721 research outputs found

    Pseudorandomness and the Minimum Circuit Size Problem

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    Sub-computable Boundedness Randomness

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    This paper defines a new notion of bounded computable randomness for certain classes of sub-computable functions which lack a universal machine. In particular, we define such versions of randomness for primitive recursive functions and for PSPACE functions. These new notions are robust in that there are equivalent formulations in terms of (1) Martin-L\"of tests, (2) Kolmogorov complexity, and (3) martingales. We show these notions can be equivalently defined with prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity. We prove that one direction of van Lambalgen's theorem holds for relative computability, but the other direction fails. We discuss statistical properties of these notions of randomness

    Stretching demi-bits and nondeterministic-secure pseudorandomness

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    We develop the theory of cryptographic nondeterministic-secure pseudorandomness beyond the point reached by Rudich's original work [25], and apply it to draw new consequences in average-case complexity and proof complexity. Specifically, we show the following: Demi-bit stretch: Super-bits and demi-bits are variants of cryptographic pseudorandom generators which are secure against nondeterministic statistical tests [25]. They were introduced to rule out certain approaches to proving strong complexity lower bounds beyond the limitations set out by the Natural Proofs barrier of Razborov and Rudich [23]. Whether demi-bits are stretchable at all had been an open problem since their introduction. We answer this question affirmatively by showing that: every demi-bit b : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}n+1 can be stretched into sublinear many demi-bits b′: {0, 1}n → {0, 1}n+nc , for every constant 0 < c < 1. Average-case hardness: Using work by Santhanam [26], we apply our results to obtain new averagecase Kolmogorov complexity results: we show that Kpoly[n-O(1)] is zero-error average-case hard against NP/poly machines iff Kpoly[n-o(n)] is, where for a function s(n) : N → N, Kpoly[s(n)] denotes the languages of all strings x ∈ {0, 1}n for which there are (fixed) polytime Turing machines of description-length at most s(n) that output x. Characterising super-bits by nondeterministic unpredictability: In the deterministic setting, Yao [31] proved that super-polynomial hardness of pseudorandom generators is equivalent to ("nextbit") unpredictability. Unpredictability roughly means that given any strict prefix of a random string, it is infeasible to predict the next bit. We initiate the study of unpredictability beyond the deterministic setting (in the cryptographic regime), and characterise the nondeterministic hardness of generators from an unpredictability perspective. Specifically, we propose four stronger notions of unpredictability: NP/poly-unpredictability, coNP/poly-unpredictability, ∩-unpredictability and ∪unpredictability, and show that super-polynomial nondeterministic hardness of generators lies between ∩-unpredictability and ∪unpredictability. Characterising super-bits by nondeterministic hard-core predicates: We introduce a nondeterministic variant of hard-core predicates, called super-core predicates. We show that the existence of a super-bit is equivalent to the existence of a super-core of some non-shrinking function. This serves as an analogue of the equivalence between the existence of a strong pseudorandom generator and the existence of a hard-core of some one-way function [8, 12], and provides a first alternative characterisation of super-bits. We also prove that a certain class of functions, which may have hard-cores, cannot possess any super-core

    Conspiracies between learning algorithms, circuit lower bounds, and pseudorandomness

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    We prove several results giving new and stronger connections between learning theory, circuit complexity and pseudorandomness. Let C be any typical class of Boolean circuits, and C[s(n)] denote n-variable C-circuits of size ≤ s(n). We show: Learning Speedups. If C[poly(n)] admits a randomized weak learning algorithm under the uniform distribution with membership queries that runs in time 2n/nω(1), then for every k ≥ 1 and ε > 0 the class C[n k ] can be learned to high accuracy in time O(2n ε ). There is ε > 0 such that C[2n ε ] can be learned in time 2n/nω(1) if and only if C[poly(n)] can be learned in time 2(log n) O(1) . Equivalences between Learning Models. We use learning speedups to obtain equivalences between various randomized learning and compression models, including sub-exponential time learning with membership queries, sub-exponential time learning with membership and equivalence queries, probabilistic function compression and probabilistic average-case function compression. A Dichotomy between Learnability and Pseudorandomness. In the non-uniform setting, there is non-trivial learning for C[poly(n)] if and only if there are no exponentially secure pseudorandom functions computable in C[poly(n)]. Lower Bounds from Nontrivial Learning. If for each k ≥ 1, (depth-d)-C[n k ] admits a randomized weak learning algorithm with membership queries under the uniform distribution that runs in time 2n/nω(1), then for each k ≥ 1, BPE * (depth-d)-C[n k ]. If for some ε > 0 there are P-natural proofs useful against C[2n ε ], then ZPEXP * C[poly(n)]. Karp-Lipton Theorems for Probabilistic Classes. If there is a k > 0 such that BPE ⊆ i.o.Circuit[n k ], then BPEXP ⊆ i.o.EXP/O(log n). If ZPEXP ⊆ i.o.Circuit[2n/3 ], then ZPEXP ⊆ i.o.ESUBEXP. Hardness Results for MCSP. All functions in non-uniform NC1 reduce to the Minimum Circuit Size Problem via truth-table reductions computable by TC0 circuits. In particular, if MCSP ∈ TC0 then NC1 = TC0

    Conspiracies Between Learning Algorithms, Circuit Lower Bounds, and Pseudorandomness

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    We prove several results giving new and stronger connections between learning theory, circuit complexity and pseudorandomness. Let C be any typical class of Boolean circuits, and C[s(n)] denote n-variable C-circuits of size <= s(n). We show: Learning Speedups: If C[s(n)] admits a randomized weak learning algorithm under the uniform distribution with membership queries that runs in time 2^n/n^{omega(1)}, then for every k >= 1 and epsilon > 0 the class C[n^k] can be learned to high accuracy in time O(2^{n^epsilon}). There is epsilon > 0 such that C[2^{n^{epsilon}}] can be learned in time 2^n/n^{omega(1)} if and only if C[poly(n)] can be learned in time 2^{(log(n))^{O(1)}}. Equivalences between Learning Models: We use learning speedups to obtain equivalences between various randomized learning and compression models, including sub-exponential time learning with membership queries, sub-exponential time learning with membership and equivalence queries, probabilistic function compression and probabilistic average-case function compression. A Dichotomy between Learnability and Pseudorandomness: In the non-uniform setting, there is non-trivial learning for C[poly(n)] if and only if there are no exponentially secure pseudorandom functions computable in C[poly(n)]. Lower Bounds from Nontrivial Learning: If for each k >= 1, (depth-d)-C[n^k] admits a randomized weak learning algorithm with membership queries under the uniform distribution that runs in time 2^n/n^{omega(1)}, then for each k >= 1, BPE is not contained in (depth-d)-C[n^k]. If for some epsilon > 0 there are P-natural proofs useful against C[2^{n^{epsilon}}], then ZPEXP is not contained in C[poly(n)]. Karp-Lipton Theorems for Probabilistic Classes: If there is a k > 0 such that BPE is contained in i.o.Circuit[n^k], then BPEXP is contained in i.o.EXP/O(log(n)). If ZPEXP is contained in i.o.Circuit[2^{n/3}], then ZPEXP is contained in i.o.ESUBEXP. Hardness Results for MCSP: All functions in non-uniform NC^1 reduce to the Minimum Circuit Size Problem via truth-table reductions computable by TC^0 circuits. In particular, if MCSP is in TC^0 then NC^1 = TC^0

    Algorithms and lower bounds for de Morgan formulas of low-communication leaf gates

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    The class FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s] \circ \mathcal{G} consists of Boolean functions computable by size-ss de Morgan formulas whose leaves are any Boolean functions from a class G\mathcal{G}. We give lower bounds and (SAT, Learning, and PRG) algorithms for FORMULA[n1.99]GFORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ \mathcal{G}, for classes G\mathcal{G} of functions with low communication complexity. Let R(k)(G)R^{(k)}(\mathcal{G}) be the maximum kk-party NOF randomized communication complexity of G\mathcal{G}. We show: (1) The Generalized Inner Product function GIPnkGIP^k_n cannot be computed in FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s]\circ \mathcal{G} on more than 1/2+ε1/2+\varepsilon fraction of inputs for s=o ⁣(n2(k4kR(k)(G)log(n/ε)log(1/ε))2). s = o \! \left ( \frac{n^2}{ \left(k \cdot 4^k \cdot {R}^{(k)}(\mathcal{G}) \cdot \log (n/\varepsilon) \cdot \log(1/\varepsilon) \right)^{2}} \right). As a corollary, we get an average-case lower bound for GIPnkGIP^k_n against FORMULA[n1.99]PTFk1FORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ PTF^{k-1}. (2) There is a PRG of seed length n/2+O(sR(2)(G)log(s/ε)log(1/ε))n/2 + O\left(\sqrt{s} \cdot R^{(2)}(\mathcal{G}) \cdot\log(s/\varepsilon) \cdot \log (1/\varepsilon) \right) that ε\varepsilon-fools FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s] \circ \mathcal{G}. For FORMULA[s]LTFFORMULA[s] \circ LTF, we get the better seed length O(n1/2s1/4log(n)log(n/ε))O\left(n^{1/2}\cdot s^{1/4}\cdot \log(n)\cdot \log(n/\varepsilon)\right). This gives the first non-trivial PRG (with seed length o(n)o(n)) for intersections of nn half-spaces in the regime where ε1/n\varepsilon \leq 1/n. (3) There is a randomized 2nt2^{n-t}-time #\#SAT algorithm for FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s] \circ \mathcal{G}, where t=Ω(nslog2(s)R(2)(G))1/2.t=\Omega\left(\frac{n}{\sqrt{s}\cdot\log^2(s)\cdot R^{(2)}(\mathcal{G})}\right)^{1/2}. In particular, this implies a nontrivial #SAT algorithm for FORMULA[n1.99]LTFFORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ LTF. (4) The Minimum Circuit Size Problem is not in FORMULA[n1.99]XORFORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ XOR. On the algorithmic side, we show that FORMULA[n1.99]XORFORMULA[n^{1.99}] \circ XOR can be PAC-learned in time 2O(n/logn)2^{O(n/\log n)}