3 research outputs found

    S’outiller pour mieux participer à la rétroaction : Un nouveau modèle cognitivo-comportemental destiné aux apprenants en médecine

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    Sharing formative feedback is inherent in the supervision process and the acceptance of feedback by learners is an essential step in learning. However, receiving feedback from the supervisor evokes emotions and accepting it is not easy. Several recommendations guide preceptors on how to share feedback with learners and all emphasize the importance of encouraging the learner to actively interact in the feedback process. Although studies point to the positive effect of informing and training learners about feedback, few focus on their responsiveness to feedback. Under the rubric of developing a personal skill to better accept feedback, we propose a new behavioral model, called H.O.S.T., which aims to guide learners to approach feedback with a personal growth mindset associated with the learning position. Specifically, the model presents an interdependent set of attitudes and behaviors that aim to facilitate emotional management and engagement in the feedback process, in order to initiate the reflective process necessary for learning and to enable the acquisition of targeted skills. The acronym H.O.S.T. reminds students of the four essential elements of the behavioral model: humility, openness, shared explicitness and tenacity. Based on the positive psychology movement, each element is defined and justified by known theoretical concepts. In order to better assimilate the components of the model, the use of internal dialogue is adopted to facilitate the training and adoption of behaviors. The essence of the model is discussed in light of the feedback literacy dedicated to learners. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)Le partage de commentaires formatifs est inhérent au processus de supervision et l'acceptation de la rétroaction par les apprenants est une étape essentielle à l'apprentissage. Cependant, recevoir des commentaires du superviseur suscite des émotions et les accepter n'est pas facile. Plusieurs recommandations guident les superviseurs sur la façon de partager leurs observations aux apprenants et toutes soulignent l’importance d’encourager l'apprenant à interagir de façon active au processus de rétroaction. Bien que des études dénotent l’effet positif d’informer et de former les apprenants sur la rétroaction, peu s’attardent à les outiller à mieux réagir à la rétroaction. Fondés sur les observations de superviseurs expérimentés, nous proposons un modèle cognitivo-comportemental qui vise à guider les apprenants à aborder la rétroaction avec un état d'esprit de croissance personnelle associé à la position d’apprentissage. Sous le registre de l’acquisition d’une compétence personnelle destinée à mieux accepter les commentaires, le modèle présente un ensemble interdépendant d’attitudes et de comportements destiné à faciliter la gestion des émotions, l’auto-réflexion et l’engagement dans le processus de rétroaction nécessaires à l’apprentissage et à l’acquisition de compétences. L’acronyme H.O.T.E. rappelle aux étudiants les quatre éléments essentiels du modèle : l'humilité, l'ouverture d'esprit, la ténacité et l'explicitation. S’inspirant du courant de la psychologie positive, chaque élément est défini et justifié par des concepts théoriques connus. Pour mieux assimiler les composantes du modèle, l’utilisation de dialogue intérieur est retenue pour faciliter l’entrainement et l’adoption des comportements. L’essence du modèle est discutée à la lumière de la littéracie en rétroaction dédiée aux apprenants

    A social realist case study exploring the utility of structural-agentic interplay in characterizing the role of agency in the adoption and enactment of teaching approaches in a chemistry department at a higher education institute

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    Chemistry, often perceived troublesome to teach and learn, is identified at the higher education level as a hard discipline with strong indications of information transfer teacher focus (ITTF) rather than conceptual change student focus teaching approaches (CCSF). While some higher education institutions (HEIs) are beginning to promote them as separate enterprises, the duality of teaching-research expectations, amongst other constraints, often positions significant structures often in the form of rules and resources and induces varied agencies related to teaching approaches and enactment of the pedagogical practice even at the sub-disciplinary level. The literature highlights teaching chemistry as a social practice and debatable issues with the teacher-researcher-nexus, disciplinary essentialist epistemology, departmental, institutional and self-efficacy without properly articulating agency and the mechanisms of how the approaches and enactments are realized in this context. To gain an improved understanding of the underlying mechanisms, this research adopts a social realist perspective employing qualitative methodology, to capture the interplay of structure and agency in teaching in a chemistry department. I examine teaching chemistry practice and approaches, through in-depth semi-structured interviews with chemistry academics (n=9) at a HEI in the UAE. The data generated was analyzed retroductively in reference to the theoretical framework generated from the literature, applying both inductive and deductive approaches to thematic analysis to propose a modified theoretical framework. The findings correlate with the literature while profoundly highlighting agentic utility-based practices, the importance competencies and meaning with tangible embedded references to Bourdieu’s practice theory (Habitus-Field-Capital). It also provides better capture of the teacher-researcher-nexus, the perceptions of content, students, year level as rigid structures representing significant considerations by the academics. The characterization of the structural-agentic dynamics and the subsequent proposal of theoretical model provide indicators of tendencies for how teaching approaches are realized when contextual agencies are activated. The work illuminates the need to re-conceptualize the perceptions of the role of teaching academics in HEIs and the forces conditioning practices and changes in them. Key words: Agency-structure-chemistry-practice-social practice-epistemological essentialism- disciplinary trib