8 research outputs found

    CPS Transformation of Beta-Redexes

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    The extra compaction of the most compacting CPS transformation in existence, which is due to Sabry and Felleisen, is generally attributed to (1) making continuations occur first in CPS terms and (2) classifying more redexes as administrative. We show that this extra compaction is actually independent of the relative positions of values and continuations and furthermore that it is solely due to a context-sensitive transformation of beta-redexes. We stage the more compact CPS transformation into a first-order uncurrying phase and a context-insensitive CPS transformation. We also define a context-insensitive CPS transformation that provides the extra compaction. This CPS transformation operates in one pass and is dependently typed

    Type Checking Semantic Functions in ASDF

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    When writing semantic descriptions of programming languages, it is convenient to have tools for checking the descriptions. With frameworks that use inductively defined semantic functions to map programs to their denotations, we would like to check that the semantic functions result in denotations with certain properties. In this paper we present a type system for a modular style of the action semantic framework that, given signatures of all the semantic functions used in a semantic equation defining a semantic function, performs a soft type check on the action in the semantic equation. We introduce types for actions that describe different properties of the actions, like the type of data they expect and produce, whether they can fail or have side effects, etc. A type system for actions which uses these new action types is presented. Using the new action types in the signatures of semantic functions, the language describer can assert properties of semantic functions and have the assertions checked by an implementation of the type system. The type system has been implemented for use in connection with the recently developed formalism ASDF. The formalism supports writing language definitions by combining modules that describe single language constructs. This is possible due to the inherent modularity in ASDF. We show how we manage to preserve the modularity and still perform specialised type checks for each module

    Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces

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    This paper provides an effective uniform rate of metastability (in the sense of Tao) on the strong convergence of Halpern iterations of nonexpansive mappings in CAT(0) spaces. The extraction of this rate from an ineffective proof due to Saejung is an instance of the general proof mining program which uses tools from mathematical logic to uncover hidden computational content from proofs. This methodology is applied here for the first time to a proof that uses Banach limits and hence makes a substantial reference to the axiom of choice.Comment: some typos correcte

    Strongly uniform bounds from semi-constructive proofs

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    AbstractIn [U. Kohlenbach, Some logical metatheorems with applications in functional analysis, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005) 89–128], the second author obtained metatheorems for the extraction of effective (uniform) bounds from classical, prima facie non-constructive proofs in functional analysis. These metatheorems for the first time cover general classes of structures like arbitrary metric, hyperbolic, CAT(0) and normed linear spaces and guarantee the independence of the bounds from parameters ranging over metrically bounded (not necessarily compact!) spaces. Recently (in [P. Gerhardy, U. Kohlenbach, General logical metatheorems for functional analysis, 2005, p. 42 (submitted for publication)]), the authors obtained generalizations of these metatheorems which allow one to prove similar uniformities even for unbounded spaces as long as certain local boundedness conditions are satisfied. The use of classical logic imposes some severe restrictions on the formulas and proofs for which the extraction can be carried out. In this paper we consider similar metatheorems for semi-intuitionistic proofs, i.e. proofs in an intuitionistic setting enriched with certain non-constructive principles. Contrary to the classical case, there are practically no restrictions on the logical complexity of theorems for which bounds can be extracted. Again, our metatheorems guarantee very general uniformities, even in cases where the existence of uniform bounds is not obtainable by (ineffective) straightforward functional analytic means. Already in the purely intuitionistic case, where the existence of effective bounds is implicit, the metatheorems allow one to derive uniformities that may not be obvious at all from a given constructive proof. Finally, we illustrate our main metatheorem by an example from metric fixed point theory

    Strongly Uniform Bounds from Semi-Constructive Proofs

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    In [12], the second author obtained metatheorems for the extraction of effective (uniform) bounds from classical, prima facie nonconstructive proofs in functional analysis. These metatheorems for the first time cover general classes of structures like arbitrary metric, hyperbolic, CAT(0) and normed linear spaces and guarantee the independence of the bounds from parameters raging over metrically bounded (not necessarily compact!) spaces. The use of classical logic imposes some severe restrictions on the formulas and proofs for which the extraction can be carried out. In this paper we consider similar metatheorems for semi-intuitionistic proofs, i.e. proofs in an intuitionistic setting enriched with certain non-constructive principles. Contrary t

    Strongly Uniform Bounds from Semi-Constructive Proofs

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