12,322 research outputs found

    A Library for Pattern-based Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply

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    Pattern-based Representation (PBR) is a novel approach to improving the performance of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply (SMVM) numerical kernels. Motivated by our observation that many matrices can be divided into blocks that share a small number of distinct patterns, we generate custom multiplication kernels for frequently recurring block patterns. The resulting reduction in index overhead significantly reduces memory bandwidth requirements and improves performance. Unlike existing methods, PBR requires neither detection of dense blocks nor zero filling, making it particularly advantageous for matrices that lack dense nonzero concentrations. SMVM kernels for PBR can benefit from explicit prefetching and vectorization, and are amenable to parallelization. The analysis and format conversion to PBR is implemented as a library, making it suitable for applications that generate matrices dynamically at runtime. We present sequential and parallel performance results for PBR on two current multicore architectures, which show that PBR outperforms available alternatives for the matrices to which it is applicable, and that the analysis and conversion overhead is amortized in realistic application scenarios

    Pattern phase diagram for 2D arrays of coupled limit-cycle oscillators

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    Arrays of coupled limit-cycle oscillators represent a paradigmatic example for studying synchronization and pattern formation. They are also of direct relevance in the context of currently emerging experiments on nano- and optomechanical oscillator arrays. We find that the full dynamical equations for the phase dynamics of such an array go beyond previously studied Kuramoto-type equations. We analyze the evolution of the phase field in a two-dimensional array and obtain a "phase diagram" for the resulting stationary and non-stationary patterns. The possible observation in optomechanical arrays is discussed briefly

    Correlator expansion approach to stationary states of weakly coupled cavity arrays

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    We introduce a method for calculating the stationary state of a translation invariant array of weakly coupled cavities in the presence of dissipation and coherent as well as incoherent drives. Instead of computing the full density matrix our method directly calculates the correlation functions which are relevant for obtaining all local quantities of interest. It considers an expansion of the correlation functions and their equations of motion in powers of the photon tunneling rate between adjacent cavities, leading to an exact second order solution for any number of cavities. Our method provides a controllable approximation for weak tunneling rates applicable to the strongly correlated regime that is dominated by nonlinearities in the cavities and thus of high interest.Comment: contribution to J. Phys. B special issue celebrating Jaynes-Cummings physic

    Memristors for the Curious Outsiders

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    We present both an overview and a perspective of recent experimental advances and proposed new approaches to performing computation using memristors. A memristor is a 2-terminal passive component with a dynamic resistance depending on an internal parameter. We provide an brief historical introduction, as well as an overview over the physical mechanism that lead to memristive behavior. This review is meant to guide nonpractitioners in the field of memristive circuits and their connection to machine learning and neural computation.Comment: Perpective paper for MDPI Technologies; 43 page

    Phase--coherence Effects in Antidot Lattices: A Semiclassical Approach to Bulk Conductivity

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    We derive semiclassical expressions for the Kubo conductivity tensor. Within our approach the oscillatory parts of the diagonal and Hall conductivity are given as sums over contributions from classical periodic orbits in close relation to Gutzwiller's trace formula for the density of states. Taking into account the effects of weak disorder and temperature we reproduce recently observed anomalous phase coherence oscillations in the conductivity of large antidot arrays.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures available under request, RevTe

    Shaped extensions of singular spectrum analysis

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    Extensions of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) for processing of non-rectangular images and time series with gaps are considered. A circular version is suggested, which allows application of the method to the data given on a circle or on a cylinder, e.g. cylindrical projection of a 3D ellipsoid. The constructed Shaped SSA method with planar or circular topology is able to produce low-rank approximations for images of complex shapes. Together with Shaped SSA, a shaped version of the subspace-based ESPRIT method for frequency estimation is developed. Examples of 2D circular SSA and 2D Shaped ESPRIT are presented
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