2 research outputs found

    Hashtag and highest scored terms for expanding query

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    Communicating in short messages, such as using micro blogs, was becoming more popular currently. Twitter https://twitter.com supports micro blogs and retrieval of the blogs by users.To retrieve Twitter documents, we need specific strategies due to its specific characteristics.One new strategy for improving the effectiveness of twitter document retrieval is using the query expansion technique.This paper elaborates query expansion in twitter document retrieval by using the hashtag. We compared the effectiveness of query expansion in four different scenarios: the baseline result using no query expansion, highest scored term in terms of frequency-inverse document frequency (tfidf), maximum hashtag occurance, and combination of the highest scored-term and the maximum hashtag.The results show that the combination of the maximum term in tfidf and the maximum hashtag performs better in retrieving relevant documents than the baseline

    Manifestaciones de la subcultura homosexual ecuatoriana en la cultura de consumo: un estudio descriptivo sobre el consumo de informaci贸n en twitter

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    La presente investigaci贸n estudia la subcultura homosexual ecuatoriana con el objetivo de encontrar c贸mo se relacionan el g茅nero, la subcultura de consumo, las im谩genes, los textos y los objetos en la cultura de consumo. La investigaci贸n realizada es descriptiva y cualitativa, utiliza el m茅todo netnogr谩fico; se adopta la red social Twitter como instrumento para recabar conversaciones publicadas por usuarios que pertenecen a organizaciones o grupos de activistas de la subcultura homosexual ecuatoriana. El resultado de la categorizaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de las conversaciones devela c贸mo se construye la informaci贸n y cual es el objetivo del mensaje en la audiencia que consume dicha informaci贸n. Los hallazgos principales evidencian temas comunes cuyo contenido son t贸picos relacionados a noticias, derechos humanos e igualdad de g茅nero. La conceptualizaci贸n de los temas se construye a partir del consumo de informaci贸n en ambientes de tipo social, cultural y pol铆tico. Las ideolog铆as culturales se fundamentan en el an谩lisis cr铆tico del discurso tecnocultural sobre t贸picos abordados de manera recurrente. Se concluye que, la vinculaci贸n de im谩genes, textos y objetos en las conversaciones proporciona informaci贸n significativa del comportamiento de consumo de la subcultura homosexual. Con base a los resultados y hallazgos se propone un modelo que describe factores culturales de la subcultura homosexual y lo convierte en un esquema din谩mico que podr铆a adaptarse para analizar y graficar el flujo de conversaciones que conlleve a descubrir elementos culturales, con el prop贸sito de reaccionar de manera congruente con el entorno de las subculturas minoritarias.The present research proposal studies the Ecuadorian homosexual subculture with the objective of finding out how gender, consumer subculture, images, texts and objects in consumer culture are related. The research that is carried out is basically, descriptive and qualitative, using the netnographic method; adopt the social network Twitter as an instrument to gather conversations of user publications groups of activists of the Ecuadorian homosexual subculture. The result of the categorization and the classification of the conversations reveals how the information is constructed and what is the objective of the message in the audience that consume that information. The main findings show common themes whose content are topics related to news, human rights and gender equality. The conceptualization of the themes is constructed on the consumption of information in social, cultural and political environments. The cultural ideologies are based on the critical analysis of the techno-cultural discourse about topics addressed in a recurrent manner. It is concluded that, the linking of images, texts and objects in conversations provide significative information on the consumption behavior of the homosexual subculture. Based on the results and findings, a model that describes cultural factors of the homosexual subculture is proposed and the results in a dynamic scheme that can help analyze and graph the flow of conversations that leads to discover cultural elements, in order to react in a manner consistent with the environment of minority subcultures.Tesi