15 research outputs found

    Plant disease prediction using convolutional neural network

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    Every year India losses the significant amount of annual crop yield due to unidentified plant diseases. The traditional method of disease detection is manual examination by either farmers or experts, which may be time-consuming and inaccurate. It is proving infeasible for many small and medium-sized farms around the world. To mitigate this issue, computer aided disease recognition model is proposed. It uses leaf image classification with the help of deep convolutional networks. In this paper, VGG16 and Resnet34 CNN was proposed to detect the plant disease. It has three processing steps namely feature extraction, downsizing image and classification. In CNN, the convolutional layer extracts the feature from plant image. The pooling layer downsizing the image. The disease classification was done in dense layer. The proposed model can recognize 38 differing types of plant diseases out of 14 different plants with the power to differentiate plant leaves from their surroundings. The performance of VGG16 and Resnet34 was compared.  The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity was taken as performance Metrix. It helps to give personalized recommendations to the farmers based on soil features, temperature and humidit

    Optimization techniques on fuzzy inference systems to detect Xanthomonas campestris disease

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    This paper shows the outcomes for four optimization models based on fuzzy inference systems, intervened using Quasi-Newton and genetic algorithms, to early assess bean plants’ leaves for Xanthomonas campestris disease. The assessment on the status of the plant (sane or ill) is defined through the intensity of the color in the RGB scale for the data-sets and images to analyze the implementation of the models. The best model performance is 99.68% when compared with the training data and a 94% effectiveness rate on the detection of Xanthomonas campestris in a bean leave image. Therefore, these results would allow farmers to take early measures to reduce the impact of the disease on the look and performance of green bean crops

    CNN Ensemble Approach for Early detection of Sugarcane Diseases – A Comparison

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    This paper mainly concentrates and discusses on sugarcane crop, the variety of cane seeds available for sowing; various cane diseases and its early detection using different approaches. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques are used to analyze agricultural data like temperature, soil quality, yield prediction, selling price forecasts, etc. and avoid crop damage from a variety of sources, including diseases. In the proposed work, with particular reference to eight specific sugarcane crop diseases and including healthy crop database, the neural network algorithms are tested and verified in terms quality metrics like accuracy, F1 score, recall and precision

    Parametric evaluation of segmentation techniques for paddy diseases analysis

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    In most paddy plant diseases, the leaf is the primary source of information for image-based disease identification and classification. Image segmentation is an important step in the plant disease analysis process. It is used to separate the normal part of the leaf from the disease-affected part of the leaf. In this paper diseases like Bacterial leaf blight, Brown spot, and Leaf smut are segmented using existing, K-means clustering, the Otsu thresholding method. Color space-based segmentation is newly proposed for paddy disease analysis. The intelligence of segmentation techniques is evaluated using the Error Rate and Overlap Rate across the three paddy diseases namely, Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB), Brown Spot (BS) and Leaf Smut (LS). The results were compared among the Otsu, K-means and color thresholding segmentation techniques. The results revealed that, the color thresholding method using the Lab model emerged as a novel segmentation method for all three paddy diseases with an average Error Rate (ER) and Overlap Rate (OR) of [0.36, 0.95]. The proposed work is carried out in the department of Electronics and Communication research centre at Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, Karnataka during the period from August 2022 to February 2023 with the expert suggestions of the plant pathologist, from the University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad, Karnataka

    Techniques of deep learning and image processing in plant leaf disease detection: a review

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    Computer vision techniques are an emerging trend today. Digital image processing is gaining popularity because of the significant upsurge in the usage of digital images over the internet. Digital image processing is a practice that can help in designing sophisticated high-end machines, which can hold the ophthalmic functionality of the human eye. In agriculture, leaf examination is important for disease identification and fair warning for any deficiency within the plant. Many prominent plant species are facing extinction because of a lack of knowledge. A proper realization of computer vision techniques aid in extracting a significant amount of information from leaf image. This necessitates the requirement of an automatic leaf disease detection method to diagnose disease occurrences and severity, for timely crop management, by spraying pesticides. This study focuses on techniques of digital image processing and machine learning rendered in plant leaf disease detection, which has great potential in precision agriculture. To support this study, techniques exercised by various researchers in recent years are tabulated

    A novel computer vision based neutrosophic approach for leaf disease identification and classification

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    The natural products are inexpensive, non-toxic, and have fewer side effects. Thus, their demand especially herbs based medical products, health products, nutritional supplements, cosmetics etc. are increasing. The quality of leafs defines the degree of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficits, and substantial variations. Also, the diseases in leafs possess threats to the economic, and production status in the agricultural industry worldwide

    Computational Approaches Based On Image Processing for Automated Disease Identification On Chili Leaf Images: A Review

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    Chili, an important crop whose fruit is used as a spice, is significantly hampered by the existence of chili diseases. While these diseases pose a significant concern to farmers since they impair the supply of spices to the market, they can be managed and monitored to lessen their impact. Therefore, identifying chili diseases using a pertinent approach is of enormous importance. Over the years, the growth of computational approaches based on image processing has found its application in automated disease identification, leading to the availability of a reliable monitoring tool that produces promising findings for the chili. Numerous research papers on identifying chili diseases using the approaches have been published. Still, to the best knowledge of the author, there has not been a proper attempt to analyze these papers to describe the many steps of diagnosis, including pre-processing, segmentation, extraction of features, as well as identification techniques. Thus, a total of 50 research paper publications on the identification of chili diseases, with publication dates spanning from 2013 to 2021, are reviewed in this paper. Through the findings in this paper, it becomes feasible to comprehend the development trend for the application of computational approaches based on image processing in the identification of chili diseases, as well as the challenges and future directions that require attention from the present research community.&nbsp