5,234 research outputs found


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    Eugenio Coserius Sprachzeichentheorie und der Prager Strukturalismus

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    Eugenio Coseriu (1921–2002) gilt vielen Linguisten als “eminent representative of international structuralism” (De Mauro 2009: 328). GemĂ€ĂŸ seinem Credo, die “Leistungen und Grenzen” bestehender Forschungstraditionen aufzudecken, hat Coseriu aber von Anfang an versucht, ĂŒber den Strukturalismus hinauszugehen (vgl. Coseriu, “Au-delĂ  du structuralisme” 1982), und zwar im Sinne Hegels: Es geht Coseriu darum, Einsichten und Erkenntnisse von frĂŒher kritisch zu rezipieren, auf ihnen weiter aufzubauen und ĂŒber sie hinauszugehen. Das kann man beispielhaft an Coserius Auseinandersetzung mit dem Prager Strukturalismus beobachten, u.a. im Hinblick auf die Konzepte “funktionelle Opposition”, “Gestalt” und “Neutralisierung”

    Formalismus & Filmtheorie : eine Arbeitsbibliographie

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    Die folgende Bibliographie gibt ein relativ umfassendes Bild der filmtheoretischen Arbeiten der Formalisten und ihrer breiten und heterogenen Rezeption. Hinweise zahlreicher Kollegen sind eingegangen. Dank gilt insbesondere Ludger Kaczmarek

    Generative planning methods from a structuralist perspective

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    NĂ€hert man sich der Frage nach den ZusammenhĂ€ngen zwischen Strukturalismus und generativen algorithmischen Planungsmethoden, so ist zunĂ€chst zu klĂ€ren, was man unter Strukturalismus in der Architektur versteht. Allerdings gibt es letztlich keinen verbindlichen terminologischen Rahmen, innerhalb dessen sich eine solche KlĂ€rung vollziehen könnte. Strukturalismus in der Architektur wird oftmals auf ein formales PhĂ€nomen und damit auf eine Stilfrage reduziert. Der vorliegende Text will sich nicht mit Stilen und PhĂ€nomenen strukturalistischer Architektur auseinandersetzen, sondern konzentriert sich auf die Betrachtung strukturalistischer Entwurfsmethoden und stellt BezĂŒge her zu algorithmischen Verfahren, wobei das Zusammenspiel zwischen regelgeleitetem und intuitivem Vorgehen beim Entwerfen herausgearbeitet wird.When considering the question of a relationship between structuralism and generative algorithmic planning methods, we first need to clarify what we mean by structuralism in architecture. There is, unfortunately, no clearly defined terminological framework to aid clarification. Structuralism in architecture is often regarded as formal phenomena and accordingly reduced to stylistic aspects. The following essay is not about the styles and manifestation of structuralism in architecture but instead concentrates on examining structuralist design methods and their relationship and relevance for algorithmic techniques, with particular emphasis on the interaction between rule-based and intuitive approaches in the design process

    Strukturalistische Regeln zur Rechtsfindung

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    Draw like a builder, build like a writer. And the crack is in the detail

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    As the inevitable building by numbers ensues, London’s Thames Gateway becomes one of many playgrounds for bar charting enthusiasts. Houses measured by the thousands and little clues as to where it is, that ghost in the machine, what they are, the structures of everyday contemporary life, and who's life it is anyway. Fernand Braudel, Georges Perec, Jorge Luis Borges, amongst others, are employed to examine just how Wittgensteins radiators find their ways into Barratts South East catalogue. They supply the container for Dickensian content with Sinclairesque detail, while late Jan Turnovski's epic lunacy will help to once and for all allay widespread popular fears that Wittgenstein 1 and 2 may add up to one-and-a-half, simple as that. Never has the ideal of treating technology involved with building as an intellectual discipline been further removed from any notion of genius, loci or otherwise; housing policy housing, building policy building. Against the backdrop of mass housing and landmark buildings with little space or time for anything in between, five years of studio work with diploma students at the University of Greenwich, Vienna University of Technology and University Innsbruck, concerned themselves with the structural narrative of the Thames Gateway. This paper, as well as the projects presented through it, is a premature attempt at anchoring buildings on the words they are built on, technology on the sentence structure of its description, assembly instructions written in the most specific of dialects. It describes techniques, suggesting an architecture read backwards, sideways, horizontal and in parallel, free associative sequence, thus discussing issues of site, context, detail and conceptual adhesion. It also poses questions: concerning locality, history, ritual, conceptualisation and intellectual detachment. Above all, in view of the sheer relentlessness of commercially driven urban expansion, questions of soul and character, of design sustainability in terms of creating space to accommodate viable structures social, cultural, narrative. Allowing history to continue, creating place worth telling tales about

    L'incompreso - oder warum der Strukturalismus ein Außenseiter blieb

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    European structuralism

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    European structuralism is a paradigm for the study of language developed by prominent European linguists during the inter-war period and the first decades after World War II that radically rejected the prevailing atomism of 19th century (particularly neo-grammarian) linguistics and language psychology

    SlĂĄdkova strukturalistickĂĄ smrĆĄĆ„

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    Reviewed works: SlĂĄdek, Ondƙej. Jan MukaƙovskĂœ: ĆŸivot a dĂ­lo. PrvnĂ­ vydĂĄnĂ­. Brno: Host, 2015. 446 s. ISBN 978-80-7491-531-4. SlĂĄdek, Ondƙej. The metamorphoses of Prague School structural poetics. Muenchen: LINCOM GmbH, 2015. 196 s. Travaux linguistiques de Brno; 12. ISBN 978-3-86288-613-5. SlĂĄdek, Ondƙej, ed. ČeskĂœ strukturalismus v diskusi. 1. vyd. Brno: Host, 2014. 396 s. StrukturalistickĂĄ knihovna; 16. ISBN 978-80-7294-969-4. Winner, Thomas Gustav. The Czech avant-garde literary movement between the world wars. Edited by Ondƙej SlĂĄdek and Michael Heim. New York: Peter Lang, c2015. 200 s. ISBN 978-1-4331-2627-7
