4 research outputs found

    ConferenceXP-Powered I-MINDS: A Multiagent System for Intelligently Supporting Online Collaboration

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    In this paper, we describe a multiagent system designed for intelligently supporting online human collaboration, built on top of the ConferenceXP platform developed by Microsoft Research. Many current collaborative systems are passive in nature and do not provide active, intelligent support to users. A multiagent system can be used to track user behavior, perform automated tasks for humans, find optimal collaborative groups, and create and present helpful processed information based on data mining without detracting from the rest of the collaborative experience. Our ConferenceXP-powered I-MINDS application currently offers five different components for enhancing collaboration and sup-porting moderator decision making by giving each user a personal agent that works with other agents to further sup-port the entire system. These capabilities include two modes for group-based discussions, one for question/answer pairs between users and moderators, a search engine for retrieving tracked data, and a centralized classroom/team management system for quickly accessing user performance. CXP+I-MINDS has been successfully deployed to support an interactive business course where its intelligent activities assisted the professor in teaching, and we are working on delivering it to support a wireless classroom

    Inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por computadora en la programación: un estudio de mapeo sistemático

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    Objective: The Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) approach integrates artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the learning process through collaboration and information and communication technologies (ICTs). In this sense, innovative and effective strategies could be designed for learning computer programming. This paper presents a systematic mapping study from 2009 to 2021, which shows how the integration of CSCL and AI supports the learning process in programming courses. Methodology: This study was conducted by reviewing data from different bibliographic sources such as Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), ScienceDirect, and repositories of the GitHub platform. It employs a quantitative methodological approach, where the results are represented through technological maps that show the following aspects: i) the programming languages used for CSCL and AI software development; ii) CSCL software technology and the evolution of AI; and iii) the ACM classifications, research topics, artificial intelligence techniques, and CSCL strategies. Results: The results of this research help to understand the benefits and challenges of using the CSCL and AI approach for learning computer programming, identifying some strategies and tools to improve the process in programming courses (e.g., the implementation of the CSCL approach strategies used to form groups, others to evaluate, and others to provide feedback); as well as to control the process and measure student results, using virtual judges for automatic code evaluation, profile identification, code analysis, teacher simulation, active learning activities, and interactive environments, among others. However, for each process, there are still open research questions. Conclusions: This work discusses the integration of CSCL and AI to enhance learning in programming courses and how it supports students' education process. No model integrates the CSCL approach with AI techniques, which allows implementing learning activities and, at the same time, observing and analyzing the evolution of the system and how its users (students) improve their learning skills with regard to programming. In addition, the different tools found in this paper could be explored by professors and institutions, or new technologies could be developed from them.Objetivo: El enfoque de aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por computadora (CSCL) integra la inteligencia artificial (IA) para mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje a través de la colaboración y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs). En este sentido, se podrían diseñar estrategias innovadoras y efectivas para el aprendizaje de la programación de computadoras. Este artículo presenta un estudio sistemático de mapeo de los años 2009 a 2021, el cual muestra cómo la integración del CSCL y la IA apoya el proceso de aprendizaje en cursos de programación. Metodología: Este estudio se realizó mediante una revisión de datos proveniente de distintas fuentes bibliográficas como Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), ScienceDirect y repositorios de la plataforma GitHub. El trabajo emplea un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo, en el cual los resultados se representan a través de mapas tecnológicos que muestran los siguientes aspectos: i) los lenguajes de programación utilizados para el desarrollo de software de CSCL e IA; ii) la tecnología de software CSCL y la evolución de la IA; y iii) las clasificaciones, los temas de investigación, las técnicas de inteligencia artificial y las estrategias de CSCL de la ACM. Resultados: Los resultados de esta investigación ayudan a entender los beneficios y retos de usar el enfoque de CSCL e IA para el aprendizaje de la programación de computadoras, identificando algunas estrategias y herramientas para mejorar el proceso en cursos de programación (e.g., La implementación de estrategias del enfoque CSCL utilizadas para formar grupos, de otras para evaluar y de otras para brindar retroalimentación); así como para monitorear el proceso y medir los resultados de los estudiantes utilizando jueces virtuales para la evaluación automática del código, identificación de perfiles, análisis de código, simulación de profesores, actividades de aprendizaje activo y entornos interactivos, entre otros. Sin embargo, aún hay preguntas investigación por resolver para cada proceso. Conclusiones: Este trabajo discute la integración del CSCL y la IA para mejorar el aprendizaje en cursos de programación y cómo esta apoya el proceso educativo de los estudiantes. Ningún modelo integra el enfoque CSCL con técnicas de IA, lo cual permite implementar actividades de aprendizaje y, al mismo tiempo, observar y analizar la evolución del sistema y de la manera en que sus usuarios (estudiantes) mejoran sus habilidades de aprendizaje con respecto a la programación. Adicionalmente, las diferentes herramientas encontradas en este artículo podrían ser exploradas por profesores e instituciones, o podrían desarrollarse nuevas tecnologías a partir de ellas

    An Empirical Study of Website Quality in the Public Sector

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    In the public sector, we find that traditional face-to-face interaction has, in many cases, been replaced by online communication and transactions during the last decade. The quality of public sector websites is, therefore, of particular importance in order to ensure quality participation in an increasingly digital society by all the citizens. In view of the fact that Norway and Denmark aim to be world leaders of the Web, with regard to innovations, technical standards and user-centred development, easily accessible facilitation for high quality interactions assumes considerable significance. With reference to this particular aspect, the following Ph.D. thesis focusses on perceptions and measurement of website quality and success, by emphasising and highlighting the performance of public sector websites in the Scandinavian countries (respectively Norway and Denmark). This thesis draws on both qualitative and quantitative data collected during the research process. A grounded theory approach is applied in order to investigate explanations of website quality and statistical analysis is performed to examine perceptions of quality and success in websites. In this regard, the webmasters’ perspectives are emphasised, as they are found to be pivotal figures and key contributors in website quality improvements. Website quality criteria, obligated by the central governments are also discussed. These criteria aim to minimise a gap between the governments and the citizens for provision of online information and digital services. The findings and explanations of website quality cover a variety of features and range from technical standards to a broad definition of usability. Pertaining to this fact, added emphasis is placed on actual usage and subjective issues concerning user-friendliness and ease of use, compared to the criteria implemented by the governments, which focus more on objective technical measures. This may explain why users are not actually satisfied with high quality websites, when compared to low quality websites, in an annual assessment of hundreds of public websites based on these criteria. Accordingly, explanations and measurements of quality within the public sector are perceived differently, when taking into account the citizens’ (users’) needs and requirements from websites. Based on the use of quality criteria and evaluation methods applied to such evaluations, there exists a potential argument for adopting an additional user-centred focus. Furthermore, user satisfaction is emphasised as a measure of success in websites and user-centred development is found to be a key contributor. In view of this fact, the findings also prove that the public sector in general should improve and extend their feedback channels, by extending frequency and methods applied in user testing and continuous quality improvements. The fact that government bodies perform testing to a minimal extent and that more sophisticated methods should be included, demonstrates a potential for advances in facilitation for improved and refined user experiences in online communication between citizens and the public sector. In this regard, organisations which perform user testing tend to see a stronger correlation between website quality, user satisfaction and net (user) benefits. The concluding observations in the thesis, suggest that further research can decrease a gap between the governments’ perceptions of quality, and the citizens’ needs and requirements from public websites. Future investments and quality improvements should devote increased attention to testing and issues concerning inclusion of real users, and the benefits of such actions. Implications for practice are also provided in order to move the sector forward and facilitation for improved and refined user experiences and success on the Web