27 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Continuation-Passing Style for Dynamic Delimited Continuations

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    We present a new abstract machine that accounts for dynamic delimited continuations. We prove the correctness of this new abstract machine with respect to a pre-existing, definitional abstract machine. Unlike this definitional abstract machine, the new abstract machine is in defunctionalized form, which makes it possible to state the corresponding higher-order evaluator. This evaluator is in continuation+state passing style and threads a trail of delimited continuations and a meta-continuation. Since this style accounts for dynamic delimited continuations, we refer to it as `dynamic continuation-passing style.' We show that the new machine operates more efficiently than the definitional one and that the notion of computation induced by the corresponding evaluator takes the form of a monad. We also present new examples and a new simulation of dynamic delimited continuations in terms of static ones

    On the Static and Dynamic Extents of Delimited Continuations

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    We show that breadth-first traversal exploits the difference between the static delimited-control operator shift (alias S) and the dynamic delimited-control operator control (alias F). For the last 15 years, this difference has been repeatedly mentioned in the literature but it has only been illustrated with one-line toy examples. Breadth-first traversal fills this vacuum. We also point out where static delimited continuations naturally give rise to the notion of control stack whereas dynamic delimited continuations can be made to account for a notion of `control queue.'

    A Simple Proof of a Folklore Theorem about Delimited Control

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    We formalize and prove the folklore theorem that the static delimited-control operators shift and reset can be simulated in terms of the dynamic delimited-control operators control and prompt. The proof is based on a small-step operational semantics that takes the form of an abstract machine

    A Simple Proof of a Folklore Theorem about Delimited Control

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    We formalize and prove the folklore theorem that the static delimited-control operators shift and reset can be simulated in terms of the dynamic delimited-control operators control and prompt. The proof is based on small-step operational semantics

    An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in<br><br> the<br><br><br> CPS<br><br> Hierarchy

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    We present an abstract machine and a reduction semantics for the lambda-calculus extended with control operators that give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family. We also present new applications of delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy: finding list prefixes and normalization by evaluation for a hierarchical language of units and products.Comment: 39 page

    Lazy Evaluation and Delimited Control

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    The call-by-need lambda calculus provides an equational framework for reasoning syntactically about lazy evaluation. This paper examines its operational characteristics. By a series of reasoning steps, we systematically unpack the standard-order reduction relation of the calculus and discover a novel abstract machine definition which, like the calculus, goes "under lambdas." We prove that machine evaluation is equivalent to standard-order evaluation. Unlike traditional abstract machines, delimited control plays a significant role in the machine's behavior. In particular, the machine replaces the manipulation of a heap using store-based effects with disciplined management of the evaluation stack using control-based effects. In short, state is replaced with control. To further articulate this observation, we present a simulation of call-by-need in a call-by-value language using delimited control operations

    Environmental Bisimulations for Delimited-Control Operators

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    International audienceWe present a theory of environmental bisimilarity for the delimited-control operators shift and reset. We consider two different notions of contextual equivalence: one that does not require the presence of a top-level control delimiter when executing tested terms, and another one, fully compatible with the original CPS semantics of shift and reset, that does. For each of them, we develop sound and complete environmental bisimilarities, and we discuss up-to techniques

    An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy

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    We present an abstract machine and a reduction semantics for the lambda-calculus extended with control operators that give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family. At level n of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators shift_i and reset_i for

    An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy

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    We present an abstract machine and a reduction semantics for the lambda-calculus extended with control operators that give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family. At level n of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators shift_i and reset_i for

    An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy

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    We present an abstract machine and a reduction semantics for the lambda-calculus extended with control operators that give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family. At level n of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators shift_i and reset_i for