a vast range of topics. In particular we are interested in rejection in dialogue, also called disagreement and denial, where the size of available dialogue corpora, for the first time, offers an opportunity to empirically test theoretical accounts of the expression and inference of rejection in dialogue. In this paper, we test whether topic-independent features motivated by theoretical predictions can be used to recognize rejection in online forums in a topic independent way. Our results show that our theoretically motivated features achieve 66% accuracy, an improvement over a unigram baseline of an absolute 6%.Comment: @inproceedings{Misra2013TopicII, title={Topic Independent Identification of Agreement and Disagreement in Social Media Dialogue}, author={Amita Misra and Marilyn A. Walker}, booktitle={SIGDIAL Conference}, year={2013}

    An Integrated Model for User Attribute Discovery: A Case Study on Political Affiliation Identification

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    Discovering user demographic attributes from social media is a problem of considerable interest. The problem setting can be generalized to include three components - users, topics and behaviors. In recent studies on this problem, however, the behavior between users and topics are not effectively incorporated. In our work, we proposed an integrated unsupervised model which takes into consideration all the three components integral to the task. Furthermore, our model incorporates collaborative filtering with probabilistic matrix factorization to solve the data sparsity problem, a computational challenge common to all such tasks. We evaluated our method on a case study of user political affiliation identification, and compared against state-of-the-art baselines. Our model achieved an accuracy of 70.1% for user party detection task. ? 2014 Springer International Publishing.EI

    An Integrated Model for User Attribute Discovery: A Case Study on Political Affiliation Identification

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    Discovering user demographic attributes from social media is a problem of considerable interest. The problem setting can be generalized to include three components - users, topics and behaviors. In recent studies on this problem, however, the behavior between users and topics are not effectively incorporated. In our work, we proposed an integrated unsupervised model which takes into consideration all the three components integral to the task. Furthermore, our model incorporates collaborative filtering with probabilistic matrix factorization to solve the data sparsity problem, a computational challenge common to all such tasks. We evaluated our method on a case study of user political affiliation identification, and compared against state-of-the-art baselines. Our model achieved an accuracy of 70.1% for user party detection task. ? 2014 Springer International Publishing.EI

    Mining user relations from online discussions using sentiment analysis and probabilistic matrix factorization

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    Advances in sentiment analysis have enabled extraction of user relations implied in online textual exchanges such as forum posts. However, recent studies in this direction only consider direct relation extraction from text. As user interactions can be sparse in online discussions, we propose to apply collaborative filtering through probabilistic matrix factorization to generalize and improve the opinion matrices extracted from forum posts. Experiments with two tasks show that the learned latent factor representation can give good performance on a relation polarity prediction task and improve the performance of a subgroup detection task.

    Stance classification of Twitter debates: The encryption debate as a use case

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    Social media have enabled a revolution in user-generated content. They allow users to connect, build community, produce and share content, and publish opinions. To better understand online users’ attitudes and opinions, we use stance classification. Stance classification is a relatively new and challenging approach to deepen opinion mining by classifying a user's stance in a debate. Our stance classification use case is tweets that were related to the spring 2016 debate over the FBI’s request that Apple decrypt a user’s iPhone. In this “encryption debate,” public opinion was polarized between advocates for individual privacy and advocates for national security. We propose a machine learning approach to classify stance in the debate, and a topic classification that uses lexical, syntactic, Twitter-specific, and argumentative features as a predictor for classifications. Models trained on these feature sets showed significant increases in accuracy relative to the unigram baseline.Ope

    Extracting and Attributing Quotes in Text and Assessing them as Opinions

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    News articles often report on the opinions that salient people have about important issues. While it is possible to infer an opinion from a person's actions, it is much more common to demonstrate that a person holds an opinion by reporting on what they have said. These instances of speech are called reported speech, and in this thesis we set out to detect instances of reported speech, attribute them to their speaker, and to identify which instances provide evidence of an opinion. We first focus on extracting reported speech, which involves finding all acts of communication that are reported in an article. Previous work has approached this task with rule-based methods, however there are several factors that confound these approaches. To demonstrate this, we build a corpus of 965 news articles, where we mark all instances of speech. We then show that a supervised token-based approach outperforms all of our rule-based alternatives, even in extracting direct quotes. Next, we examine the problem of finding the speaker of each quote. For this task we annotate the same 965 news articles with links from each quote to its speaker. Using this, and three other corpora, we develop new methods and features for quote attribution, which achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on our corpus and strong results on the others. Having extracted quotes and determined who spoke them, we move on to the opinion mining part of our work. Most of the task definitions in opinion mining do not easily work with opinions in news, so we define a new task, where the aim is to classify whether quotes demonstrate support, neutrality, or opposition to a given position statement. This formulation improved annotator agreement when compared to our earlier annotation schemes. Using this we build an opinion corpus of 700 news documents covering 7 topics. In this thesis we do not attempt this full task, but we do present preliminary results

    Using Natural Language Processing to Mine Multiple Perspectives from Social Media and Scientific Literature.

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    This thesis studies how Natural Language Processing techniques can be used to mine perspectives from textual data. The first part of the thesis focuses on analyzing the text exchanged by people who participate in discussions on social media sites. We particularly focus on threaded discussions that discuss ideological and political topics. The goal is to identify the different viewpoints that the discussants have with respect to the discussion topic. We use subjectivity and sentiment analysis techniques to identify the attitudes that the participants carry toward one another and toward the different aspects of the discussion topic. This involves identifying opinion expressions and their polarities, and identifying the targets of opinion. We use this information to represent discussions in one of two representations: discussant attitude vectors or signed attitude networks. We use data mining and network analysis techniques to analyze these representations to detect rifts in discussion groups and study how the discussants split into subgroups with contrasting opinions. In the second part of the thesis, we use linguistic analysis to mine scholars perspectives from scientific literature through the lens of citations. We analyze the text adjacent to reference anchors in scientific articles as a means to identify researchers' viewpoints toward previously published work. We propose methods for identifying, extracting, and cleaning citation text. We analyze this text to identify the purpose (author's intention) and polarity (author's sentiment) of citation. Finally, we present several applications that can benefit from this analysis such as generating multi-perspective summaries of scientific articles and predicting future prominence of publications.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99934/1/amjbara_1.pd

    Opinion Mining of Sociopolitical Comments from Social Media

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