7 research outputs found

    Generalized gradients for probabilistic/robust (probust) constraints

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    Probability functions are a powerful modelling tool when seeking to account for uncertainty in optimization problems. In practice, such uncertainty may result from different sources for which unequal information is available. A convenient combination with ideas from robust optimization then leads to probust functions, i.e., probability functions acting on generalized semi-infinite inequality systems. In this paper we employ the powerful variational tools developed by Boris Mordukhovich to study generalized differentiation of such probust functions. We also provide explicit outer estimates of the generalized subdifferentials in terms of nominal data

    Numerical solution of an optimal control problem with probabilistic and almost sure state constraints

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    We consider the optimal control of a PDE with random source term subject to probabilistic or almost sure state constraints. In the main theoretical result, we provide an exact formula for the Clarke subdifferential of the probability function without a restrictive assumption made in an earlier paper. The focus of the paper is on numerical solution algorithms. As for probabilistic constraints, we apply the method of spherical radial decomposition. Almost sure constraints are dealt with a Moreau--Yosida smoothing of the constraint function accompanied by Monte Carlo sampling of the given distribution or its support or even just the boundary of its support. Moreover, one can understand the almost sure constraint as a probabilistic constraint with safety level one which offers yet another perspective. Finally, robust optimization can be applied efficiently when the support is sufficiently simple. A comparative study of these five different methodologies is carried out and illustrated

    Optimality conditions in control problems with random state constraints in probabilistic or almost-sure form

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    In this paper, we discuss optimality conditions for optimization problems involving random state constraints, which are modeled in probabilistic or almost sure form. While the latter can be understood as the limiting case of the former, the derivation of optimality conditions requires substantially different approaches. We apply them to a linear elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) with random inputs. In the probabilistic case, we rely on the spherical-radial decomposition of Gaussian random vectors in order to formulate fully explicit optimality conditions involving a spherical integral. In the almost sure case, we derive optimality conditions and compare them to a model based on robust constraints with respect to the (compact) support of the given distribution