360,831 research outputs found

    Six-dimensional D_N theory and four-dimensional SO-USp quivers

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    We realize four-dimensional N=2 superconformal quiver gauge theories with alternating SO and USp gauge groups as compactifications of the six-dimensional D_N theory with defects. The construction can be used to analyze infinitely strongly-coupled limits and S-dualities of such gauge theories, resulting in a new class of isolated four-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories with SO(2N)^3 flavor symmetry.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures; v2: published versio

    N=2 SU Quiver with USP Ends or SU Ends with Antisymmetric Matter

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    We consider the four dimensional scale invariant N=2 SU quiver gauge theories with USp(2N) ends or SU(2N) ends with antisymmetric matter representations. We argue that these theories are realized as six dimensional A_{2N-1} (0,2) theories compactified on spheres with punctures. With this realization, we can study various strongly coupled cusps in moduli space and find the S-dual theories. We find a class of isolated superconformal field theories with only odd dimensional operators D(ϕ)≥3D(\phi)\geq3 and superconformal field theories with only even dimensional operators D(ϕ)≥4D(\phi)\geq4.Comment: Minor changes are made; refrences are added; 21 pages, 18 figure

    A new look at instantons and large-N limit

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    We analyze instantons in the very strongly coupled large-NN limit (N→∞N\to\infty with g2g^2 fixed) of large-NN gauge theories, where the effect of the instantons remains finite. By using the exact partition function of four-dimensional N=2∗{\cal N}=2^* gauge theories as a concrete example, we demonstrate that each instanton sector in the very strongly coupled large-NN limit is related to the one in the 't Hooft limit (N→∞N\to\infty with g2Ng^2N fixed) through a simple analytic continuation. Furthermore we show the equivalence between the instanton partition functions of a pair of large-NN gauge theories related by an orbifold projection. This can open up a new way to analyze the partition functions of low/non-supersymmetric theories. We also discuss implication of our result to gauge/gravity dualities for M-theory as well as a possible application to large-NN QCD.Comment: 10 page

    Gauge theory duals of black hole - black string transitions of gravitational theories on a circle

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    We study the black hole - black string phase transitions of gravitational theories compactified on a circle using the holographic duality conjecture. The gauge theory duals of these theories are maximally supersymmetric and strongly coupled 1 + 1 dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theories compactified on a circle, in the large NN limit. We perform the strongly coupled finite temperature gauge theory calculations on a lattice, using the recently developed exact lattice supersymmetry methods based on topological twisting and orbifolding. The spatial Polyakov line serves as relevant order parameter of the confinement - deconfinement phase transitions in the gauge theory duals.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 2 figures. References added. Talk given at the 6th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS6), Lexington, Kentucky, 20-25 Jul 200

    Hall conductivity from dyonic black holes

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    A class of strongly interacting 2+1 dimensional conformal field theories in a transverse magnetic field can be studied using the AdS/CFT duality. We compute zero momentum hydrodynamic response functions of maximally supersymmetric 2+1 dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at the conformal fixed point, in the large N limit. With background magnetic field B and electric charge density rho, the Hall conductivity is found to be rho/B. The result, anticipated on kinematic grounds in field theory, is obtained from perturbations of a four dimensional AdS black hole with both electric and magnetic charges.Comment: 1+13 pages. TT correlator corrected. Typos corrected and added ref

    Strong-Weak Chern-Simons-Matter Dualities from a Lattice Construction

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    We provide a lattice demonstration of (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional field theory dualities relating free Dirac or Majorana fermions to strongly-interacting bosonic Chern-Simons-matter theories. Specifically, we prove the recent conjecture that U(N)U(N) level-1 with NfN_f gauged complex Wilson-Fisher scalars (where 1≤Nf≤N1\le N_f\le N) is dual to NfN_f Dirac fermions, as well as the analogous conjecture relating SO(N)SO(N) theories with real Wilson-Fisher scalars to Majorana fermions for 1≤Nf≤N−21\le N_f\le N-2. Furthermore, we discover new dualities that allow us to explain the interesting phase structure of the SO(N)SO(N) theories with N−1N-1 and NN scalars, for all N≥2N\ge 2.Comment: 35 pages. v2: updated a citation. v3: minor correctio

    Magnetic Z(N) symmetry in 2+1 dimensions

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    This review describes the role of magnetic symmetry in 2+1 dimensional gauge theories. In confining theories without matter fields in fundamental representation the magnetic symmetry is spontaneously broken. Under some mild assumptions, the low-energy dynamics is determined universally by this spontaneous breaking phenomenon. The degrees of freedom in the effective theory are magnetic vortices. Their role in confining dynamics is similar to that played by pions and sigma in the chiral symmetry breaking dynamics. I give an explicit derivation of the effective theory in (2+1)-dimensional weakly coupled confining models and argue that it remains qualitatively the same in strongly coupled (2+1)-dimensional gluodynamics. Confinement in this effective theory is a very simple classical statement about the long range interaction between topological solitons, which follows (as a result of a simple direct classical calculation) from the structure of the effective Lagrangian. I show that if fundamentally charged dynamical fields are present the magnetic symmetry becomes local rather than global. The modifications to the effective low energy description in the case of heavy dynamical fundamental matter are discussed. This effective lagrangian naturally yields a bag like description of baryonic excitations. I also discuss the fate of the magnetic symmetry in gauge theories with the Chern-Simons term

    Glueball masses in U(1) LGT using the multi-level algorithm

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    The multi-level algorithm allows, at least for pure gauge theories, reliable measurement of exponentially small expectation values. The implementation of the algorithm depends strongly on the observable one wants to measure. Here we report measurement of glueball masses using the multi-level algorithm in 4 dimensional compact U(1) theory as a case study.Comment: Lattice 2003 (algorithm) 3 pages, 3 figures and 2 table

    Ultraviolet avalanche in anisotropic non-Abelian plasmas

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    We present solutions of coupled particle-field evolution in classical U(1) and SU(2) gauge theories in real time on three-dimensional lattices. For strongly anisotropic particle momentum distributions, we find qualitatively different behavior for the two theories when the field strength is high enough that non-Abelian self-interactions matter for SU(2). It appears that the energy drained by a Weibel-like plasma instability from the particles does not build up exponentially in transverse magnetic fields but instead returns, isotropically, to the hard scale via a rapid avalanche into the ultraviolet.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures; v3: small textual changes; updated to correspond with version to appear in publicatio
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