2 research outputs found

    Quality of Service in Converged Systems with Elements Controlled by Neural Network

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    Kvalita služby (QoS) je v konvergovaných systémech důležitým parametrem. Disertační práce se zabývá výzkumem její implementace do navrženého nového síťového prvku. Byl navržen a implementován nový protokol inspirovaný IP protokolem. V rámci řešení disertační práce byl navržen nový síťový prvek – přepínač vybavený řízením založeným na neuronové síti. V rámci naplňování cílů disertační práce byly zkoumány současné metody řízení přepínačů, několik přepínačů napříč výkonnostním spektrem bylo proměřeno. Na základě získaných poznatků byl navržen čtyřportový přepínač se spojovacím polem založeným na křížovém spínači s externím řízením. Přepínač byl navržen tak, aby v maximální možné míře podporoval QoS. Spojovací pole je řízeno neuronovou sítí typu „feedforward backpropagation“. Navržený přepínač byl modelován v MATLABu a především v Simulinku. Provedené simulace prokázaly funkčnost navrženého řešení.The Quality of Service (QoS) is in converged systems an important parameter. The dissertation thesis deals with research of QoS implementation into a newly developed network element. There was designed and implemented new protocol, based on the IP. The dissertation thesis deals with proposal of a new network element – the switch controlled by a neural network. During the research have been measured switches cross a performance classes. On the base of the measurement was designed the new four-port switch with switch fabric build on crossbar switch with an external control. The switch was designed with maximum QoS support. The switch fabric is controlled by the feedforward backpropagation neural network. The designed switch was modeled in the MATLAB and Simulink. The simulations prove that developed solution is functional.

    Remote fidelity of Container-Based Network Emulators

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    This thesis examines if Container-Based Network Emulators (CBNEs) are able to instantiate emulated nodes that provide sufficient realism to be used in information security experiments. The realism measure used is based on the information available from the point of view of a remote attacker. During the evaluation of a Container-Based Network Emulator (CBNE) as a platform to replicate production networks for information security experiments, it was observed that nmap fingerprinting returned Operating System (OS) family and version results inconsistent with that of the host Operating System (OS). CBNEs utilise Linux namespaces, the technology used for containerisation, to instantiate \emulated" hosts for experimental networks. Linux containers partition resources of the host OS to create lightweight virtual machines that share a single OS kernel. As all emulated hosts share the same kernel in a CBNE network, there is a reasonable expectation that the fingerprints of the host OS and emulated hosts should be the same. Based on how CBNEs instantiate emulated networks and that fingerprinting returned inconsistent results, it was hypothesised that the technologies used to construct CBNEs are capable of influencing fingerprints generated by utilities such as nmap. It was predicted that hosts emulated using different CBNEs would show deviations in remotely generated fingerprints when compared to fingerprints generated for the host OS. An experimental network consisting of two emulated hosts and a Layer 2 switch was instantiated on multiple CBNEs using the same host OS. Active and passive fingerprinting was conducted between the emulated hosts to generate fingerprints and OS family and version matches. Passive fingerprinting failed to produce OS family and version matches as the fingerprint databases for these utilities are no longer maintained. For active fingerprinting the OS family results were consistent between tested systems and the host OS, though OS version results reported was inconsistent. A comparison of the generated fingerprints revealed that for certain CBNEs fingerprint features related to network stack optimisations of the host OS deviated from other CBNEs and the host OS. The hypothesis that CBNEs can influence remotely generated fingerprints was partially confirmed. One CBNE system modified Linux kernel networking options, causing a deviation from fingerprints generated for other tested systems and the host OS. The hypothesis was also partially rejected as the technologies used by CBNEs do not influence the remote fidelity of emulated hosts.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Computer Science, 202