1,541 research outputs found

    A Subband-Based SVM Front-End for Robust ASR

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    This work proposes a novel support vector machine (SVM) based robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) front-end that operates on an ensemble of the subband components of high-dimensional acoustic waveforms. The key issues of selecting the appropriate SVM kernels for classification in frequency subbands and the combination of individual subband classifiers using ensemble methods are addressed. The proposed front-end is compared with state-of-the-art ASR front-ends in terms of robustness to additive noise and linear filtering. Experiments performed on the TIMIT phoneme classification task demonstrate the benefits of the proposed subband based SVM front-end: it outperforms the standard cepstral front-end in the presence of noise and linear filtering for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) below 12-dB. A combination of the proposed front-end with a conventional front-end such as MFCC yields further improvements over the individual front ends across the full range of noise levels

    Exploiting correlogram structure for robust speech recognition with multiple speech sources

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    This paper addresses the problem of separating and recognising speech in a monaural acoustic mixture with the presence of competing speech sources. The proposed system treats sound source separation and speech recognition as tightly coupled processes. In the first stage sound source separation is performed in the correlogram domain. For periodic sounds, the correlogram exhibits symmetric tree-like structures whose stems are located on the delay that corresponds to multiple pitch periods. These pitch-related structures are exploited in the study to group spectral components at each time frame. Local pitch estimates are then computed for each spectral group and are used to form simultaneous pitch tracks for temporal integration. These processes segregate a spectral representation of the acoustic mixture into several time-frequency regions such that the energy in each region is likely to have originated from a single periodic sound source. The identified time-frequency regions, together with the spectral representation, are employed by a `speech fragment decoder' which employs `missing data' techniques with clean speech models to simultaneously search for the acoustic evidence that best matches model sequences. The paper presents evaluations based on artificially mixed simultaneous speech utterances. A coherence-measuring experiment is first reported which quantifies the consistency of the identified fragments with a single source. The system is then evaluated in a speech recognition task and compared to a conventional fragment generation approach. Results show that the proposed system produces more coherent fragments over different conditions, which results in significantly better recognition accuracy

    A Review of Audio Features and Statistical Models Exploited for Voice Pattern Design

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    Audio fingerprinting, also named as audio hashing, has been well-known as a powerful technique to perform audio identification and synchronization. It basically involves two major steps: fingerprint (voice pattern) design and matching search. While the first step concerns the derivation of a robust and compact audio signature, the second step usually requires knowledge about database and quick-search algorithms. Though this technique offers a wide range of real-world applications, to the best of the authors' knowledge, a comprehensive survey of existing algorithms appeared more than eight years ago. Thus, in this paper, we present a more up-to-date review and, for emphasizing on the audio signal processing aspect, we focus our state-of-the-art survey on the fingerprint design step for which various audio features and their tractable statistical models are discussed.Comment: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2015/PATTERNS15.html ; Seventh International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS 2015), Mar 2015, Nice, Franc

    A Compact and Discriminative Feature Based on Auditory Summary Statistics for Acoustic Scene Classification

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    One of the biggest challenges of acoustic scene classification (ASC) is to find proper features to better represent and characterize environmental sounds. Environmental sounds generally involve more sound sources while exhibiting less structure in temporal spectral representations. However, the background of an acoustic scene exhibits temporal homogeneity in acoustic properties, suggesting it could be characterized by distribution statistics rather than temporal details. In this work, we investigated using auditory summary statistics as the feature for ASC tasks. The inspiration comes from a recent neuroscience study, which shows the human auditory system tends to perceive sound textures through time-averaged statistics. Based on these statistics, we further proposed to use linear discriminant analysis to eliminate redundancies among these statistics while keeping the discriminative information, providing an extreme com-pact representation for acoustic scenes. Experimental results show the outstanding performance of the proposed feature over the conventional handcrafted features.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper of Interspeech 201

    Towards Robust and Adaptive Speech Recognition Models

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    Exploring auditory-inspired acoustic features for room acoustic parameter estimation from monaural speech

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    Room acoustic parameters that characterize acoustic environments can help to improve signal enhancement algorithms such as for dereverberation, or automatic speech recognition by adapting models to the current parameter set. The reverberation time (RT) and the early-to-late reverberation ratio (ELR) are two key parameters. In this paper, we propose a blind ROom Parameter Estimator (ROPE) based on an artificial neural network that learns the mapping to discrete ranges of the RT and the ELR from single-microphone speech signals. Auditory-inspired acoustic features are used as neural network input, which are generated by a temporal modulation filter bank applied to the speech time-frequency representation. ROPE performance is analyzed in various reverberant environments in both clean and noisy conditions for both fullband and subband RT and ELR estimations. The importance of specific temporal modulation frequencies is analyzed by evaluating the contribution of individual filters to the ROPE performance. Experimental results show that ROPE is robust against different variations caused by room impulse responses (measured versus simulated), mismatched noise levels, and speech variability reflected through different corpora. Compared to state-of-the-art algorithms that were tested in the acoustic characterisation of environments (ACE) challenge, the ROPE model is the only one that is among the best for all individual tasks (RT and ELR estimation from fullband and subband signals). Improved fullband estimations are even obtained by ROPE when integrating speech-related frequency subbands. Furthermore, the model requires the least computational resources with a real time factor that is at least two times faster than competing algorithms. Results are achieved with an average observation window of 3 s, which is important for real-time applications
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