41 research outputs found

    Strong- and weak-universal critical behaviour of a mixed-spin Ising model with triplet interactions on the Union Jack (centered square) lattice

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    The mixed spin-1/2 and spin-S Ising model on the Union Jack (centered square) lattice with four different three-spin (triplet) interactions and the uniaxial single-ion anisotropy is exactly solved by establishing a rigorous mapping equivalence with the corresponding zero-field (symmetric) eight-vertex model on a dual square lattice. A rigorous proof of the aforementioned exact mapping equivalence is provided by two independent approaches exploiting either a graph-theoretical or spin representation of the zero-field eight-vertex model. An influence of the interaction anisotropy as well as the uniaxial single-ion anisotropy on phase transitions and critical phenomena is examined in particular. It is shown that the considered model exhibits a strong-universal critical behaviour with constant critical exponents when considering the isotropic model with four equal triplet interactions or the anisotropic model with one triplet interaction differing from the other three. The anisotropic models with two different triplet interactions, which are pairwise equal to each other, contrarily exhibit a weak-universal critical behaviour with critical exponents continuously varying with a relative strength of the triplet interactions as well as the uniaxial single-ion anisotropy. It is evidenced that the variations of critical exponents of the mixed-spin Ising models with the integer-valued spins S differ basically from their counterparts with the half-odd-integer spins S.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, presented at SigmaPhi2017 conferenc

    New Trends in Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

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    A topical research activity in statistical physics concerns the study of complex and disordered systems. Generally, these systems are characterized by an elevated level of interconnection and interaction between the parts so that they give rise to a rich structure in the phase space that self-organizes under the control of internal non-linear dynamics. These emergent collective dynamics confer new behaviours to the whole system that are no longer the direct consequence of the properties of the single parts, but rather characterize the whole system as a new entity with its own features, giving rise to the birth of new phenomenologies. As is highlighted in this collection of papers, the methodologies of statistical physics have become very promising in understanding these new phenomena. This volume groups together 12 research works showing the use of typical tools developed within the framework of statistical mechanics, in non-linear kinetic and information geometry, to investigate emerging features in complex physical and physical-like systems. A topical research activity in statistical physics concerns the study of complex and disordered systems. Generally, these systems are characterized by an elevated level of interconnection and interaction between the parts so that they give rise to a rich structure in the phase space that self-organizes under the control of internal non-linear dynamics. These emergent collective dynamics confer new behaviours to the whole system that are no longer the direct consequence of the properties of the single parts, but rather characterize the whole system as a new entity with its own features, giving rise to the birth of new phenomenologies. As is highlighted in this collection of papers, the methodologies of statistical physics have become very promising in understanding these new phenomena. This volume groups together 12 research works showing the use of typical tools developed within the framework of statistical mechanics, in non-linear kinetic and information geometry, to investigate emerging features in complex physical and physical-like systems

    New systems for quantum nonlinear optics

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    Photons travelling through free space do not interact with each other. This characteristic makes them perfect candidates to carry quantum information over long distances. On the other hand, processing the information they encode requires interaction mechanisms. In recent years, there have been growing efforts to realize strong, controlled interactions between photons by making them interact with individual atoms, which are intrinsically nonlinear objects. This, and the efforts to understand the phenomena that can emerge, have spawned the new field of`"quantum nonlinear optics." A number of approaches have been pursued to attain near-deterministic atom-photon interactions, including the use of cavities (CQED), of atomic ensembles, and more recently of dielectric nanostructures able to confine light without defocusing, thus enabling the interaction with atoms trapped in the proximity of the structures. While for the CQED case powerful theoretical tools have been developed to treat the interactions of photons, in the case of atomic ensembles, either in free space or coupled to nanophotonic structures, there is a general lack of theoretical methods beyond the linear regime. This relative lack of understanding also implies that there could be rich new physical phenomena that have thus far not been identified. The overall goal of this thesis is to explore these themes in greater detail. In Chapter 2 of this thesis we develop a new formalism to calculate the properties of quantum light when interfaced with atomic ensembles. The method consists of using a "spin model" that maps a quasi one-dimensional (1D) light propagation problem to the dynamics of an open 1D interacting spin system, where all of the photon correlations are obtained from those of the spins. The spin dynamics can be numerically solved using the toolbox of matrix product states (MPS), thus providing a technique to study strongly interacting photons in the true many-body limit. In Chapter 3 we investigate the possibility of creating exotic phases of matter using the recently realized photonic crystal waveguide (PCW)-atoms interface. In particular, we examine the consequences that arise from the strong interatomic forces mediated by the exchange of band gap photons, whose strengths also depend strongly on the internal atomic states (¿spins¿). Taking one realistic model, we show that "quantum crystallization" can occur, in which the emergent spatial orders of atoms depend intricately on the spin correlations. In Chapter 4 we investigate the possibility of implementing second-order nonlinear quantum optical processes with graphene nanostructures, as a more robust alternative to the use of atomic systems. We quantify the second-order nonlinear properties, showing that the tight confinement of surface plasmons (SP) in graphene gives rise to extraordinary interaction strengths at the single-photon level. Finally, we predict that opportunely engineered arrays of graphene nanostructures can provide a second harmonic generation efficiency comparable with that of state-of-the-art nonlinear crystals, with the high Ohmic losses of graphene serving as the fundamental limitation for deterministic processes. In Chapter 5 we investigate a new paradigm for quantum memories of light based upon ordered atomic arrays. In particular, we show that the strong constructive interference in optical emission can give rise to a significantly enhanced atom-light interface, as compared to a standard, disordered atomic ensemble. In the case of a single, 2D atomic layer, we find the impressive result that a memory realized with 16 atoms can have the same storage efficiency as an atomic ensemble with optical depth larger than 100.Los fotones que viajan por el espacio libre no interactúan entre sí. Esta característica los hace perfectos candidatos para transportar la información cuántica a largas distancias. Por otro lado, el procesamiento de la información que codifican requiere mecanismos de interacción. En los últimos años se han realizado esfuerzos crecientes para realizar interacciones fuertes y controladas entre los fotones y para comprender las leyes subyacentes que describen los fenómenos que pueden surgir, generando así el nuevo campo de la "óptica cuántica no lineal". Mientras que los materiales tridimensionales tienen coeficientes no lineales extremadamente débiles, se pueden obtener interacciones entre los fotones haciéndolos interactuar con átomos individuales, que son objetos intrínsecamente no lineales, teniendo la capacidad de absorber únicamente un solo fotón a la vez. La realización de interacciones determinísticas entre fotones y átomos es uno de los principales retos de la óptica cuántica no lineal. Para eludir las limitaciones debidas a la pequeña sección eficaz óptica de los átomos y el límite de difracción en el espacio libre, se han aplicado diferentes estrategias, entre ellas el uso de cavidades (CQED), de colectividades atómicas y, más recientemente, de nanoestructuras dieléctricas capaces de confinar la luz sin desenfocarse, permitiendo así la interacción con átomos atrapados en la proximidad de esas estructuras. Mientras que para el caso de la CQED se han desarrollado potentes herramientas teóricas para tratar las interacciones de los fotones, en el caso de colectividades atómicas hay una falta general de métodos teóricos más allá del régimen lineal. Esta relativa falta de comprensión también implica que podría haber nuevos fenómenos físicos interesantes que hasta ahora no se han identificado. El objetivo general de esta tesis es explorar estos temas con mayor detalle. En el capítulo 2 de esta tesis desarrollamos un nuevo formalismo para calcular las propiedades de la luz cuántica cuando interactúa con sistemas atómicos. El método consiste en utilizar un"`modelo de espines" que mapea un problema de propagación de luz cuasi unidimensional (1D) a la dinámica de un sistema abierto unidimensional de espines que interactúan entre sí, donde todas las correlaciones de fotones se obtienen a partir de las de los espines. La dinámica de los espines se puede resolver numéricamente utilizando la caja de herramientas de los estados producto de matrices (MPS), proporcionando así una técnica para estudiar los fotones que interactúan fuertemente en el regimen de la física de muchos cuerpos. En el capítulo 3 se investiga la posibilidad de crear fases exóticas de la materia utilizando la interfaz entre guía de ondas de cristales fotónicos (PCW) y átomos recientemente realizada experimentalmente, donde los modos de la banda de frecuencias prohibidas de la PCW se utilizan para mediar las interacciones de largo alcance entre los átomos. Encontramos un rico diagrama de fases de órdenes emergentes. En el capítulo 4 se investiga la posibilidad de implementar procesos ópticos cuánticos no lineales de segundo orden con nano-estructuras de grafeno, como una alternativa más robusta al uso de sistemas atómicos. Cuantificamos las propiedades no lineales de segundo orden, mostrando que el estrecho confinamiento da lugar a extraordinarias fuerzas de interacción a nivel de un solo fotón y predecimos que un diseño apropiado de las nano-estructuras del grafeno permitiría generar el segundo armónico con una eficiencia comparable a la de los cristales no lineales de última generación. En el capítulo 5, investigamos cómo la emisión cooperativa en memorias cuánticas realizadas con reticulos atómicos afecta su eficiencia, encontrando el impresionante resultado de que una memoria realizada con 16 átomos puede tener la misma eficiencia que un gas cuántico atómico de profundidad óptica mayor que 100.Postprint (published version

    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022

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    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022 is a creative-commons ebook that provides a unique 360 degrees overview of quantum technologies from science and technology to geopolitical and societal issues. It covers quantum physics history, quantum physics 101, gate-based quantum computing, quantum computing engineering (including quantum error corrections and quantum computing energetics), quantum computing hardware (all qubit types, including quantum annealing and quantum simulation paradigms, history, science, research, implementation and vendors), quantum enabling technologies (cryogenics, control electronics, photonics, components fabs, raw materials), quantum computing algorithms, software development tools and use cases, unconventional computing (potential alternatives to quantum and classical computing), quantum telecommunications and cryptography, quantum sensing, quantum technologies around the world, quantum technologies societal impact and even quantum fake sciences. The main audience are computer science engineers, developers and IT specialists as well as quantum scientists and students who want to acquire a global view of how quantum technologies work, and particularly quantum computing. This version is an extensive update to the 2021 edition published in October 2021.Comment: 1132 pages, 920 figures, Letter forma

    Particle Physics Reference Library

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    This third open access volume of the handbook series deals with accelerator physics, design, technology and operations, as well as with beam optics, dynamics and diagnostics. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the “Particle Physics Reference Library” provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-known Landolt-Boernstein series on particle physics, accelerators and detectors (volumes 21A,B1,B2,C), which took stock of the field approximately one decade ago. Central to this new initiative is publication under full open acces

    1994 Activity Report, National Synchrotron Light Source. Annual report, October 1, 1993-September 30, 1994

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