238,423 research outputs found

    Hexatagging: Projective Dependency Parsing as Tagging

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    We introduce a novel dependency parser, the hexatagger, that constructs dependency trees by tagging the words in a sentence with elements from a finite set of possible tags. In contrast to many approaches to dependency parsing, our approach is fully parallelizable at training time, i.e., the structure-building actions needed to build a dependency parse can be predicted in parallel to each other. Additionally, exact decoding is linear in time and space complexity. Furthermore, we derive a probabilistic dependency parser that predicts hexatags using no more than a linear model with features from a pretrained language model, i.e., we forsake a bespoke architecture explicitly designed for the task. Despite the generality and simplicity of our approach, we achieve state-of-the-art performance of 96.4 LAS and 97.4 UAS on the Penn Treebank test set. Additionally, our parser's linear time complexity and parallelism significantly improve computational efficiency, with a roughly 10-times speed-up over previous state-of-the-art models during decoding.Comment: accepted at ACL 202

    Substituting Data Annotation with Balanced Updates and Collective Loss in Multi-label Text Classification

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    Multi-label text classification (MLTC) is the task of assigning multiple labels to a given text, and has a wide range of application domains. Most existing approaches require an enormous amount of annotated data to learn a classifier and/or a set of well-defined constraints on the label space structure, such as hierarchical relations which may be complicated to provide as the number of labels increases. In this paper, we study the MLTC problem in annotation-free and scarce-annotation settings in which the magnitude of available supervision signals is linear to the number of labels. Our method follows three steps, (1) mapping input text into a set of preliminary label likelihoods by natural language inference using a pre-trained language model, (2) calculating a signed label dependency graph by label descriptions, and (3) updating the preliminary label likelihoods with message passing along the label dependency graph, driven with a collective loss function that injects the information of expected label frequency and average multi-label cardinality of predictions. The experiments show that the proposed framework achieves effective performance under low supervision settings with almost imperceptible computational and memory overheads added to the usage of pre-trained language model outperforming its initial performance by 70\% in terms of example-based F1 score.Comment: Proc. Conf. Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs), 202

    Palm: Predicting Actions through Language Models @ Ego4D Long-Term Action Anticipation Challenge 2023

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    We present Palm, a solution to the Long-Term Action Anticipation (LTA) task utilizing vision-language and large language models. Given an input video with annotated action periods, the LTA task aims to predict possible future actions. We hypothesize that an optimal solution should capture the interdependency between past and future actions, and be able to infer future actions based on the structure and dependency encoded in the past actions. Large language models have demonstrated remarkable commonsense-based reasoning ability. Inspired by that, Palm chains an image captioning model and a large language model. It predicts future actions based on frame descriptions and action labels extracted from the input videos. Our method outperforms other participants in the EGO4D LTA challenge and achieves the best performance in terms of action prediction. Our code is available at https://github.com/DanDoge/Pal

    What Syntactic Structures block Dependencies in RNN Language Models?

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    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) trained on a language modeling task have been shown to acquire a number of non-local grammatical dependencies with some success. Here, we provide new evidence that RNN language models are sensitive to hierarchical syntactic structure by investigating the filler--gap dependency and constraints on it, known as syntactic islands. Previous work is inconclusive about whether RNNs learn to attenuate their expectations for gaps in island constructions in particular or in any sufficiently complex syntactic environment. This paper gives new evidence for the former by providing control studies that have been lacking so far. We demonstrate that two state-of-the-art RNN models are are able to maintain the filler--gap dependency through unbounded sentential embeddings and are also sensitive to the hierarchical relationship between the filler and the gap. Next, we demonstrate that the models are able to maintain possessive pronoun gender expectations through island constructions---this control case rules out the possibility that island constructions block all information flow in these networks. We also evaluate three untested islands constraints: coordination islands, left branch islands, and sentential subject islands. Models are able to learn left branch islands and learn coordination islands gradiently, but fail to learn sentential subject islands. Through these controls and new tests, we provide evidence that model behavior is due to finer-grained expectations than gross syntactic complexity, but also that the models are conspicuously un-humanlike in some of their performance characteristics.Comment: To Appear at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Montreal, Canada, July 201
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