254 research outputs found

    Star Structure Connectivity of Folded hypercubes and Augmented cubes

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    The connectivity is an important parameter to evaluate the robustness of a network. As a generalization, structure connectivity and substructure connectivity of graphs were proposed. For connected graphs GG and HH, the HH-structure connectivity Îș(G;H)\kappa(G; H) (resp. HH-substructure connectivity Îșs(G;H)\kappa^{s}(G; H)) of GG is the minimum cardinality of a set of subgraphs FF of GG that each is isomorphic to HH (resp. to a connected subgraph of HH) so that G−FG-F is disconnected or the singleton. As popular variants of hypercubes, the nn-dimensional folded hypercubes FQnFQ_{n} and augmented cubes AQnAQ_{n} are attractive interconnected network prototypes for multiple processor systems. In this paper, we obtain that Îș(FQn;K1,m)=Îșs(FQn;K1,m)=⌈n+12⌉\kappa(FQ_{n};K_{1,m})=\kappa^{s}(FQ_{n};K_{1,m})=\lceil\frac{n+1}{2}\rceil for 2â©œmâ©œn−12\leqslant m\leqslant n-1, nâ©Ÿ7n\geqslant 7, and Îș(AQn;K1,m)=Îșs(AQn;K1,m)=⌈n−12⌉\kappa(AQ_{n};K_{1,m})=\kappa^{s}(AQ_{n};K_{1,m})=\lceil\frac{n-1}{2}\rceil for 4â©œmâ©œ3n−1544\leqslant m\leqslant \frac{3n-15}{4}

    The star-structure connectivity and star-substructure connectivity of hypercubes and folded hypercubes

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    As a generalization of vertex connectivity, for connected graphs GG and TT, the TT-structure connectivity Îș(G,T)\kappa(G, T) (resp. TT-substructure connectivity Îșs(G,T)\kappa^{s}(G, T)) of GG is the minimum cardinality of a set of subgraphs FF of GG that each is isomorphic to TT (resp. to a connected subgraph of TT) so that G−FG-F is disconnected. For nn-dimensional hypercube QnQ_{n}, Lin et al. [6] showed Îș(Qn,K1,1)=Îșs(Qn,K1,1)=n−1\kappa(Q_{n},K_{1,1})=\kappa^{s}(Q_{n},K_{1,1})=n-1 and Îș(Qn,K1,r)=Îșs(Qn,K1,r)=⌈n2⌉\kappa(Q_{n},K_{1,r})=\kappa^{s}(Q_{n},K_{1,r})=\lceil\frac{n}{2}\rceil for 2≀r≀32\leq r\leq 3 and n≄3n\geq 3. Sabir et al. [11] obtained that Îș(Qn,K1,4)=Îșs(Qn,K1,4)=⌈n2⌉\kappa(Q_{n},K_{1,4})=\kappa^{s}(Q_{n},K_{1,4})=\lceil\frac{n}{2}\rceil for n≄6n\geq 6, and for nn-dimensional folded hypercube FQnFQ_{n}, Îș(FQn,K1,1)=Îșs(FQn,K1,1)=n\kappa(FQ_{n},K_{1,1})=\kappa^{s}(FQ_{n},K_{1,1})=n, Îș(FQn,K1,r)=Îșs(FQn,K1,r)=⌈n+12⌉\kappa(FQ_{n},K_{1,r})=\kappa^{s}(FQ_{n},K_{1,r})=\lceil\frac{n+1}{2}\rceil with 2≀r≀32\leq r\leq 3 and n≄7n\geq 7. They proposed an open problem of determining K1,rK_{1,r}-structure connectivity of QnQ_n and FQnFQ_n for general rr. In this paper, we obtain that for each integer r≄2r\geq 2, Îș(Qn;K1,r)=Îșs(Qn;K1,r)=⌈n2⌉\kappa(Q_{n};K_{1,r})=\kappa^{s}(Q_{n};K_{1,r})=\lceil\frac{n}{2}\rceil and Îș(FQn;K1,r)=Îșs(FQn;K1,r)=⌈n+12⌉\kappa(FQ_{n};K_{1,r})=\kappa^{s}(FQ_{n};K_{1,r})= \lceil\frac{n+1}{2}\rceil for all integers nn larger than rr in quare scale. For 4≀r≀64\leq r\leq 6, we separately confirm the above result holds for QnQ_n in the remaining cases

    Defect-induced fracture topologies in Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> ceramic-graphene nanocomposites

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    Models of ceramic-graphene nanocomposites are used to study how the manufacturing process-dependent arrangement of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) inclusions governs nano-crack network development. The work builds upon recent studies of such composites where a novel combinatorial approach was used to investigate the effect of rGO arrangements on electrical conductivity and porosity. This approach considers explicitly the discrete structure of the composite and represents it as a collection of entities of different dimensions - grains, grain boundaries, triple junctions, and quadruple points. Here, the combinatorial approach is developed further by considering the effects of rGO agglomerations, stress concentrators and adhesion energies on intergranular cracking. The results show that the fracture networks can be effectively controlled by the local ordering of rGO inclusions to allow for a concurrent increase in the strength and conductivity of the ceramic composites. It is shown that the ratio of local stress concentrators related to rGO inclusions and cracks is the most significant factor affecting the nano-crack network topology. The local spatial arrangement of rGO inclusions becomes an effective tool for controlling nano-crack network topology only when this ratio approaches one. It is anticipated that these results will inform future design of toughness-enhanced composites

    Sequence-structure relations of pseudoknot RNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The analysis of sequence-structure relations of RNA is based on a specific notion and folding of RNA structure. The notion of coarse grained structure employed here is that of canonical RNA pseudoknot contact-structures with at most two mutually crossing bonds (3-noncrossing). These structures are folded by a novel, <it>ab initio </it>prediction algorithm, cross, capable of searching all 3-noncrossing RNA structures. The algorithm outputs the minimum free energy structure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After giving some background on RNA pseudoknot structures and providing an outline of the folding algorithm being employed, we present in this paper various, statistical results on the mapping from RNA sequences into 3-noncrossing RNA pseudoknot structures. We study properties, like the fraction of pseudoknot structures, the dominant pseudoknot-shapes, neutral walks, neutral neighbors and local connectivity. We then put our results into context of molecular evolution of RNA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results imply that, in analogy to RNA secondary structures, 3-noncrossing pseudoknot RNA represents a molecular phenotype that is well suited for molecular and in particular neutral evolution. We can conclude that extended, percolating neutral networks of pseudoknot RNA exist.</p

    Self-assembly in polyoxometalate and metal coordination-based systems: synthetic approaches and developments

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    Utilizing new experimental approaches and gradual understanding of the underlying chemical processes has led to advances in the self-assembly of inorganic and metal–organic compounds at a very fast pace over the last decades. Exploitation of unveiled information originating from initial experimental observations has sparked the development of new families of compounds with unique structural characteristics and functionalities. The main source of inspiration for numerous research groups originated from the implementation of the design element along with the discovery of new chemical components which can self-assemble into complex structures with wide range of sizes, topologies and functionalities. Not only do self-assembled inorganic and metal–organic chemical systems belong to families of compounds with configurable structures, but also have a vast array of physical properties which reflect the chemical information stored in the various “modular” molecular subunits. The purpose of this short review article is not the exhaustive discussion of the broad field of inorganic and metal–organic chemical systems, but the discussion of some representative examples from each category which demonstrate the implementation of new synthetic approaches and design principles

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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    Subject index volumes 1–92

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    From surfaces to objects : Recognizing objects using surface information and object models.

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    This thesis describes research on recognizing partially obscured objects using surface information like Marr's 2D sketch ([MAR82]) and surface-based geometrical object models. The goal of the recognition process is to produce a fully instantiated object hypotheses, with either image evidence for each feature or explanations for their absence, in terms of self or external occlusion. The central point of the thesis is that using surface information should be an important part of the image understanding process. This is because surfaces are the features that directly link perception to the objects perceived (for normal "camera-like" sensing) and because surfaces make explicit information needed to understand and cope with some visual problems (e.g. obscured features). Further, because surfaces are both the data and model primitive, detailed recognition can be made both simpler and more complete. Recognition input is a surface image, which represents surface orientation and absolute depth. Segmentation criteria are proposed for forming surface patches with constant curvature character, based on surface shape discontinuities which become labeled segmentation- boundaries. Partially obscured object surfaces are reconstructed using stronger surface based constraints. Surfaces are grouped to form surface clusters, which are 3D identity-independent solids that often correspond to model primitives. These are used here as a context within which to select models and find all object features. True three-dimensional properties of image boundaries, surfaces and surface clusters are directly estimated using the surface data. Models are invoked using a network formulation, where individual nodes represent potential identities for image structures. The links between nodes are defined by generic and structural relationships. They define indirect evidence relationships for an identity. Direct evidence for the identities comes from the data properties. A plausibility computation is defined according to the constraints inherent in the evidence types. When a node acquires sufficient plausibility, the model is invoked for the corresponding image structure.Objects are primarily represented using a surface-based geometrical model. Assemblies are formed from subassemblies and surface primitives, which are defined using surface shape and boundaries. Variable affixments between assemblies allow flexibly connected objects. The initial object reference frame is estimated from model-data surface relationships, using correspondences suggested by invocation. With the reference frame, back-facing, tangential, partially self-obscured, totally self-obscured and fully visible image features are deduced. From these, the oriented model is used for finding evidence for missing visible model features. IT no evidence is found, the program attempts to find evidence to justify the features obscured by an unrelated object. Structured objects are constructed using a hierarchical synthesis process. Fully completed hypotheses are verified using both existence and identity constraints based on surface evidence. Each of these processes is defined by its computational constraints and are demonstrated on two test images. These test scenes are interesting because they contain partially and fully obscured object features, a variety of surface and solid types and flexibly connected objects. All modeled objects were fully identified and analyzed to the level represented in their models and were also acceptably spatially located. Portions of this work have been reported elsewhere ([FIS83], [FIS85a], [FIS85b], [FIS86]) by the author
