1,134 research outputs found

    Left-invariant evolutions of wavelet transforms on the Similitude Group

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    Enhancement of multiple-scale elongated structures in noisy image data is relevant for many biomedical applications but commonly used PDE-based enhancement techniques often fail at crossings in an image. To get an overview of how an image is composed of local multiple-scale elongated structures we construct a multiple scale orientation score, which is a continuous wavelet transform on the similitude group, SIM(2). Our unitary transform maps the space of images onto a reproducing kernel space defined on SIM(2), allowing us to robustly relate Euclidean (and scaling) invariant operators on images to left-invariant operators on the corresponding continuous wavelet transform. Rather than often used wavelet (soft-)thresholding techniques, we employ the group structure in the wavelet domain to arrive at left-invariant evolutions and flows (diffusion), for contextual crossing preserving enhancement of multiple scale elongated structures in noisy images. We present experiments that display benefits of our work compared to recent PDE techniques acting directly on the images and to our previous work on left-invariant diffusions on orientation scores defined on Euclidean motion group.Comment: 40 page

    Vessel enhancing diffusion: a scale space representation of vessel

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    A method is proposed to enhance vascular structures within the framework of scale space theory. We combine a smooth vessel filter which is based on a geometrical analysis of the Hessian's eigensystem, with a non-linear anisotropic diffusion scheme. The amount and orientation of diffusion depend on the local vessel likeliness. Vessel enhancing diffusion (VED) is applied to patient and phantom data and compared to linear, regularized Perona-Malik, edge and coherence enhancing diffusion. The method performs better than most of the existing techniques in visualizing vessels with varying radii and in enhancing vessel appearance. A diameter study on phantom data shows that VED least affects the accuracy of diameter measurements. It is shown that using VED as a preprocessing step improves level set based segmentation of the cerebral vasculature, in particular segmentation of the smaller vessels of the vasculature

    Locally Adaptive Frames in the Roto-Translation Group and their Applications in Medical Imaging

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    Locally adaptive differential frames (gauge frames) are a well-known effective tool in image analysis, used in differential invariants and PDE-flows. However, at complex structures such as crossings or junctions, these frames are not well-defined. Therefore, we generalize the notion of gauge frames on images to gauge frames on data representations U:Rd⋊Sd−1→RU:\mathbb{R}^{d} \rtimes S^{d-1} \to \mathbb{R} defined on the extended space of positions and orientations, which we relate to data on the roto-translation group SE(d)SE(d), d=2,3d=2,3. This allows to define multiple frames per position, one per orientation. We compute these frames via exponential curve fits in the extended data representations in SE(d)SE(d). These curve fits minimize first or second order variational problems which are solved by spectral decomposition of, respectively, a structure tensor or Hessian of data on SE(d)SE(d). We include these gauge frames in differential invariants and crossing preserving PDE-flows acting on extended data representation UU and we show their advantage compared to the standard left-invariant frame on SE(d)SE(d). Applications include crossing-preserving filtering and improved segmentations of the vascular tree in retinal images, and new 3D extensions of coherence-enhancing diffusion via invertible orientation scores

    An Automated Liver Vasculature Segmentation from CT Scans for Hepatic Surgical Planning

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    Liver vasculature segmentation is a crucial step for liver surgical planning. Segmentation of liver vasculature is an important part of the 3D visualisation of the liver anatomy. The spatial relationship between vessels and other liver structures, like tumors and liver anatomic segments, helps in reducing the surgical treatment risks. However, liver vessels segmentation is a challenging task, that is due to low contrast with neighboring parenchyma, the complex anatomy, the very thin branches and very small vessels. This paper introduces a fully automated framework consist of four steps to segment the vessels inside the liver organ. Firstly, in the preprocessing step, a combination of two filtering techniques are used to extract and enhance vessels inside the liver region, first the vesselness filter is used to extract the vessels structure, and then the anisotropic coherence enhancing diffusion (CED) filter is used to enhance the intensity within the tubular vessels structure. This step is followed by a smart multiple thresholding to extract the initial vasculature segmentation. The liver vasculature structures, including hepatic veins connected to the inferior vena cava and the portal veins, are extracted. Finally, the inferior vena cava is segmented and excluded from the vessels segmentation, as it is not considered as part of the liver vasculature structure. The liver vessel segmentation method is validated on the publically available 3DIRCAD datasets. Dice coefficient (DSC) is used to evaluate the method, the average DSC score achieved a score 68.5%. The proposed approach succeeded to segment liver vasculature from the liver envelope accurately, which makes it as potential tool for clinical preoperative planning

    Computational methods to predict and enhance decision-making with biomedical data.

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    The proposed research applies machine learning techniques to healthcare applications. The core ideas were using intelligent techniques to find automatic methods to analyze healthcare applications. Different classification and feature extraction techniques on various clinical datasets are applied. The datasets include: brain MR images, breathing curves from vessels around tumor cells during in time, breathing curves extracted from patients with successful or rejected lung transplants, and lung cancer patients diagnosed in US from in 2004-2009 extracted from SEER database. The novel idea on brain MR images segmentation is to develop a multi-scale technique to segment blood vessel tissues from similar tissues in the brain. By analyzing the vascularization of the cancer tissue during time and the behavior of vessels (arteries and veins provided in time), a new feature extraction technique developed and classification techniques was used to rank the vascularization of each tumor type. Lung transplantation is a critical surgery for which predicting the acceptance or rejection of the transplant would be very important. A review of classification techniques on the SEER database was developed to analyze the survival rates of lung cancer patients, and the best feature vector that can be used to predict the most similar patients are analyzed

    A Review of Mathematical Models for the Formation of\ud Vascular Networks

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    Mainly two mechanisms are involved in the formation of blood vasculature: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. The former consists of the formation of a capillary-like network from either a dispersed or a monolayered population of endothelial cells, reproducible also in vitro by specific experimental assays. The latter consists of the sprouting of new vessels from an existing capillary or post-capillary venule. Similar phenomena are also involved in the formation of the lymphatic system through a process generally called lymphangiogenesis.\ud \ud A number of mathematical approaches have analysed these phenomena. This paper reviews the different modelling procedures, with a special emphasis on their ability to reproduce the biological system and to predict measured quantities which describe the overall processes. A comparison between the different methods is also made, highlighting their specific features

    Active contour model using fractional sinc wave function for medical image segmentation

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    Intensity inhomogeneity occurs when pixels in medical images overlap due to anomalies in medical imaging devices. These anomalies lead to difficult medical image segmentation. This study proposes a new active contour model (ACM) with fractional sinc function to inexpensively segment medical images with intensity inhomogeneity. The method integrates a nonlinear fractional sinc function in its curve evolution and edge enhancement. The fractional sinc function contributes in giving a rapid contour movement where it improves the curve’s bending capability. Furthermore, the fractional sinc function enables the contour evolution to move toward the object based on the preserved edges. This study uses the proposed method to segment medical images with intensity inhomogeneity using five various image modalities. With improved speed, the proposed method more accurately segments medical images compared with other baseline methods

    Vesselness via multiple scale orientation scores

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    The multi-scale Frangi vesselness filter is an established tool in (retinal) vascular imaging. However, it cannot cope with crossings or bifurcations, since it only looks for elongated structures. Therefore, we disentangle crossing structures in the image via (multiple scale) invertible orientation scores. The described vesselness filter via scale-orientation scores performs considerably better at enhancing vessels throughout crossings and bifurcations than the Frangi version. Both methods are evaluated on a public dataset. Performance is measured by comparing ground truth data to the segmentation results obtained by basic thresholding and morphological component analysis of the filtered images
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