17 research outputs found

    Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Bilinear Map

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    In attribute-based signatures, each signer receives a signing key from the authority, which is associated with the signer\u27s attribute, and using the signing key, the signer can issue a signature on any message under a predicate, if his attribute satisfies the predicate. One of the ultimate goals in this area is to support a wide class of predicates, such as the class of \emph{arbitrary circuits}, with \emph{practical efficiency} from \emph{a simple assumption}, since these three aspects determine the usefulness of the scheme. We present an attribute-based signature scheme which allows us to use an arbitrary circuit as the predicate with practical efficiency from the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption. We achieve this by combining the efficiency of Groth-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove algebraic equations efficiently, and the expressiveness of Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove any NP relation via circuit satisfiability

    How to Obtain Fully Structure-Preserving (Automorphic) Signatures from Structure-Preserving Ones

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    In this paper, we bridge the gap between structure-preserving signatures (SPSs) and fully structure-preserving signatures (FSPSs). In SPSs, all the messages, signatures, and verification keys consist only of group elements, while in FSPSs, even signing keys are required to be a collection of group elements. To achieve our goal, we introduce two new primitives called trapdoor signature and signature with auxiliary key, both of which can be derived from SPSs. By carefully combining both primitives, we obtain generic constructions of FSPSs from SPSs. Upon instantiating the above two primitives, we get many instantiations of FSPS with unilateral and bilateral message spaces. Different from previously proposed FSPSs, many of our instantiations also have the automorphic property, i.e., a signer can sign his own verification key. As by-product results, one of our instantiations has the shortest verification key size, signature size, and lowest verification cost among all previous constructions based on standard assumptions, and one of them is the first FSPS scheme in the type I bilinear groups

    Time-Specific Signatures

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    In Time-Specific Signatures (TSS) parameterized by an integer TNT\in\mathbb{N}, a signer with a secret-key associated with a numerical value t[0,T1]t\in[0,T-1] can anonymously, i.e., without revealing tt, sign a message under a numerical range [L,R][L,R] such that 0LtRT10\leq L \leq t\leq R\leq T-1. An application of TSS is anonymous questionnaire, where each user associated with a numerical value such as age, date, salary, geographical position (represented by longitude and latitude) and etc., can anonymously fill in a questionnaire in an efficient manner. In this paper, we propose two \textit{polylogarithmically} efficient TSS constructions based on asymmetric pairing with groups of prime order, which achieve different characteristics in efficiency. In the first one based on a forward-secure signatures scheme concretely obtained from a hierarchical identity-based signatures scheme proposed by Chutterjee and Sarker (IJACT\u2713), size of the master public-key, size of a secret-key and size of a signature are asymptotically O(logT)\mathcal{O}(\log T), and size of the master secret-key is O(1)\mathcal{O}(1). In the second one based on a wildcarded identity-based ring signatures scheme obtained as an instantiation of an attribute-based signatures scheme proposed by Sakai, Attrapadung and Hanaoka (PKC\u2716), the sizes are O(logT)\mathcal{O}(\log T), O(1)\mathcal{O}(1), O(log2T)\mathcal{O}(\log^2 T) and O(logT)\mathcal{O}(\log T), respectively

    Partially Structure-Preserving Signatures: Lower Bounds, Constructions and More

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    In this work we first provide a framework for defining a large subset of pairing-based digital signature schemes which we call Partially Structure-Preserving Signature (PSPS) schemes. PSPS schemes are similar in nature to structure-preserving signatures with the exception that in these schemes messages are scalars from Zpn\Z^n_p instead of being source group elements. This class encompasses various existing schemes which have a number of desirable features which makes them an ideal building block for many privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols. They include the widely-used schemes of Camenisch-Lysyanskaya (CRYPTO 2004) and Pointcheval-Sanders (CT-RSA 2016). We then provide various impossibility and lower bound results for variants of this class. Our results include bounds for the signature and verification key sizes as well as lower bounds for achieving strong unforgeability. We also give a generic framework for transforming variants of PSPS schemes into structure-preserving ones. As part of our contribution, we also give a number of optimal PSPS schemes which may be of independent interest. Our results aid in understanding the efficiency of pairing-based signature schemes and show a connection between this class of signature schemes and structure-preserving ones

    Lower Bounds on Structure-Preserving Signatures for Bilateral Messages

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    Lower bounds for structure-preserving signature (SPS) schemes based on non-interactive assumptions have only been established in the case of unilateral messages, i.e. schemes signing tuples of group elements all from the same source group. In this paper, we consider the case of bilateral messages, consisting of elements from both source groups. We show that, for Type-III bilinear groups, SPS’s must consist of at least 6 group elements: many more than the 4 elements needed in the unilateral case, and optimal, as it matches a known upper bound from the literature. We also obtain the first non-trivial lower bounds for SPS’s in Type-II groups: a minimum of 4 group elements, whereas constructions with 3 group elements are known from interactive assumptions

    Short Group Signatures via Structure-Preserving Signatures: Standard Model Security from Simple Assumptions

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    International audienceGroup signatures are a central cryptographic primitive which allows users to sign messages while hiding their identity within a crowd of group members. In the standard model (without the random oracle idealization), the most efficient constructions rely on the Groth-Sahai proof systems (Euro-crypt'08). The structure-preserving signatures of Abe et al. (Asiacrypt'12) make it possible to design group signatures based on well-established, constant-size number theoretic assumptions (a.k.a. " simple assumptions ") like the Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman or Decision Linear assumptions. While much more efficient than group signatures built on general assumptions, these constructions incur a significant overhead w.r.t. constructions secure in the idealized random oracle model. Indeed, the best known solution based on simple assumptions requires 2.8 kB per signature for currently recommended parameters. Reducing this size and presenting techniques for shorter signatures are thus natural questions. In this paper, our first contribution is to significantly reduce this overhead. Namely, we obtain the first fully anonymous group signatures based on simple assumptions with signatures shorter than 2 kB at the 128-bit security level. In dynamic (resp. static) groups, our signature length drops to 1.8 kB (resp. 1 kB). This improvement is enabled by two technical tools. As a result of independent interest, we first construct a new structure-preserving signature based on simple assumptions which shortens the best previous scheme by 25%. Our second tool is a new method for attaining anonymity in the strongest sense using a new CCA2-secure encryption scheme which is simultaneously a Groth-Sahai commitment

    Attribute-Based Signatures for Unbounded Languages from Standard Assumptions

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    Attribute-based signature (ABS) schemes are advanced signature schemes that simultaneously provide fine-grained authentication while protecting privacy of the signer. Previously known expressive ABS schemes support either the class of deterministic finite automata and circuits from standard assumptions or Turing machines from the existence of indistinguishability obfuscations. In this paper, we propose the first ABS scheme for a very general policy class, all deterministic Turin machines, from a standard assumption, namely, the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption. We also propose the first ABS scheme that allows nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) to be used as policies. Although the expressiveness of NFAs are more restricted than Turing machines, this is the first scheme that supports nondeterministic computations as policies. Our main idea lies in abstracting ABS constructions and presenting the concept of history of computations; this allows a signer to prove possession of a policy that accepts the string associated to a message in zero-knowledge while also hiding the policy, regardless of the computational model being used. With this abstraction in hand, we are able to construct ABS for Turing machines and NFAs using a surprisingly weak NIZK proof system. Essentially we only require a NIZK proof system for proving that a (normal) signature is valid. Such a NIZK proof system together with a base signature scheme are, in turn, possible from bilinear groups under the SXDH assumption, and hence so are our ABS schemes

    Compact Structure-preserving Signatures with Almost Tight Security

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    In structure-preserving cryptography, every building block shares the same bilinear groups. These groups must be generated for a specific, a prior fixed security level, and thus it is vital that the security reduction of all involved building blocks is as tight as possible. In this work, we present the first generic construction of structure-preserving signature schemes whose reduction cost is independent of the number of signing queries. Its chosen-message security is almost tightly reduced to the chosen-plaintext security of a structure-preserving public-key encryption scheme and the security of Groth-Sahai proof system. Technically, we adapt the adaptive partitioning technique by Hofheinz (Eurocrypt 2017) to the setting of structure-preserving signature schemes. To achieve a structure-preserving scheme, our new variant of the adaptive partitioning technique relies only on generic group operations in the scheme itself. Interestingly, however, we will use non-generic operations during our security analysis. Instantiated over asymmetric bilinear groups, the security of our concrete scheme is reduced to the external Diffie-Hellman assumption with linear reduction cost in the security parameter, independently of the number of signing queries. The signatures in our schemes consist of a larger number of group elements than those in other non-tight schemes, but can be verified faster, assuming their security reduction loss is compensated by increasing the security parameter to the next standard level

    More Efficient Structure-Preserving Signatures - Or: Bypassing the Type-III Lower Bounds

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    Structure-preserving signatures are an important cryptographic primitive that is useful for the design of modular cryptographic protocols. It has been proven that structure-preserving signatures (in the most efficient Type-III bilinear group setting) have a lower bound of 3 group elements in the signature (which must include elements from both source groups) and require at least 2 pairing-product equations for verification. In this paper, we show that such lower bounds can be circumvented. In particular, we define the notion of Unilateral Structure-Preserving Signatures on Diffie-Hellman pairs (USPSDH) which are structure-preserving signatures in the efficient Type-III bilinear group setting with the message space being the set of Diffie-Hellman pairs, in the terminology of Abe et al. (Crypto 2010). The signatures in these schemes are elements of one of the source groups, i.e. unilateral, whereas the verification key elements\u27 are from the other source group. We construct a number of new structure-preserving signature schemes which bypass the Type-III lower bounds and hence they are much more efficient than all existing structure-preserving signature schemes. We also prove optimality of our constructions by proving lower bounds and giving some impossibility results. Our contribution can be summarized as follows: \begin{itemize} \item We construct two optimal randomizable CMA-secure schemes with signatures consisting of only 2 group elements from the first short source group and therefore our signatures are at least half the size of the best existing structure-preserving scheme for unilateral messages in the (most efficient) Type-III setting. Verifying signatures in our schemes requires, besides checking the well-formedness of the message, the evaluation of a single Pairing-Product Equation (PPE) and requires a fewer pairing evaluations than all existing structure-preserving signature schemes in the Type-III setting. Our first scheme has a feature that permits controlled randomizability (combined unforgeability) where the signer can restrict some messages such that signatures on those cannot be re-randomized which might be useful for some applications. \item We construct optimal strongly unforgeable CMA-secure one-time schemes with signatures consisting of 1 group element, and which can also sign a vector of messages while maintaining the same signature size. \item We give a one-time strongly unforgeable CMA-secure structure-preserving scheme that signs unilateral messages, i.e. messages in one of the source groups, whose efficiency matches the best existing optimal one-time scheme in every respect. \item We investigate some lower bounds and prove some impossibility results regarding this variant of structure-preserving signatures. \item We give an optimal (with signatures consisting of 2 group elements and verification requiring 1 pairing-product equation) fully randomizable CMA-secure partially structure-preserving scheme that simultaneously signs a Diffie-Hellman pair and a vector in Zpk\Z^k_p. \item As an example application of one of our schemes, we obtain efficient instantiations of randomizable weakly blind signatures which do not rely on random oracles. The latter is a building block that is used, for instance, in constructing Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) protocols, which are protocols deployed in practice. \end{itemize} Our results offer value along two fronts: On the practical side, our constructions are more efficient than existing ones and thus could lead to more efficient instantiations of many cryptographic protocols. On the theoretical side, our results serve as a proof that many of the lower bounds for the Type-III setting can be circumvented

    Matrix computational assumptions in multilinear groups

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    We put forward a new family of computational assumptions, the Kernel Matrix Di e- Hellman Assumption. Given some matrix A sampled from some distribution D `;k , the kernel as- sumption says that it is hard to nd \in the exponentPreprin