3 research outputs found

    Teaching Coloured Petri Nets - a Gentle Introduction to Formal Methods in a Distributed Systems Course

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    This paper is about the two compulsory project assignments set to the students in an undergraduate course on distributed systems. In the first assignment the students design and validate a non-trivial layered protocol by means of Coloured Petri Nets, and in the second they implement the designed protocol in an object-oriented language. From the two assignments the students experience that Coloured Petri Nets, as a formal method, are useful for designing and analysing distributed systems. In the course students are introduced to basic concepts and techniques for distributed systems, and it is explained that such systems are often too complex to manage without using formal methods. In this paper we also report on our experience with teaching the course and describe the didactic methods applied. Based on the obtained experience we conclude that the combination of distributed systems and Coloured Petri Nets is fruitful --- the two areas complement each other. Although our experiences origin in Coloured Petri Nets, we believe that many of our observations hold for other formal methods as well.Topics. Education issues related to nets; Coloured Petri Nets; distributed systems; experience with using nets,case studies; applications of nets to protocols

    Coloured Petri Nets - a Pragmatic Formal Method for Designing and Analysing Distributed Systems

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    The thesis consists of six individual papers, where the present paper contains the mandatory overview, while the remaining five papers are found separately from the overview. The five papers can roughly be divided into three areas of research, namely case studies, education, and extensions to the CPN method.The primary purpose of the PhD thesis is to study the pragmatics, practical aspects, and intuition of CP-nets viewed as a formal method for describing and reasoning about concurrent systems. The perspective of pragmatics is our leitmotif, but at the same time in the context of CP-nets it is a kind of hypothesis of this thesis. This overview paper summarises the research conducted as an investigation of the hypothesis in the three areas of case studies, education, and extensions.The provoking claim of pragmatics should not be underestimated. In the present overview of the thesis, the CPN method is compared with a representative selection of formal methods. The graphics and simplicity of semantics, yet generality and expressiveness of the language constructs, essentially makes CP-nets a viable and attractive alternative to other formal methods. Similar graphical formal methods, such as SDL and Statecharts, typically have significantly more complicated semantics, or are domain-specific languages.research conducted in this thesis, opens a new complex of problems. Firstly, to get wider acceptance of CP-nets in industry, it is important to identify fruitful areas for the effective introduction of the CPN method. Secondly, it would be useful to identify a few extensions to the CPN method inspired by specific domains for easier adaption in industry. Thirdly, which analysis methods do future systems make use of

    Task planning with uncertainty for robotic systems

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    In a practical robotic system, it is important to represent and plan sequences of operations and to be able to choose an efficient sequence from them for a specific task. During the generation and execution of task plans, different kinds of uncertainty may occur and erroneous states need to be handled to ensure the efficiency and reliability of the system. An approach to task representation, planning, and error recovery for robotic systems is demonstrated. Our approach to task planning is based on an AND/OR net representation, which is then mapped to a Petri net representation of all feasible geometric states and associated feasibility criteria for net transitions. Task decomposition of robotic assembly plans based on this representation is performed on the Petri net for robotic assembly tasks, and the inheritance of properties of liveness, safeness, and reversibility at all levels of decomposition are explored. This approach provides a framework for robust execution of tasks through the properties of traceability and viability. Uncertainty in robotic systems are modeled by local fuzzy variables, fuzzy marking variables, and global fuzzy variables which are incorporated in fuzzy Petri nets. Analysis of properties and reasoning about uncertainty are investigated using fuzzy reasoning structures built into the net. Two applications of fuzzy Petri nets, robot task sequence planning and sensor-based error recovery, are explored. In the first application, the search space for feasible and complete task sequences with correct precedence relationships is reduced via the use of global fuzzy variables in reasoning about subgoals. In the second application, sensory verification operations are modeled by mutually exclusive transitions to reason about local and global fuzzy variables on-line and automatically select a retry or an alternative error recovery sequence when errors occur. Task sequencing and task execution with error recovery capability for one and multiple soft components in robotic systems are investigated